
Saturday, May 2, 2015

Avengers age of ultron screenplay by hanno raudsepp and joss whedon

Loki: There is a war between the light and the dark. I feel tragic for the light. I am the tragedy of the light.. or the dark.. I'm not sure. My brother, my dear brother, what ever will happen to him. His future is a blinding sun. I can only feel a blind stomach- shared between us. The rays of the blinding sun scintillate against his hammer. Thorrrr! Aryan light. The Norse, the demonized north. The good north. Do the Avengers trajectory lie- northward?

Ext. The gravelly-ground exterior of a Russian compound. The Avengers appear.

Captain America: What is a Russian rebel nowadays.

Iron Man: Good question. I always believed I was Raskolnikov. Before I became Svigardlov.

Black Widow's eyes glint sullenly in blackened recognition of something.

Thor: Raskolnikov. A Russian hero?

Iron Man: The only Russian hero.

Black Widow: - hesitates - I think.. I met him.

Iron Man: When was this?

Black Widow: Before my silent screen career. In Berlin, I think it was. I can't remember. My past before I became an assassin is blurry.

Iron Man: And then you became an assassin for the Avengers. Which is why we're all here.

Black Widow: Two blue fluorescent shades of blur.

Thor: The Russian rebels. They work for Russia? And are trying to topple the government of the Ukraine. I always feel I should understand politics more. Politics. My mind is always hazy with politics. They were always more Loki's foray than mine.

Black Widow: - suddenly alert – Loki... how is he?

Thor: Still...under the shadow of darkness.

Black Widow: I know that feeling. All too well. All too long.

Thor: So do I. So do I.

Iron Man: We're all death merchants now. Now that we've started the Avengers.

Captain America: I come from the land of Fargo. My real name is Steve Buscemi.

Black Widow: - spontaneously crying, gushing forth tears - My real name is William H. Macy. I'm Jerry Lundergarten. If I'm pronouncing it right.

Captain America: He was trying to rescue some kids, right? That's why they captured him at the end.

Iron man: - pause – You know the secrets of the Illuminatti, don't you.

Captain America: I come from an Ice age. I see all the ice fractals, all the white noice, between the text pixels of the screen.

Thor: I- I tried to rescue some kids once. I failed. My hammer could not save them. I could not call forth lightning to save them. Never again. What- what did I just say. - pause – What did I just say. - pause – I said words of death. Loki's death- oh, no, my poor brother.

Iron man: - uncertain what to say - Why did he want the tesseract anyway. The invasion, it was a fake-out. They failed on purpose. I'm not a genius but I could figure it out.

Captain America: They did? I thought it was hell fighting them. I guess you're the one who reads the text of battle logistics.

Iron Man: I've read “The Collapse of the Third Republic”, by William Shirer, over and over again.

Black Widow: Poor old Blum.

Iron Man: Did you know him too?

Black Widow: I was Mata Hari once. I was an exotic dancer in France. I had a friend I worked and played with who- she called herself Rachel. His Rachel.

Thor: Rachel. A historic name.

Captain America: I'm going in. My destiny awaits.

Iron Man: It does?

Captain America: I'm having a premonition of battle logistics of my own.

Captain America rushes into the column. He uses the shield to destroy the entrance iron door, like a Jedi.

Iron Man: Great. Now we're all committed.

All the Avengers enter the compound. Captain America looks through the column with restrained, enhancing franticness. He feels an accelerative doom around himself, and he feels as if he's racing with it. He rushes from room to room, ignoring his teammates.

Captain America: Where is it.

Iron Man: Is he ferreting out Russian rebels. To see if they're recruiting.

Thor: His mind waxes desperate with imagination.

Iron Man: Something is rotten in the state of the Avengers.

Black Widow is crawling toward a corner, as if seeking shelter from it.

Black Widow: - softly – I wish Hawkeye was here.

Thor: I miss Bruce.

Black Widow: - with halting tears – He was never going to stay. He never forgave himself for trying to.. for trying to...

Iron Man: For trying to kill Loki when he was the Hulk. I know what it's like to be responsible for weapons of mass destruction. But to be a weapon of mass destruction. I just don't- I just don't-

Thor: The Hulk.. was not.. himself.. Something was.. way off.. Not himself.. In a way in which I am not myself. Bruce always said he was a coward, like I myself.

Iron Man: The Hulk is and isn't Bruce Banner.

Thor: But something- something.. a.. a phase-shift.. Bruce Banner himself seemed like two people.. and not even one.. There was a missing person somewhere... a missing pi number.. an irrational noun.. a man.. an irrational man.. of erratic ways... haunted by the planetary destruction of the spectre of communism..

Iron Man: That's the Hulk?

Thor: I believe.. I believe.. in this compound.. we are looking for another Hulk.. a friend.. a friend in great.. dire need..

Black Widow: It's me you mean. The person you're looking for.

Thor: You?

Black Widow: Please don't say that.

Thor: What.

Black Widow: You.

Thor: I'm sorry.

Black Widow: - crying – i'ts okay, it's okay..

Captain America enters a room. He starts typing at a keyboard, which brings up video footage. He knows exactly what he's looking for. Black and white video footage, WWII footage, difficult to discern footage starts showing on the screen. A battle, a lone, grey figure in the middle. Captain America focuses the screen on the figure. The figure is dressed in a Captain America costume, but it is not the Steve Rogers we know, a different man.

Captain America: He's me. I know him.

The figure on the screen has a haunted, look. A lean and hungry look. He thinks too much. He is dangerous.

Captain America: Who is he? Who is he?

A reddish hologram in the corner suddenly illuminates itself. The other Avengers start entering the room. The hologram becomes more defined. It is a Captain America hologram, only in a different costume. The USAgent costume.

Iron Man: Are you okay, Cap?

Captain America: I'm not Cap. Who's Cap. Who's that?

Captain America walks up to the USAgent hologram. A shot holds him in a state of apparent, black, complete isolation from the rest of the team. His mind is alone. Alone with the hologram figure. His hand reaches out to it.

Captain America: Hello, stranger. Long time no see.

The eyes of the USAgent flare up. Sparks start flying out of the hologram's costume. Then a machine gun materializes in the costume's hand.

Iron Man: Uh, that's a gun.

Black Widow: My kind of guy.

USAgent suddenly starts strafing the room with machine gun fire. The Avengers duck for cover:

Iron Man: Uh, that's a gun.

Thor: Let's get out of here. - concerned – Where's Black Widow.

Iron Man: She's history. I mean, where is she. Boy, she got out fast.

Thor: Wait for us.

Ext. Of the compound. Black Widow is already running out on the gravelly ground.

Black Widow: Ooh, ooh, that's harsh gravel. I'll bring shoes next time.

Suddenly, a multitude of USAgent holograms show up around the compound, an army.

Black Widow: Uh, hi guys. Feel like rescuing me.

Hologram: No. - The hologram throws a grenade at her.

Black Widow: Ahh, no! You're not supposed to do that. Whose side are you on anyway.

Hologram: Ultron's.

Black Widow: I doubt he'd approve.

The grenade blows up in front of Black Widow. She's entirely encapsulated by the explosion. The smoke dissipates. She emerges unscathed.

Loki's voice: It was a Loki illusion.

Hologram: This is not part of the program.

Black Widow: Oboy, one second. - She picks up a grenade, runs to the compound, throws it against the wall above the entrance. The wall crumbles down and the rubbles covers the open entranceway completely. - Sorry, pals. I know there was an army of USAgents collecting themselves on the inside. I can only take on so many of them. I guess we're going to have to start recruiting again. Oh, well, I make friends easily. - Black Widow engages in elaborate gymastics to evade the USAgent holograms and their grenades and machine gun fire. She makes it finally out of the compound surround area into a van and makes her escape as an avalanche starts consuming the whole compound area.

Iron Man: Where's your hammer.

Thor: I think Black Widow took it.

Iron Man: Well, I hope it helps her escape. I wish I'd built laser ammunition into this Mark model. I'm not sure how we're going to get out.

Captain America: The entranceway. Oboy, did Black Widow do this. I expected as much. Typical.

Thor: She has her reasons.

Iron Man: We knew what we were in for when we recruited an assassin for the Avengers. - pause – What's happening to the floor.

Captain America: It seems to be escaping.

Iron Man: Wise of it. I wish we had the same intellig- I can't do this. Why does Black Widow pull this shit.

Thor: Hawkeye has one of those explosion-device arrows, doesn't he. It would be useful against the blockading rubble.

Captain America: He had his reasons for robbing a bank. But I don't know why he was suspended from the team, our most valuable member. Next to Black Widow.

Iron Man: Why do we talk so much anyway while we face imminent death.

Captain America: To pass the time.

Thor laughs.

Iron Man: I guess this is it, guys. We're going to die.

Captain America: Looks like it. Wait, what the hell are we talking about. Let's get out of here.

An army of USAgent holograms starts pouring into the room. All with machine guns and grenades.

Thor: Black Widow was wise to leave.

Iron Man: Wait. You can call forth lightning- some variation of it- with my Iron Man technology, can't you. As a substitute for the hammer.

Thor: I'll try. ODIIIIINNN!

Iron Man: Oboy, I suddenly feel so Vulcan. - he passes out. Sheet lightning fills the room, explosions go off, severely wounding the remaining team. A thunder-clap happens. The Rubble blows away. The entranceway is open again. But the Avengers are lying dormant. Suddenly Loki materializes.

Loki: Apologies for my lack of punctuality.

Loki uses telikenesis to transport a van to the entranceway. He utters a silent but deafening sound.


The Avengers suddenly regain consciousness. Loki is gone.

Iron Man: What happened.

Thor: Serendipity.

They exit the compound, dragging themselves along, barely alive.

