
Monday, July 1, 2024

.. Hela (Angelina Jolie): ..".. My thoughts and emotions are like a puzzle of infinite breadth.. and they all lead to me being.. sob sob sob.. the Female Rusty.. for I am the daughter of Loki (Ralph Fiennes).. and there is justice in my soul.. justice for a twenty-year old horrifically, satanically sexually tortured young man.. and I must be this man... as a woman.. as a goddess.. as Hela.. I must be this man but as a woman.. and I am.. it's over.. done.. I did it.. I've been the Female Rusty for a long, long time now.. it is the dictate of Asgard and Valhalla that this be so.. I am a very, very strong actress.. and I did something so intricate and precise and labyrinthine with my bare legs to transform myself by that action with my bare legs alone to transform myself therewith into the Female Rusty.. my face.. I have practice that my face all my life.. I wove my face like weaving a tapestry that was my face the face of the Female Rusty.. for I am.. Hela the Rusty..".. .. .. .. $3.. stochastic disturbance terms.. issue #823 paul dini / joe benitez poison ivy pamela isley 3-year old kate moss priscilla rich 3-year old megan d. iseult 3-year old rachel summers 9-year old megan d. iseult 9-year old angelica jones.. stochastic disturbance terms.. $3..

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