
Thursday, July 29, 2021

.. Hanno Raudsepp: .. ".. in the year of 1999.. before the movie.. 'Girl, Interrupted', starring Winona Ryder and Angelina Jolie.. came out in the month of January in the year 2000.. in the very first month of that year.. in the very first month of that year.. of the year 2000.. before that.. in the year of 1999.. I would read about people writing about their personal experience of having.. Borderline-personality Disorder.. one young girl wrote.. that she hoped that this movie addressed how scary this condition really was... it may have been the same young girl.. I'm not sure.. I can't remember.. who wrote.. that it's like.. you can't tell the difference between yourself on the inside and your world on the outside.. like-.. the membrane between yourself.. and your outside world.. the boundary between yourself and the outside world.. no longer.. exists.. with Borderline-personality disorder.. I read that from a young girl.. a young woman.. describing her experience of having Borderline-personality disorder.. on the internet.. on the internet... in the year 1999.. I read this.. on the internet.. and.. maybe.. many years later.. a decade later.. when I wrote about.. Giganta Doris Zeul not feeling the membrane that seperated herself from the outside world.. that their was a blank, white opacity that was all.. that was everything that was her and the outside world.. that her and the outside world all their was to the division or lack thereof between herself Doris Zeul and the outside world was a white, blank opacity.. when I wrote all that about Giganta Doris Zeul.. I must have had those internet posts I read by young girls or young women describing their Borderline-personality disorder... on the internet.. I had what these young people young girls.. young women.. wrote about their Borderline-personality disorder.. in mind.. in mind.. when I wrote all this.. about Giganta.. about Doris Zeul.. inspired apocalyptically and overwhelming by the infinite triumph of Gail Simone's writing of Doris Zeul in 'The All-New Atom'.. and by the powerful art by artist John Byrne his drawings of Doris Zeul in 'All-New Atom issue #3'.. and the unbelievably realistic drawings of Doris Zeul in issue #4.. of 'All-New Atom'.. I'm sorry.. I really, really want to know the name of the artist of Doris Zeul of issue #4 of 'All-New Atom'.. and this is one name.. I don't know.. and I really want to know the name of this artist.. and I feel.. I should.. ".. $3.. stochastic disturbance terms.. paul dini / joe benitez poison ivy pamela isley kate moss.. stochastic disturbance terms.. $3...

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