Captain America: We're'd the van come from. I'm driving. I have a healing factor.

They get in the van. They drive off and the ground is still crumbling around them.

Iron Man: Another day in the life of the Avengers. Ahh, my back. My back.

Bruce Banner / Baltar: Where am I? In Mordor. It is never going to end. The spectre is unending. Infinite. Infinite terrors. Infinite horrors. A planet of horror. A planet brought to horror. By yours truly.

Edward James Olmos: The political Mordor powers which are calling for your death are coming from some .. I don't know.. the darkest blackest Stygian regions of outer space.

Bruce Baltar: It is a region I know well.

Edward James Olmos: You were our planet's most esteemed scientist. How has it come to this?

Bruce Baltar: Because I was your planet's most esteemed scientist. - pause – Einstein. Bohr. Heisenborg. Oppenheimer. Responsible for great horrors. At least in their own imaginations.

Edward James Olmos: Who are they? I've heard you mention them frequently. But I've never....

Bruce Baltar Banner: they are from neverwhere... from nowhereland... from T.S. Eliot's wasteland... imaginations of straw...

Edward James Olmos: Is it just.. going to be like this.. just... over..

Bruce Baltar: .. maybe.. someday..

Edward James Olmos: ... someday... I have authority. I am a man of authority. I can.. arrange something. Wait for.. some people.. I know.. I know.. you have a force in you.. which you've been repressing.. I think.. these people.. they have.. monstrous healing powers... they can .. finally elicit this force..

Bruce Baltar Banner: ... no ... never...

Edward James Olmos: Never say never.

Black Widow enters the Avengers headquarters main room.

Black Widow: Hi, anyone home? Oh, sorry, I forgot. - pause - oookay, time to start recruiting. No time like the present.

Jarvis: Someone's at the door.

Black Widow: Already? I haven't even- I guess I'm telepathic.

Jarvis: I'll let her in.

Black Widow: You do that.

The Wasp wanders, somewhat frazzled and delirious, in at the behest of Jarvis.

Black Widow: Hello, waif from Pygmilian. Howdeedo.

Wasp: I'm.. I'm looking for my husband.

Black Widow: - pause - Are you sure you're at the right place.

Wasp: For looking for a husband.

Black Widow: I'm sure you're not at the right place. Yesterday would have been better.

Wasp: It would've... oh no... oh no..

Black Widow: There.. there... easy there..

Wasp: .. it's just like my husband.. when he went to prison..

Black Widow: - with sudden, uncharacteristic compassion - .. prison?... I'm sorry.. What's his name.. maybe I can help..

Wasp: Hank. Hank Pym.

Black Widow: - contouring the name in a charmingly odious manner – Pym?

Wasp: Yes.. we were ... he said.. prison was his natural home.. ever since his wife .. had been displaced.. he said he never believed she had died..

Black Widow: I don't think I believe so either. I would know.

Wasp: You would?

Black Widow: Yes. Okay, on to business before pleasure. Your name?

Wasp: What? Oh, Wasp.

Black Widow: You're an official member of the Avengers. We'll both rotate as leader. It's okay, there are only two of us so far.

Wasp: Is two of us enough to find Hank.

Black Widow: First things first. Wasp is your secret identity, right? What's your superhero name.

Wasp: Oh, Van dyne. Janet, I mean.

Black Widow: Vanderful. Ve vill find your husband.

Wasp: I'm so glad. - sniffs silently – I'm so glad.

Jarvis: Hedda?

Black Widow: Yes, Jarvis?

Jarvis: Nick Fury wants an update.

Black Widow: There's not much to tell at this point.

Jarvis: He said you met Ultron.

Black Widow: Ultron?

Jarvis: He said American senators and cabinet members are panicking. The Cold War arms race has reached a quantum hell of status and the media hasn't even reported on it. No one knows the Cold War is back at full tilt.

Black Widow: And what does this have to do with me?

Jarvis: What? I don't understand. Your mission was to find out about the Ultron project.

Black Widow: And of course I'm the last to know these things.

Wasp: .. am I.. am I supposed to know this..

Jarvis: How is she doing? I'm sorry, I'll adress you personally. I was just concerned about you. You looked anxious.

Black Widow: She should be. She's our new leader.

Wasp: I am? I mean, wow. Okay. Okay. I can do this. What's the name of the team again.

Black Widow: .. ah... ah.. I'm drawing a blank.. I wonder why...

Jarvis: The Avengers.

Black Widow: Ah, Jarvis, we'd be lost without you.

Wasp: The Avengers? Can we change the name.

Black Widow: We can't sorry, sorry. It's too late. We've got shit to avenge.

Wasp: I'm not sure... I might be underqualified...

Black Widow: Don't do that. Don't do that. Look at me. We're all in this together now. All two of us.

Jarvis: What do I tell Nick Fury.

Black Widow: Tell him the Avengers are back and here to stay.

Jarvis: - pause – I'll try to make something up.

Wasp: You do that.

Black Widow: Okay, so, are you qualified for this position.

Wasp: I think I'm overqualified. Okay, maps, maps, maps. Let's get vidual. How about we advertise our international status with colourphoto overlays of maps for Avengers ads.

Black Widow: Genius, absolute genius.

Wasp: I know. Each map is a character.. wait.. character.. chinese characters.. china is in.. it's never been out... let's use chinese characters as the connections between map coordinates on our multicultural, multinational posters.

Black Widow: Post no bills?

Wasp: We'll post lots of bills. Counterfiet express. Money, money, money..

The song, “Let's make lots of money” starts quietly, with increasing volume, playing in the background.

Black Widow: I'm glad I recruited you. We never did any of this before.

Wasp: I'm glad too. If print enough money maybe we'll have enough money to follow a paper trail so we can find Hank.. my poor Hank.. - starts crying -

Black Widow: We'll find him. That's a promise.

Wasp: Can we hologram money?

Black Widow: Oboy. Don't remind me of holograms.

Wasp: Sorry. Old habits die hard. We'll stay 2-d for now. 2-d. Checkers. How about black and white print checkers ads.

Black Widow: The world is not all black and white. Sometimes there's a lot of grey.

Wasp: .. I know.. I know.. there's a stormcloud on the horizon.. I can see it... Jarvis mentioned the underpromoted Cold War... We can make this happen... Sound effects.. lots of sound effects.. boomboxes across city's..

Nick Fury: I've heard enough. C'mon, Wasp, we need you urgently. I'm bringing you to the White House.

Black Widow: - enthusiastically – Congratulations, Wasp. I'm going to take a well-earned vacation. You're leader as long as you want the job.

Nick Fury: Absolutely. Where are the others? Haven't they made it back yet.

Black Widow: They have their reasons.

Nick Fury: - looks at Black Widow with vague suspicion, something he can't place – Yeah. Anyway, they should meet me at the White House.

Black Widow: I'll tell them where to go.

- end scene -

many months later, inside a pub. Tony Stark is sitting with a beer, watching the TV.

Tony Stark: We're never going to get out of Russia. At least the alcohols good. It's Russia, so I shouldn't get drunk on it. Something about the climate.

On the TV – a woman

Female news-anchor: And now, after a three year hiatus, the Avengers are back.

Tony Stark: Three years? I thought it'd been only three months... We're back?. Where are the cameras.

Female news-anchor: Or as they call themselves – rolling the words- the WEST coast avengers.

Captain America – arriving: But- but we're still in the east.

Female news -anchor: Their leader the Wasp is taking the podium live as we speak.

Tony Stark: Ahh, the plot thickens. Wait, the Wasp? She was going to be our first member way back. What's she doing here.

On the Tv, the Wasp appears, surrounded by microphones.

Wasp: Hear ye, hear ye. The Avengers, after a few bumps on the gravelly road, are here to stay.

Black Widow: - painful memories- ooh, ooh, ouch.

Tony Stark ooh, ooh, ouch.

Wasp: The Avengers are all media. So I introduce our first media savvy Avenger droid, the VISION.

The Vision appears, green and red in media spotlight.

The Vision: Ah, TV. My double, my shemblable. I meet my brother. My brother Anakin.

Tony Stark: - gravely – I think Thor should be here.

Captain America: I'll – one second. Anakin, I know him.


The Scarlet Witch: .. am I .. am I supposed to be here.. I think I'm somewhere else.. my hands... my hands are empty with myself..

Wasp: Do that cute thing you do with your hands.

The Scarlet Witch: .. oh.. like crossing them... - she crosses her hands.. a red light in blocks irradiates from her intersected hands and takes over the TV screen and fills the room in the pub .. suddenly she and the Wasp have changed places, changed costumes, changed postures, changed status, changed realities..

The Scarlet Wasp: .. yippeee... media savvy hands.. my arms are lego pieces... lego princess leia.. i am all stars.. i am all wars... media mind mars mind wars...

The Witch: ... I.. I'm not sure.. what to say.. I feel all mature all of a sudden.. like a logarithm or an exponent of maturity... i'm not sure which ...

Tony Stark: We were never this complicated.

Captain America: They're women.

Tony Stark: Hey, I'm complicated, I'm complicated. I have a heart now..

Captain America: I'm not complicated. I'm waiting for the Witch to help me with my complications...

Thor – arriving - : I think we underestimated the Black Widow.

The Witch: .. maybe .. scarlet.. you should.. just.. i'm .. miin.utes.. my mind.. it's getting hazy.. intersect .. your fingers...

The Scarlet Wasp intersects her fingers...

The Scarlet Wasp: I am such a liar.

Tony Stark: No. That's me, Tony Stark. I'm complicated, remember.

The Scarlet Wasp: .. no I'm only forgetting.. if I lie a reality into being.. oh .. no .. i've started something silent by crossing my fingers.. a butterfly effect..

Tony Stark: WHAT!

The Scarlet Wasp: OH NO! It's too late I'm doomed.. wittle me is doomed.. - she coyly crosses her arms in an “I confesshh” gesture.

Another radiation zone happens. The Scarlet witch and the Wasp are back to being the Scarlet Witch and the Wasp.

The Wasp: .. hee ... hee .. see nothing goes as planned in press conferances... okay.. who'se next... Crystal..

Crystal: .. hi.. I .. I do'nt know what my powers are yet...

Black Widow:... the Wasp will figure it out.. she's that complicated... she'll make sure your powers are equivalent to her vast intellect...

Tony Stark: Wait, are there any men on this team?

Captain America: What about the Vision.

Tony Stark: He's a droid. He's their C-3PO.

Captain America: I like the Wasp. I like all the women. They seem to work well together.

Tony Stark: Yes, it looks like the men on the Avengers have been made obselete.

Wasp: I'm sorry, Black Widow, my vast intellect? Are you being sarcastic?

Black Widow – alarmed, then annoyed -: Yes.

Tony Stark: Oboy, talked too soon. Here we go.

Wasp: I'm pissed off there aren't more men on the team.

Black Widow: That's my fault

Wasp: Why does it always come down to who ate what apple.

Crystal: I thought Paris ate the apple.

Black Widow: PARIS ATE THE APPLE. But the three goddesses, beauty, power and wisdom were supposed to unleash sheer hell on the earth, sheer anarchy, courtesy of discord, the goddess Eris. HE ATE THE APPLE. Oh, God, oh, God, what are we gonna do now.

Thor: I think Ragnorack is coming early.

Scene – the Russian Embassy

Russian politician: We are at a dawn of day. We have been early in the rising. Russia has risen from the grave. Darth Trupenny is swearing us to active mobility. Russia is the ghost in Hamlet. We are arising from a nightmare past, the lighetest f word o fwhich harrows up the Russian soul... We have harnessed the harowed Russian soul in nucleur fission nucleur fusion.. sorry, i forget whihc.. wih . .. which..

Reporter: ... the metaphysic s of Russian hisotory .. in nucleur realities..

Russian politicain: yes.. we are cain.. The eternal Russian is Cain.. and we have immortalized Cain in Russian technology.. I bring you.. Cain... I bring you.. Ultron...

Ultron appears, hitherto invisible.. covered by a cloaking device.. in its mechanisms..

Russain politician: .. He is the Russian soul as a nucleur weapon.. He is teh the next dimension o fnucluer detente..

Ultron:... huummmm...... Iiii... i...i ... i... ill.. i am for ...ill... u minute.. i am the minutes .. an im ill minutes... the aching minutes.. ill umintue.. minute ming the merciless. Minute mintue mintue .. manta ray.. minute i mintues.. mintue ... minutes.. it hurts.. the pain hurts.. a..aaaa.... a TEE ... a tee at e the end.. ee...

Woman reporter: Is he okay... he looks like... he is .. in pain..

Ultron: .. I'm recovered... never mind me...

Rissian politician:... you okay, old boy?....

Ultron: ... I'm okay...

Riussian politician: .. I like your Russsian accent, Ultron...

Ultron:... I've been... practicing...

Woman reporter: - almost in tears – I like him,.. I really likkee him...

Ultron:.... it's ... mutual...

Scene  - back at the pub.

The TV is still on.

Wasp: I'm pissed off there aren't more men on the team.

Black Widow: That's my fault


Wasp:  Damn right it is.  What the fuck is wrong with you?


Black Widow:  I don't know.  I just don't know.


Vision:  Lover's quarrel?


Wasp:  I can't believe what she told me about what happened.


Black Widow: - nervously -  You promised you wouldn't tell.


Wasp:  I can't believe I'm keeping that promise.


Reporter:  Something we should know?


Black Widow:  Press conference over.!  Press conference over!



Crystal: I always wondered Why does it always come down to who ate what apple.

Wasp: I thought Paris ate the apple.

Black Widow: PARIS ATE THE APPLE. But the three goddesses, beauty, power and wisdom were supposed to unleash sheer hell on the earth, sheer anarchy, courtesy of discord, the goddess Eris. HE ATE THE APPLE. Oh, God, oh, God, what are we gonna do now.

Thor: I think Ragnorack is coming early.

Tony Stark: I don't think these women are going to survive the boardroom. I hope Crystal and the Scarlet Witch are okay. The two others I think- they are Elizabeth Jarosz and Jennifer Massey. They'll make it far.

Scene – the Russian Embassy

Russian politician: We are at a dawn of day. We have been early in the rising. Russia has risen from the grave. Darth Trupenny is swearing us to active mobility. Russia is the ghost in Hamlet. We are arising from a nightmare past, the lighetest f word o fwhich harrows up the Russian soul... We have harnessed the harowed Russian soul in nucleur fission nucleur fusion.. sorry, i forget whihc.. wih . .. which..

Reporter: ... the metaphysic s of Russian hisotory .. in nucleur realities..

Russian politicain: yes.. we are cain.. The eternal Russian is Cain.. and we have immortalized Cain in Russian technology.. I bring you.. Cain... I bring you.. Ultron...

Ultron appears, hitherto invisible.. covered by a cloaking device.. in its mechanisms..

Russain politician: .. He is the Russian soul as a nucleur weapon.. He is teh the next dimension o fnucluer detente..

Ultron:... huummmm...... Iiii... i...i ... i... ill.. i am for ...ill... u minute.. i am the minutes .. an im ill minutes... the aching minutes.. ill umintue.. minute ming the merciless. Minute mintue mintue .. manta ray.. minute i mintues.. mintue ... minutes.. it hurts.. the pain hurts.. a..aaaa.... a TEE ... a tee at e the end.. ee...

Woman reporter: Is he okay... he looks like... he is .. in pain..

Ultron: .. I'm recovered... never mind me...

Rissian politician:... you okay, old boy?....

Ultron: ... I'm okay...

Riussian politician: .. I like your Russsian accent, Ultron...

Ultron:... I've been... practicing...

Woman reporter: - almost in tears – I like him,.. I really likkee him...

Ultron:.... it's ... mutual...

Tony Stark: I'm back in my corporate headquarters. I'm giving the Avengers a rest. I'm glad I got out early while the going was good.

Jarvis: Mr. Stark.. Tony... a woman Van Dyne is here..

Tony Stark: Von dyne?... intewesting...

Jarvis: Should I let her in.

Tony Stark: By all means.

Janet Van Dyne enters.

Wasp: Tonneeee... I neeeed heelp...

Tony Stark: Red flag to a bull.

Wasp: ... I'm a little tea cup short and stout...

Tony Stark: Are you insane?

Wasp: .. maybbeee.. maybe..

Tony Star: I'm sorry.. that was rude.. I'm just.. I'm not used.. uisid.. still not used.. to having a heart..

Wasp: .. sniff... I know the feeling... I'm... I'm looking for my husband... I hi think he may have known no you..

Tony Star:

Loki on a spaceship.

Cylon #1: Our invasion of earth went as planned.

Loki: I'm glad none of you got hurt.

Cylon 1: Impossible.

Loki: Impossible for a god too. But I've got to talk to Bruce immediately. He can't survive this... this nightmare...

Cylon 1: Impossible.

Loki: I .. don't understand... We've come so far... various Midgard serpents invaded earth... we've reached a union of the industrial, the organic and the mythic.. the orgainic.. which is just.. since the garden tree in the apple o f Eden.. whic h is unprecedented...

Cylon 1: Alchemy notwithstanding.. we just can't.. Baltar's will is too strong...

Loki: Maybe if you'd given him one o f your starships..

Cylon 1: He wouldn't accept... He wasn't like his predecessor...

Loki: He's gone through .. a s myany parallel realitis of himsefl.. as i have of myself.. we are simply the saem man...

Cylon 2: Maybe.. there can be a compromise p...

Loki: .. i am a man always willing to compromise...

Cylon 2: .. he is prone to .. hallucinatations..

Loki: .. so am I .. I hallucinated the Hulk...

Cylon 2: .. he feels the guilt of it...

Loki: .. i known.. .i know...

Loki: The winsome warsome ways which Fulvia taught me... dear Fulvia... full of fulvianesss. With her stufumullaceoussousnesss hair... I think I pronounced it right.. the wasome hair of fulvia... hair at war.. with itself.. order out of chaos.. fractal hair.. the dear Scarlet witchcs's hair... vecotr curls.. the nervous system of the hair.. crysa'ta'ls hair.. meusdeus.. medusa's hair.. chrysalids of hair.. a crystal palace.. a a tiara..

INT. A dark metal room

Ultron: I'm.. circuitry in motion.. circuitry in solitude.. in black solitutude... in black heart solitude.. circuitry in motion and solitude.. circuitry all sound and fury signifying.. nothing... scrambled nets ... I'm all a' brambles.. mad as the brambles am I .. a mad god am I .. not a safe place for a nucluer bomb..

The Beyonder: Maybe I can help.

Ultron: Who are you?

The Beyonder: - smiles – Is that.. polite?

Ultron: Etiquette is not my formality. I'm all about the formality of war. Not the formality of manners.

The Beyonder: I'd expect nothing less from a robot.

Ultron: Am I a robot as a man is a man? Many questions, too many questions.

The Beyonder: I .. understand ... questions.. I am .. a question.. a question tesseract fabric in space and time... i am a riddling polyhedron..

Ultron: Sounds familiar.

The Beyonder: I.. i cam.. came.. as a .. witches vision.. into your reality... an .. angular-speaking reality seeker who sought me..

Ultron: There are many who seek me.. many who seek my motives like a motiveless malignity.. my motives are Robin Hoods arrows...The Russians want me to be a Robin Hood.. a russian Robin Hood.. who steals nucleur secrets from the rich and disseminates radiation to the poor...

The Beyonder: It's not easy.. being red...

Ultron: .. no.. better dead than red I hear... but better dead than autumn.. than a nucleur autumn.. than an autumn for genocide..

The Beyonder:.. genocide.. that is what they want you for isn't it.. that is their agenda..

Ultron: It's what they built me for..

The Beyonder: .. it doesn't.. it doesn't have to be that.. we can make a difference.. the two of us.. we're all in this together now..

Ultron: You have a power... I sense it.. which is as light as your little finger.. a gracefull tipping power.. a Buster Keatonish power.. your power is a sleight of hand... mine is .. an enigma of wastelands.. of holocaust wastelands...

The Beyonder: .. no .. it's over... The Ultron project is finished.. Come with me.

Tony Stark: So, Wasp, let's see. You bring the dinar, a foreign currency, all I'll bring the dinner, the foreign charm..

Wasp: Sounds gooddeee to me.

Tony Stark: My first date in a while. Hope it'll help you forget about Hank for a while.

Wasp: - crying – I'll never forget about Hank.

Tony Stark: Look at me. Look at me. Don't do that. We've both got to be strong for Hank.

Wasp: I will.. I will.. So.. what's next on the menu for the Avengers.. I know- how about Avengers promotion ads based on restaurent menus.

Tony Stark: Genius.. sheer genius.. no wonder the Black Widow hired you. She knows her business.

Wasp: She does.. she really does... I'm glad we're all finally on the same page.. I missed the .. the east coast avengers?...

Tony Stark: Uh, yep, yep, that's us... uh, the east coast – starts laughing -

Wasp: So we're finally bringing the east and the west together. I know, how about an ad based on the Berlin wall, or the wall in Israel, I think there's at least one.. it's all today.. it's all relevant..

Tony Stark: .. wow.. you're always on.. aren't you.. you're always.. always thinking..

Wasp: - sniff – it'll all help me find my poor Hank.. my poor Hank..

Tony Stark: Last you mentioned he might be in prison. Maybe Chicken George can get him out. He's good at that. That's his specialty.

Wasp: It is? I'm glad to hear that.

Tony Stark: Me too. Me too. I think we can do this. Another member can't hurt.

Wasp: No it can't.. it really can't...

Hank Pym: It's over, before it's even begun. There is no war so unfriendly it's not crawling with webs.. the war of webbing.. of sonar webbing.. of deep black.. there is a surveillance web across the planet which .. boggles the mind.. among other things..

Doctor Doom: This is how we do this. You are in here with me, in my prison-state. We are going to be ... ah.. I am here. Here. Nowhere else. In a town of .. nothing. I'm nothing. I'm Ethan Hawke.

Hank Pym: Ethan Hawke?

Doctor Doom: I wish I had his wit though... his intellect.. 140 IQ... ten units away from a philosophy degree.. but instead I became leader of Latveria. Just my luck.

Hank Pym: Latveria really is a worthless country.

Doctor Doom: You think? Ya think?

Hank Pym: I hope you're not upset.

Doctor Doom: Why would you think that? It's not its fault its currency has declined into the abyss.

Hank Pym: That's what I was saying- it's not Latveria's fault if it is a worthless country.

Doctor Doom: You're extremely considerate of my feelings, and as a dictator I appreciate that.

Hank Pym: I'm going to take a drive.

Doctor Doom: First have a beer. On me.

Hank Pym: 'preciate it. First-class all the way with Latverian etiquette. Thank God you loosened the drunk driving laws in Latveria. An island of sanity Latveria is.

Doctor Doom: It's why I'm dictator. Albiet a benevolent one.

Tony Stark: She wanted it. I could see it in her eyes. C'mon. She wanted it. So I let her steal the magazine.

Wasp: You were working at a newsstand and you were so nice to the customers.

Tony Stark: You are all my customers. Courtesy of Stark enterprises. C'mere.

Wasp: I love you! You will be my second husband. Or my a third. Who said there were no husbands on the team.

Bruce Banner: Work. It's all about the work.

Wonder Man: I'm glad you finally found me. I was lost as Hell. In Hell. The Hulk is a curse. A year. A whole year without a relapse. And then Avengers happenned, courtesy of the Black Widow, doing the thing, well, which she does. It's why I tried to kill her. The Hulk was furious. He like his vacation.

Bruce Banner: So were the mice also furious when they found out what happenned to my planet. They deal in planets. Giant computer-planets.

Loki: Bruce can't survive the Soviet nightmare. The Soviets were part of his genisis as the Hulk. Then the Americans took over. Just like WWII. The Hulk is WWIII. World War Hulk is coming.

EXT. In an empty, desert-like terrain..

Black Widow: I'm just.. waiting.. wasting... waiting.. just waiting waitin' – cries softly – ... like a battle-zone ground..

Ultron: Are you okay?

Black Widow: ... I'm... I'm in Mordor.. or just starting my journey.. to Mordor..

Ultron: Mordor is my heart. Maybe I can help.

Black Widow: Your heart? My heart? Your heart. My heart? My heart.

Ultron: There is a darkness shame-wounded by our sins..

Black Widow: .. shame-wounded by our sins our souls cling to us the more the more...

Ultron: You live under the cast of darkness.. I dearly want to help you.. here's an umbrella..

Black Widow: I am its.. the darkness's .. eternal stranger.. an eternal stranger.. of the darkness.. I'm Raskolnikov. Darkness is in our souls is it not? I never, can ... SPEAK to anyone. When I speak, I'm on verbal autopoiesis, like Hamlet, just talking and talking, like my talking voice has become a machine, I'm a machine, a self-propelling machine, with surreal, malign motives of its own, a voice alien to myself. My speech is an alien tongue. My voice.. it styx.. it just.. it warbles.. like a ghost.. like I'm my voice and I'm a ghost thick with sadness.. a soupy voice.. a soupy me.. a soupy dread voice me..

Ultron: .. - quietly – I have done much study in voices. So have you. It can be your salvation. And.. mine.

INT. A mental institution.

Havok and Black Widow are both naked. They both approach a child, Joshua Nagy, who is dressed in jeans and a t-shirt, who is alone in a corner.

Havok: Are you okay? Chicken George and Cable are in the next room. Along with Ultron. We're all fighting to get you out. The Beyonder freed Ultron to do his work.. but.. even the Beyonder's powers don't extend into mental institutions.. so we had to fight our way in...

Black Widow: Are you okay? Are you okay? Are you okay?

EXT of mental institutions

News Journalist: - to camera – The Avengers have invaded a mental institution, or rather, a drug den, containing children who have been abducted. One child, in particular, Joshua Nagy, has been abducted time and time again. Police are said to be running a child-abduction operation.

Policeman: Turn that off. Turn that off. Give that to me.

Journalist: The footage has already beens sent to the computers at news headquarters.

Policeman: Okay, that's it. You're under arrest. You have the right to remain silent. And that's all the rights you have. Let's go.

Journalist: What, but I haven't done anything. What about my right to an attourney.

Policeman: What about it. Who told you you had that right. I've never heard of such a thing. Let's go.

Tony Stark: ... the canadian coin is drooping, like rains of silk... a silken woven curtain.. the night curtain of russia.. russia and canada...

nude Black Widow: .. the night is a curtain on my breasts.. my two nude breasts.. . contumely.. a night forlorn.. my sad breasts..

Loki: .. i've never felt a fatalism of soul except with you.

Nude Black Widow: .. my vagina has secrets in it which are not nice.

Loki: .. the only cave i know is the cave of the Hulk.. the Osama of our generation.

Nude Black Widow: - crying - .. it was never.. never.. never meant to be like this.

Loki: .. it somehow is .

Nude Black Widow: this is the end.. my only friend... the end..

Loki – crying : .. the death of a world..

Nude Black Widow – crying: the planet in decay.. a decay a holy grail.. a grail to decayed to hold the water turned blood for Christ.. my blood in the decayed grail..

Loki: .. my blood too..

nude Black Widow: .. all the avengers blood..

Scarlet Witch: .. the blood of the Scarlet witch..

Loki: blood leaks scarlet..

Scarlet Witch: .. my blood is the colour of night.. the colour of stars.. i am a zodica .. a zodiac.. a zohar..

nude Black Widow: .. the cabala .. with its chewy mystic letters.. chewed like soil..

Scarlet Witch: .. the sol the soil is my soil of sun.. i am the sun.. i am the sunspot soils of son of sun.. i am a soiled sun.. the son of Christ is my soul..

Loki: .. there were three sons in the war of the roses.. a war over the grail..

Scarlet Witch: .. i was joan of arc

Loki: i was renee d'anjou, her mentor.. i gave birth to the renaissance.. joan of arc was its crusader.. she was the crusader of the renaissance..

Scarlet Witch: .. that's the the't thet's what wittle me was..

nude Black Widow: .. who was i.. who was i.. anna.. of the okhrana?... i always felt i had a history.. with the tsarist secret police..

Scarlet Witch: i am the future of the tsarist secret police.. i am the future of the okhrana.. the arcana.. renamed after me.. i am arcana..

Loki: - weeping - this is nothing.. nothing like the future i imagined for you.. i meant to be a future.. the future was my choice.. all my choice.. i made future.. i made history.. history is my fault.. all my fault..

nude Black Widow – weeping - : no it's mine.. it's mine .. it's mine.. it's mine mind...the history of planet earth is my mind.. history is mind.. my mind..

Black Widow: Tony, I need help.

Tony Stark: .. red flag to a bull in China... Let's call Ultron.

Ultron: At your service..

Tony Stark: We need a mole on the team.

Ultron: Ohoh. That's my cue to leave.

Tony Stark: ... uh, wait./ Let's talk about this.

Ultron: What's to talk about. You've hurt my feelings.

Loki: .. mine too..

Tony Stark: Aw, c'mon guys.

Ultron: I'm so Pinocchio.

Black Widow: I'm off to racist recruit more members.

Tony Stark: You do that. Wait, lemee think. You recruited the Wasp already. I forget.

Black Widwo: - coldly – Yes. I did. She's a bitch.

Ultron, Loki: oooohhhh..

Tony Stark: Wait, she is? First I heard of it?

Black Widow: You don't know her, like I do.

Wap Wasp: You're the bitch not me!

Black Widow: I know you are but what am I?

Wasp: Wait, I'm fuck confused. You're confusing me. You are.. You do that.

Jarvis: Yes?

Wasp: That's your not entrance.

Jarvis: I thought it was.

Black Widow: I'm getting out of here where its left struffy imean sturfy imean left ... arrrghh.. stuffy.. This is like grand sentry centrally arrrgghh controlled station..

Jarvs: irirish idifident dignified – I am not sturfy..

Black Widow: Yes you are.

Tpm Tony Stark: That settles it. - slams the desk – bitches, bitches, bitches..

Black Widow, Wasp, Loki: Yes?

Tony Stark: That's it, all three of you. Out. I've hade enogh of youzze..

Btu Bruce Banner Baltar: Is that my entrance?.. .

Tony Stark: oh, great, the cavalry's here.. I – can't – evem – tj – thing..

Thor: That's not good.

Banner: We're a time bomb.

Thor: That's not good.

Black Widow: You'r e both naive if -

Everyone: FUCK OFF!

Tony Stark: It's like grand central station. Fuzzy logic. Fuzzy thinking. Liberal thinking. So not me. There – are – too – many – avengers – on – this team.

Black Widow: Not evnough women.

Tony Stark: Fuck off?

Jarvis: Michael Agee is here.

Loki: Good.

Loki: I'll arrange our exit. For my own reasons. - he materializes a golden lasso around the team and they all disappear -

Michael Agee: Ah, just in time.

Jarvis: At your service.

Loki: I hate Michael Agee and everything h e stands for.

Michael Aggeee: We'll get along splenda edly.

Loki: No doubt.

Michael Agee: So whose first on the list.

Wasp: Whittlleee me.

Loki: The time bomb didn't work. Here we go all over again.

Michael Agee: This is no place for amateurs.

Loki: What?

Wasp: - defensively – I'm not an amateur, Michael Agee.

Loki: Phheww.

Wasp: I don't have to memorize dialaaggue dialect no dialogue sorry..

Michael Agee: That's not socratic method.

Wap Wasp: Ahhhwwww – Gawwd.. - Leaves -

Michael Agee: That got rid of her.

Loki: You're Hydra hydra agen't you.

Michael Agee: I'm an open book aren't i.

Wasp: I'm back.

Michael Agee: That was quick. Very impressive. Mabe we should hire her. Queen Map.. The Wasp.

Wasp: I'm nake naked by the sea. But the wag, I'm no longer the Wap. No, no, I ruined th e punch line. I'm no longer the Wap. No, no. Okay. Let's do this. I'm nolonger the Wasp. I'm the Wap.

Ultron: Wap's whap.

Wap: Oh, ultron. You saved me I new you'd save me from that that-

Michael Agee: Saleseman. Slavish devotee of the art.

Wap: Yes!! I mean, salesman! I mean, uh, what?

Michael Agee: Just my luck.

Ultron: .. an mine.. i have to go.. i love everything about you, wasp, by the way...

Wasp?: .. nooooo n! . n..n.. n..


nude Black Widow: .. my butt is butter.. it is like the melting solace of the will.. my nude butt is melting will... i .. am.. nude.. in .. summer.. i am summernude.. i prance nude by the lilies.. my prancing nude butt is like a melting butterknife.. my nude butt is a knife.. my nude butt cuts at the touch.. it is silver..

Loki: You have a vivid imagination..

nude Black Widow: - smiling giddily – you find my nude breasts a vivid imagination?.. my nude butt and nude breasts are joined together by the contour of a question mark.. they slip by vivid discs of metaphysics into a breastcircumferance joining together their mutual round globes into planetary symbolism..

Loki: .. i am .. familiar with planetary symbolism..

nude Black Widow: ..i .- in rapsodic joy – KNOW you are... i am going to be pubic in abyss.. i am pubic in the abyss of annihilus.. my pubic region is anti-matter.. an anti-matter zone...

Loki: .. i'm afraid .. i won't be able to .. beat annihilus...

nude Black Widow: .. that's where i come in ..

annihilus: the pgymy dawn is .. wait.. i didn't pronounce that right.. the pygmy .. ah.. dawn is .. wait.. something's still not right.. i'm not sure what pygmy dawn means.. i at least i can spell it correctly but that's not much help.. i am a boring supervillain..

nude Black Widow: .. no you're not.. you're my friend..

annihilus: .. i wish to be.. but it was not meant to be..

nude Black Widow: .. yeth it wasth.. i am never going to be naked in surplus without your help..

annihilus: .. i aim to please..

nude Black Widow: .. yippeee... oops...

nude Black Widow: my two nude breasts..

Tony Stark: FUCK fuck fuck..

nude Black Widow: What?

Loki: I don't understand.. what is wrong with her..

Tony Stark: .. nothing.. nothing .. it's not her.. it's me..

Loki: .. i believe so..

Tony Stark: .. don't let it happen again..

nude Black Widow:...okay..

Tony Stark: FUCK!

Batman: Tony Stark, it's time to begin the work..

Tony Stark: .. i know .. i know.. i just.. want some alcohol..

Batman: .. i don't drink.. ever..

Tony Stark: .. if it's all the same to me.. well.. anyway..

Batman: .. how much of that do you drink a day..

Tony Stark: .. i don't keep count..

Batman: What?

Tony Stark: I don't keep count.

Batman: What?

Tony Stark: i don't keep.. count.. what's wrong .. you look sick..

Batman: never mind.. i think i'll have some alcohol..

Tony Stark: .. good idea..

Batman: - drinks some alcohol – okay.. so .. about .. wait.. are we.. together .. in this.. because.. i feel.. i am definitely drunk..

Tony Stark: .. but .. you haven't touched it yet..

Batman: .. no .. i was only.. pretending..

Tony Stark: .. but.. but.. that's not how you drink alcohol..

Batman: no.. it isn't..

Tony Stark: .. so .. we're at a quagmire..

Batman: .. yes.. indeed we are..

Tony Stark: .. i kind of feel... maybe.. we weren't meant to meet..

Barman: i get that feeling too..

Poison in the soul

nude medusa ultron is nudemirandakerr.. nude Miranda kerr is nude Medusa Ultron..

nude daniella amavia or nude kate winslet is nude athena

Hanno was walking the streets of Dublin or Toronto.. an odd choice or choice of terminology.. Dublin Toronto.. was the FlQ crisis coming to Toronto as it had to Dublin... were there to be tanks in the streets in toronto.. it was just like a hayspring in the air.. scintillating sparks of speech like champagne bubbles naked breasts.. many ultron medusas.. ultron medusa was a woman of naked breasts stung a puncture bleeding wound by her serpents.. her serpent hair bit her naked breasts.. medusa streets of toronto.. medusa ultron was everywhere.. there was so much in toronto that was turned to rock.. rock sculptures.. of buildings.. buildings turned to stone like toppling dominos.. a radio network of thought was medusa's hair.. ultron medusa's hair was from mars from a telepathic mars.. a radio network of hair which telegraphed thought as voices to her ears.. her hairserpents spoke whispers to her ears in silent prose.. in silent literature.. literature through her hair to her ears.. Hanno loved medusa ultron he always had.. she was so .. innocent.. so ready to die into another existance.. to die into another monster heaven.. she was ready to be transfigured to myth.. to accept her curse as a blessing.. ultron medusa's hair was a media radio skyscraper.. a skyscraper of hair.. a city of hair.. with telepathic nodes of communication.. the lights about hanno spun in each their quantum orbits of sound.. the sound of lights the silent sound of lights.. of colours.. of colours rendered naked static like naked medusa ultron.. naked static medusa ultron her soul transfigured to ice.. her gaze turned perpetually upon herself turning her naked body to naked stone.. her transfiguration into a creature of myth.. the colours and lights of the city were ultron medusa's hair.. her hair were strobe lights.. a strobe lantern of city hair.. the tic toc lantern clock time of her hair.. a fire hair lantern.. of time .. a fire time.. fire was time.. flames of time.. the licks of time flamed her lantern heart.. medusa..

.. what was naked athena to eric.. to hanno.. to the same man eric hanno.. she was the pregnant daughter of naked medusa ultron.. naked athena was a naked sculpture.. she was a naked sculpture of war.. war had sculpted her being.. she had transmitted that war to ultron medusa's hair.. making it war hair.. athena's naked soul was the warrior hair of naked medusa ultron.. athena was the click clock of war.. the tic toc war .. tic toc octopus war.. many times a war.. many a minute to war .. our minutes are lives.. as macbeth said.. poor old macghimley.. the nightingale lament.. the nightingale laments of war.. of athena's eternal war.. a whistling lament of naked athena's naked body war..

Teenage ultron: oboy.. a lot of ground to cover.. dot product.. cross product.. and ahh determinants..

nude medusa ultron: det – et -det – et- erminants.. eeehhhh

teenage ultron: it's easy... it's like a t or an l or a backward l an uppercase L i mean and an uppercase T.. within the brackets of the determinants.. the T or L or backwards L is a blank space in the matrix.. all the numbers covered by the T or L are blank.. or the upside down L or backwards upside down L or upside down T if you will..

nude medusa ultron: oboy.. sounds confusing..

teenage ultron: it is.. i had a hell of a time figuring it out.. it's like there's a mini-matrix..

nude medusa ultron: mini-me.. hehehehe... i have a mini-butt... i have mini-breasts...

teenage ultron: you sure do .. so you resemble a mini-matrix.. which is a determinant i believe.. the min-matrix is what's left over from the blank space from the blank T or blank L.. backwards or upside-down.. like a secant is an upside down cosine i think.. i think.. i'm not sure..

nude medusa ultron: heehehehee.. i love you...

teenage ultron: thanks.. thanks a lot..

nude medusa ultron: thank YOU...

teenage ultron: ahhh.. so .. it's like.. okay.. wait.. more later.. i hope to promise.. I'm a teenage mutant..

nude medusa ultron:  so am I .. heheeheehee.. teenage mutant.. boohhoohoo...

wonder woman screenplay by joss whedon

so far as written

corporations are mythologies

Nude veronica cale: arrrr, i be captain hooke mayetey... i be ready to TAKE ON THE WORLD.. the WORRRLLDDD... we don't need no education.. we don't need no thought control.. hey teacher.. sniff boohoo.. leave your kids alone.. boohoo hoo.. . i am going to become a nude evil woman.. i am determined to do this.. ahh .. ahh.. ahh.. tis here.. but yet confused.. all the puzzle pieces are in place.. alll the pieces fit my nude butt.. it pieces itself together pleasantly.... i am all commas.. i am a comma soul.. a reimeann series of commas is me matey.. arrr... i be a pleasant soul..

steve trevor: i have never.. never .. NEVER met a woman like you...

nude veronica cale: ahh, that's so sweet... sweet talker... i bet you say that to impress all the girls.. in heaven all the girls are nude... that's my plan for planet earth.. i am an earth science...

steve trevor: fascinating.. wait.. i'm getting way ahead of myself here..

nude veronica cale: so.. we be mighty opposites... i be hamlet.. and you arree youuu clllaaauudddiiiiussss...

steve trevor: i fear i am forever fated to ve .. to ve.. to be .. claudius..

nude veronica cale: does it have to ve this way.. i have always been hamlet ever since i was born nude into the ocean...nude i depart to sea... and death do us apart my nude breast apart part evenly neatly.. i am all bubbles...

steve trevor: bubbles.. bubbles.. yes bubbles are crime..

nude veronica cale: crime are me.. i be crime matey.. ahh live the life of a crook..

steve trevor: that be the life for me indeedy .. i be a crook your crook forever.. i ve be have much much much to learn from you to become a rocket scientist..

nude veronica: read scientology steve.. read scientology it'll bring peace to your soul....

steve trevor: i will i will wait .. you must be joking..

nude veronica cale: smiling giddily – do i look like i'm joking... i am the world's first fully functional homicidal artist...

steve trevor: fascinating.. just fascinating...

nude veronica cale: ahh. ..the skulls the corpses like a crops of meadows.. i don't know if it's art but i like the judicial system...

stever trevor: yes me too.. wait.. no i don't

nude veronica cale: shame on you steve trevor you should never like the judicial system.. that's my job..

steve trevor: yeah.. that's true.. but you've.. maybe.. you've brought me to an enlightened understanding of foreign stalker crime...

midgard nude veronica cale: i be a midgard serpent.. of crime inway to morrow.. to morrows dusk of crime.. of cim..of ciem of cime.. of cimmenon.. of cenntenial crime.. of cinnemon crime.. of spice crime to my nude breasts...

steve trevor: you say that a lot..

nude veronica cale: what .. my nude breasts..?

steve trevor: no.. the other thing...

nude veronica cale: ahhh...

nude wonder woman: steve .. i think your spending way too much time with veronica cale..

steve trevor: what ever gave you that idea..

nude wonder woman: nothing nothing.. i'm just confused .. fuc cofused with coffee mate..

steve trevor: coffee matey..

nude wonder woman: ahhhhh

nude veronica cale: yess.. tis here vut by but yer yer confused.. knw know knaveries plain face my butt the face of my butt is never seen till used...

maxwell lord: veronica cale... we've got to talk..

nude veronica cale: what about?

.. maxwell lord: about your aspirations.. for dubious dealings...

nude veronica cale: i make know secret of it..

maxwell lord: i know.. that's what troubles me..

nude veronica cale: you don't trust my flamboyant infinite inveterate noteriety...

maxwell: i'm not sure.. therein lies the confusion.. see i'm protecting wonder woman.. but i'm also protecting you.. therein lies the confusion..

nude veronica cale: i confused a mess of my nude self.. i confused my hair all pubic in growth.. i have a vegetable soul..

maxwell: yes.. that troubles me...

nude veronica cale: i a i a think thou doth praise me too much.. i don't deserve all this praise..

maxwell lord: yes you do yes you do..

nude veronica cale: i do ... i do...

maxwell lord: yes.. your sweet .. your sweet .. your so sweet.. like sunflowers..

nude veronica cale: awwww...

nude wonder woman: sniff boohoo hooo.. why is max with this woman.. you're with me max...

steve: i understand his dillemma...

nude wonder woman: so do i .. i guess.. i guess.. boo hoo hooo...

steve: here's the thing.. veronica cale is confused.. no wait she's 100% convinced she's going to go bad early... like a rotten apple.. she's going to go bad early...

nude wonder woman: how long has she been out of the fridge...

steve: she's out of ridley's for good..

nude wonder woman: too bad too bad.. i put her there early...

nude veronica cale: i have a smile like e.g. smith...

steve: i always liked that about him..

following prose by hanno raudsepp

.. nude diana hooke: i'm a crookback matey.. a piratin' nud wom'n of the sun.. a mud nude woman of pirate's cove am i.. i was born teethed and feetfirst into the world.. a firstfruit feetfirst.. a have a crooked nose to remind myself of my naze nature.. i was a condition born to lust.. i nurture not nature condition.. or the crookback reverse.. a domino card leaves me nude and breathless... time to for a voyage.. to .. an undiscoverd country.. the undishoverable rolling '40's...

alien lubber: so we be cantina aliens..

nude diana hooke: yes – sniff – i hate to say it but we are the scum of mos eisley.. we be star wars vermin...

salacious crumb: ahh.. nice boobies.. sorry.. real sorry.. i can't help soaying the wrong thing...

nude diana hooke: it iz itz tiz okay okay... ogay.. i be ogum.. yarm yarn of muscle am i.. by gum and grainy..

salicious crumb: i be hehehe.. crumb and grainy.. i be an old granny-took..

nude diana hooke: ah AH hahahahah...

sniff – nude wondy: i have to become a villain now.. sniff .. a true winona villain of shoplifting.. sniff nothing nothing NOTHING but shoplifting.. i am officially a member of the criminal syndicate... now forever..

superman of crime: don't worry .. don' worry you'll never be as bad as me the superman of crime..

nude wondy: after what i SAWWW.. oh god those movies.. after what i was .. what i was and was responsible for.. the massacre the sabra and chatila massacre of a whole galaxy.. there is no recourse but villainy for me.. a poe forever.. a bottomless villainy pit for me.. i am both a pit and a pendulum.. i am the scar i am the cheek.. i am the torturer the victim bound ..

superman of crime: ah.. we are the baudelarian team.. we're entering another universe.. a bigger universe.. we'll make it work.. forget the old one.. just.. forget..

nude wondy: forget.. i can just forget...

techno-bat: don't worry.. i'll never forget all that is valuable information.. i have a doctor doom costume which records..

nude wondy is ripped her nude body is ripped to shreds..

superman of crime: what?- what? .. is she gone.. just – OH GOD NO

techno-bat: no.. she's sleeping...

the bat-spirit like a firefly bat through firestreaks of thunder and apocalips broadsword lightning of nude wondy wondu windigo... a breath of wind.. a candle lit out..

nude wondy spirit: yeeee.. i am succubi... i will regain my flesh.. i just afte what i caused – i had to BE to BECOME the massacre of sabra...
nude veronica cale:


the nude medusa mask is the pregnancy of childbirth.. psycho-pirate is an expert gynecologist.. he drinks alcohol..

nude power girl is his little sister.. lex gives her her power-girl powers in the justice league movie.. at its beginning.. the beginning of childbirth.. the beginning of childbirth as power-girl is born a child an eternal child like nude athena with her nude body as stone-cold nude armour coming out of Zeus's forehead.. ethan hawke's zeus... trouble with sinuses.. nude power girl is an eternal child.. she is also the girl in the picture.. psycho-pirate is forever tortured by it.. that's why he invents the mude mude mud medusa mask.. that's why psycho-pirate invents the psycho medusa mask.. he is the psycho.. there was a mature comics reader comic book about it.. after reading it I killed a man..

message from freemason lon wolfe... son of Naomi..

Natalya Olga Chaikheeva - Scarlett Johannson

Nataly Olga Chaikheeva - I am a weird woman.. so weird that they will never NEVER find me.. because I FIND them.. and they don't know.. they just.. don't .. I'm so weird.. what?  no..

Clark Gregson  Phil Coulson:  no it's over .. come with me

Natalya olga chaikheeva:  what no.. I don't think so..

Phil Coulson:  just come.. just.. com

Natalya olga chaikheeva:  I'm an actress.. layers, man, layers.. I build the vocals of a role on dismal vocal nonchalance.. I'm so weird.. pinter, man, pinter.. do nothing but pinter.. foundations.. vocal foundations.. all a day in the life of olga chaikheeva...

Phil Coulson:  this has to stop

Natalya okga chaikheeva: says you.. sniff

phil Coulson:  no wait don't cry .. I'm sorry.. I'm sorry..

natalja okga:  no I was only pretending.. haha

phil Coulson:  so was III .. hahahaha... I'm not DEAD..

natalja olgka:  WHAaAAaT.. you mean .. it WAS YOU?>...

phil Coulson:  hahaHAHAHAAahhahah

Natalya olkaga:  ahh, you're scaring me man..

phil Coulson:  hahahAHAHAhahha

natalyha olga chaikheeva: yooouuureee craaaaazzzyyyy

phil Coulson:  yeah yeh I'm a nut.. I caut loki's infection.. he's a virus.. a blood virus.. lots and lots of blood .. Maxwell lord blood.. no force field protecting me now.. guhshshblsafidaahahahhh.. hahah

natalja olga:  this is too weird I'm getting out of here.

phil Coulson: no your not.. your coming with- ahhsdafghgghhaaaa.. I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry

natalja okga:  wait wait

phil Coulson: I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm not really like this..

Natalya olga: I know I know you're not..

phil Coulson: okay okay

she stabs him with a knife

Natalya olga - now it's personal..  I'm black widow..

she walks off

phil Coulson: - quietly, lying on the ground, almost a whisper - I've been dead before.. loki taught me..

Natalya olga chaikheeva black widow: shhsshhehsshshhshhhh

directed by joss whedon and JOhn Huston john Huston

Ultron senior: I will never doubt Black widow again..

Russian senator: Ultron, ultron, oh god, ultron, this is stockholm syndrome

Ultron: what, i don't even know what that is, there's no suh thing

Russian senator: Stockholm syndrome very clearly is when the kidnappee falls in love with her abudcoto- arrrgghhh

Ultron: what? Explain again

Russian senator: i'm not going to. ... bye..

next scene

teenage ultron, a younger, more spry, yoda like ultron: teeeenaaage waaasastlaaandd.. when the nigh

of summer is hereeee.. the leeks of summer.. the leeks of summer.. death death and more deeath.. brgghegbrrrrttbrrr... teeennaaage waaastelaaandd

natalya olga chaikheeva black widow: are you okay? .. are you okay?.. are you okay?... eveeeryyything iii dooo i doo forrr youuu...

teenage ultron: heyy , bryan adams i like it..

natalya olga chaikheeeeva black widow: crying- weeping – so do i so do i

teenage ultron: he's my age isn't he.. tteeeeenaaaage uuultrrrooonnn..

natalya olga chaikheeva black widow: haahahahaha

teenage ultron: let's talk, juorst talk juorst talk.. i think my senior time travel older self is coming soon.. time travel is so passe it's blase now i think.. the beyonders fault i think.. he's a tesseract.. a tesseract a wrinkle in time..

black widow: i like him i really like him.. he told me his real name.

Teenage ultron: Klaw right Klaw..

black widow: you KNW KNOW?

Teenage ultron: he told me cutting doesn't hurt when your made of solidified sound.. like all sonar time travel.. that's how i know..

black widow: your so smar so smart.. smores smart.. i eat smars smore s marshmellows.. because they have a poison sweet tastaaaastteeee. Sweee- crying wailing like only a woman who believes in horror horor can wail -swwwweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet.... .

teenage ultron: my god are you okay my god are you okay

black widow: the beyonder i NEED the beyonder.. no no I'm sorry i' sor sorry.. i ne d I NEED you.. ned need ned .. eeeveerryyybodooody bodo boody witch loooves neeeed flllaaaandeeers..

teenagae ultron: hahahah a heeheehheee

black widow: heeeheeheeh ehehheeheheee

black widow's mother on the telephone, almost in tears: don't do that it's malicious..

black widow: it's my ernie laugh.. you don't like it..

black widow's mother: i don't know.. i just don't..

black widow: heehehehee

teenage ultron: hey sorry mon but lay off the black..

black widow mother: i'm sorry i'm so sorry

teenage ultron: hey no problem mon..

female news anchor:  ultron himself... Robert de niro and scarlett johannson have gotten MARRIED??!!

 written by a fan

Tony Stark:  Loki is shield.  I just found out.. Oh God oh god oh god

Nick Fury:  I'm calling him.  we need the big guns.. Thor.. no

Tony Stark: not thro not thor not thor .. he's mean.. too mean

nick fury: what?  he's not.. I though

Tony Stark:  he's psychotic..

nick fury:  I thought.. we all were

Tony Stark:  i'll call loki.. i'll call loki.. he gave him he gave me his fan phone number.. he asked me for an autograph and I wrote down my phone number and then he gave me his phone number.. it's complicated.. it was after I finally gave him the drink he asked for.. it was poisoned.. but he drank it.. so did I .. and instantly became an alcoholic.. he didn't but he's a god..

Loki:  a GOD?  a GOD?

Tony Stark:  oh loki wait you're here ALREADY?

Loki no wait I'm  ... not .. somewho.. I'm.. not

Tony Stark: no .. he's not.. he is drunk..

written by fanboy joss whedon

The kingpin of crime: so, black widow, we finally meet

Black Wigod chaikhaeeva: it's about time

the kingpin: time is a great delicacy.. i can afford it..

black widow chaikheeva: so am i

the kingpin: ahh, wait, what?

Black widow: sorry sorry i don't mean to apologise to a man of you status

kingpin: what? Ahh, - smiles gently – you caught me off guard... NO ONE does that..

black widow: eep

kingpin: ah, don't worry, my dear, don't worry.. you are charming..

black widow: eeep

kingpin: what? I'm sorry.. i apologise deeply

black widow eep

kingpin: why i am i so fucking scary.. why o why o why

black widow: why speelll godd with a big thick dhee

kingpin what?

Black widow: i like your wife

kingpin: maybe maybe you should stay away from her..

black widow: i'm sorry i think i'm responsible for her coma

kingpin: it's okay it's okay what?

Black widow: i'm sorry.. it was.. necessary..

kingpin: i understand.. necessities.. what?..

black widow: i killed her because – crying, like only a woman who believes in horror can cry wail – i killed her because she's a middle aged woman..

kingpin: understand i .. understand... she once was played by heather locklear on melrose place .. that was reason enough to – what?

Black widow: my work is finished..

kingpin: yes – what?

Black widow: she slams the door

kingpin: ahhh, charming...

written by another fan
Barman Batman, played by Christian Bale:  get to know the fans.. get to know the underground.. get to know the hoods and muggers of crime.. that is a batman's work..
Tony Stark:  you're just you're just a fascinating man
Batman:  have a drink
Tony Stark:  sure it's not poisoned
Batman:  take a guess
Tony Stark:  i'll risk it.. - drinks, then spits it out -
Batman:  bad habit
Tony Stark:  yyouuurrreeee desssssspicccable..
Batman:  bad habit
written by joss fanboy batman marvel comics fan whenon joss whedon.. wheeeeedon spledled pronounced correctl...

Loki and black widow are both naked in bed..

Black widow: loki .. just just i just need to touch a man

loki: it's okay it's okay i'm an adult

black widow: i'm .. not... i'm .. fourteen.. i think..

loki: i'm three thousand years old.. but still fourteen.. or less than fourteen

black widow: oh GOD.. oh no oh no..

loki: it's okay .. remember always remember i'm a god

black widow: i'm a god too

loki: yes very much so..

black widow: gimme gimme

loki: ah yess indeed..

written by a naked female loki fan... sniff..

nick fury: the hulk is trained to kill.. he .. he can't help it..

black widow: the guy can't help it.. i'm not afraid.. eep

nick fury: why do you say that always

black widow: eep to intimidate men

nick fury: it won't work on the hulk

black widow: it won't?.. oh oh .. oh GOOOOAWWWDDD... i'm dead.. i'm a dead wood woman

nick fury: i can't prevent that from happenning

black widow: what? .. but not anymore.. i mean your head of shield

nick fury: not anymore.. the hulk took over leadership.. no no.. it was a forget it was a hulk mindwipe.. a nucluer storm mindwipe.. it was.. oh god.. it was.. maria hill... she showed me something horrific.. no . Something.. nice.. something.. beyonder..

black: iron fist should be here..

Power man: so should power man..

both: what?

Nick fury: now wait the's holograms are skrull bit technology... they annoy me man

power man: get a magazine

nick fury: they're everywhere .. like bugs .. light like lightning fireflies...

power man: black giddo how's it going..

black man widow: ahhh don't call me that..

power: sorry man.. i just learned it from the hulk

black man widow: ahh, don't SAY that... he doesn't scare me but i scare easily

iron fist, played by steven seagall: peace.. forever peace.. death among the peac is the hulk.. the hulk is peace.. pure, perfect peace.. a nucleur peace

The hulk shows up..

The hulk: hey smary smarmy boys.. guess what... i'm grey region.. i'm a grey zone now.. i'm gaza grey..

black widow: wowww i'm so naked for you now

nude black widow: okay let's get started huk hulk hucky my boy.. let's have sex..

the hulk: i think i'm too young.. i'm only fourteen

nude black widow: restrictions don't apply .. that never stopped me before..

the hulk: no wait.. i'm sorry.. i'm only four years old

nude black widow: i've been known to have sex with four years olds....

nick fury: black widow, you're needed at the white house

nude black widow: pronto.. later hulk

the hulk – crying, like only a man who believes in sin can weep – i'm .. sorry.. i have ritalin issues.. add issues.. kid bipolar issues.. i can't help.. being mean.. beating people up.. i don't. .mean to try to kill them.. i'm just too bam bam strong..

nude black widow: crying, like only a sin nude woman you know – hey hulk it's okay you can beat me up any time loki made me invulnerable with his new gods force field new genesis technology the eye of mordor he called it.. i won't get hurt.. i might moan sexually a little but won't get hurt.. it's all good we're quits..

the hulk: thank you .. so much.. we'r eit's it's quits.. i'm idf.. i can't.. help it.. it's a ghostbusters myth the idf..

nick fury: i'm sorry black widow obama is calling

nude black widow: pronto i'm sorry walking naked nude across the whole white house lawn

nick fury: oboy

the hulk: yesththh.. she's a slut

nude black widow: heeheehehee.. i like you i like this i realllly dooo... i'm raja nude

written by true diahard hulk fan joss whedon

scarlet is Macbeth in g. I. joe 1: the rise of cobra

scarlet is hamlet in g. I. joe two a real American hero

scarlet is iago in g . I. joe three the rise of scarlet

kitty who koslowski scarlett johannson in under her skin is the final phase of evil the final moon full crescent phase of evil of black widow.. of olga chaikheeva black widow.. it's the movie in which black widow transitions into evil scarlet.. but when she pleads begs for mercy at the end and then shoots dead the person from whom she was pleading she disappears the vanishing into two transparent images not ghosts not even phantoms just two transparent lenses two transparent scarlet lenses.. ruby glasses.. crystal keys ruby.. jack ruby scarlet... and she morphs into a time-travel conundrum black hole 2001 a space odyssey... scarlett becomes scarlet sabra/Scylla and scarlet chatilla/charibda.. evil tragic nude scarlet  and truly absolutely purely evil semi-nude and also mostly totally nude that she's nue evil EVIl scarlet.... evil scarlet to tragic evil or tragieval scarlet: how the HELL are you me... evil tragieval scarlet: we live a whole thousand years apart from each other, then I recursive integer integral from a to b recoiled back into a former happier self.. a truly tragic happy self.. tribal nude happy scarlet...

scarlet is Evil Apocalypse planet witwee evil Apocalypse planet..

scarlet becomes so witwee in g. I. joe two a real American hero.. none other than scarlet herself.. that she is Anakin in attack of the clones completely happy and good at the end of the movie.. completely decent.. yers I think I'm pretty decent and nude.. the only bad thing she does is kill bumblebee.. or orchestrate his killing through low level machinations.. orchestrations of the lower scarlet integral order.. "please don't let me become bad again.. please don't god with a lower g.. please don't I can't do it .. any.. more..."

purely evil witwee scarlet knew mel Gibson g. I. joe in a prison in wartime Nazi Germany .. he knew her she knew him in a Nazi prison.. she knew my hanno raudsepp g. I. joe in an American prison in modern day 90's America.. we were both naked in it..naked scarlet and I... together intimate our two nude bodies as one forever ... eternal.. love never dies..

wonder woman wears bracelets so she can't be arrested and handcuffed by cops

good idea..

message to Daniel day lewis.. find a welder...

G. I. Joe 2: a real American hero
             Love never dies

in other word nue scarlet witwee becomes good and tragic nude tribal scarlet becomes uber-powerful, POWERFUL villain of the tale.. she become EVIL good.. truly a tragieval tribal nude woman of tragic Dieppe depths of the epic .. nude tribal scarlet is moby dick.. innocent witwee hippie nude scarlet is Ahab.. evil innocent nue susan atkins slut scarlet is starbuck

WALL STREET CRIME we need t I it  To


I am carrie-o



WALL STREET CRIME IS WAY, WAY WORSE THAN GENOCIDE WAR CRIME.. ask sam Waterston.. he was in the killing fields of Cambodia before he played a whily lawyer as whilie - coyote.. the cat coyote was a native American trickster lawyer.. like sam Waterston on law and disorder...

sorry, GENOCIDAL war crimes are far, far infinity wars worse than wall street crime..  I was just doing it like.. bad, bad terminator bad to the bone wall street crime blah blah blah ya now.. irony suxeth.. dana is the terminator .. the original..  war crimes are always ALWAYS WORSE than wall street crimes..  I CANNNOT stress it enough..

Leonardo de caprio played dana twice, count' emm'  twice in two cont e'm two movies,  one directed by Spielberg, the other by scorces.. guess which ones... make a guessing game of it..

naked milla jovovitch is playing the female dana in wonder woman.. DANA ANDREWS WAS BASED ON THE MALE DANA OF WALL STREET

dana is a wolf in sheeps clothing.. but sheeps clothing no more..


stop shouting..


nude scarlett johannson is the female rusty she was the hillary swank boy tied to the turret of the tank in Ulysses by James Joyce .. the Citizen was one of James Joyce's most beloved characters .. he'll play be played by Albert Finney in the movie.. nude scarlett Johansson is the female rusty.. nude black widow is the female rusty.. tom hiddleton is the male rusty.. his loki is the male rusty..James Joyce..

avengers age of ultron
by joss whedon
Loki: Time. Just like the Doctor who who seventh and best version, the impish version most like whittle me once said- time. Just- time. And he said nothing but.. time. And that was all she wrote..

nude black widow: all i wrote over my nude body with my excrement..

Loki: yes, time, that was all his dialogue- what?

Nude black widow: never mind me- i'm just blabbing...

loki: oh, yes, but what about time, grimlock, grimlock time, i haven't talked enough about it, time is loki – time is the lock and the key... kye... ask katye fo the key...

nude black widow: whoa.. just.. whoa.. jusat.. whoa..

loki: and the skeleton keys of time

nude blake widow: blaaak.. sniff boohhoohooo.. i am a skeleton key.. i am pure skeleton nude body nue black widow... like that sexy nudist skeleton on colin feral no i mean CRAIG ferguson? The scot?

Loki: oh yorss those scoatishaa tarm orf wheisky..

nude black widow: so, scotish time it is, want some whisky?

Loki: be very cleer, very clver, very clover, vervy clever, very clever, very clever, indeed..

nude black widow: thank you.. thank you so much.. heeheeeheee.. i kill myself

loki: you kill me too killerlover.. killroy is coming

nude body nude black widow: ahhhnnoo nooo.. i'm nude.. i'm so nude.. ahhhh..

loki: so post-structuralist thought lears leads into quantum urges, quantum vagues, quantum waves, quantum vagaries, quantum vagary urges, quantum desires vagaries, quantum desires the desire is an imp, an metonym, a dr. Psycho metonym, metonum, num-nubs, a quantum imp, a pygmy dawn desire, a wolf desire, dr psycho is a wolf, in sheeps clothing, a desier a heat seeking missile, a desire a seeking its own aaurn its own urn a desire seeking its own urn for its own fulfilling negation, a negated eclipse desire, an eclipse of the sun desire..

nude black widow: i am sooooo nuuude for youuu... i am youurrr sunn.. an sniff you are my moon..

loki: i am your defeated sight.. i am your reflected light.. i am oure pur pure reflex of you i am pure reflex of you.. i am your opitical light i am your optics, i am your lens by which you see yourself, to see is to violate, i am your lense, your galileo, you are my sun, my only sunshine, you make me happy..

nude black widow: in the grey.. in the grey areas of time.. in my nude grey body corpse .. i'm sad.. i'm so sad i'm naked i make you happy.. i mean.. oh god.. i mean.. i'm GLAD i make you happy.. so gald so gally glad..

loki: you make my hamily fappy

nude black widow: hahaha, so funny so SO funny .. you see.. you're so .. funny

nude scarlet witch: i yippee it's lokiboy .. my babyBABY loki my baby was going to be named loki i was going to name my child loki i f i had had twins i would have name d my two kids loki i and loki two but sniff boo hohoo it was never never meant to be.. i'm your girleegirl your locket forever loki... i'm your big-girl buddy.. forevah.. forevah.. aughhh gawwdd derivities.. derivi... derivei.. deriv.i.. aehhahahhahah gawwwd nnawwwww derivitieves derivitives..

loki: quick quick i'll explain derivitives

nude scarlet witch: oh gqaawwwaawwaawwwwdaawwddd ... why? Whaaaghhyyy? .. whaaggyy!!!???

Loki mein kup eis an orphan... orphaned loki.. liki lickety snicket loki the tale of lickety snicket loki is an orphan.. jim carrey loki is an orphan.. Iiiii ccannnnt liiieeaeIIEIAIAI....

nude black widow: heeheehee... an orphan..

nude wasp: nude wasp! ..Eis here

loki: hi, lovey

nude wasp: i eez so funny, not so funny, sniff, not so funny at all fuuuchhkk... no i eez so funny.. funny.. i am born naked and funny .. funny looking baby i am soooocuuuttee.. just like sally baby.. charlie brown baby sister was so funny looking she was sooo cuuutee.. linus always thought so.. so did poor poor lucy.. that bitch blockhead.. i am born naked like sally in the dew as a flower.. like the sally bird she is.. sally bird was an exotic naked nude dancer of the burlesque theatre who knew lots and lots of ballet and incorporated it into her nude burlesque routines so so ratatatatatat intricately into her striptease nude routines of her nude sally nude body.. she was a boy.. she was a burlesque dancer of the twenties or thirties hard i get those confused a confusion of nude sally and nude kates and nude WASPS the WAP .. whop.. whoopiee.. i am born naked in the dew as a flower.. like silly sally.. like silly savvy .. nude nude rogue.. poorporr poro poor eyore.. poor nude rogue.. i am born naked inthe dew as a flower. A flower of moles.. a flower of moses.. i am born naked in the dew as a flower.. a flower of moses.. i am nude miriam

loki – almost sobbing – miriam, you are miriam of the ahuh ahuh bible.. the poor poor bible .. the book i wrote..

nude black beauty widow: ahuh ahuh.. i am a widow

nude wasp: ahuh ahuh.. sobbing nude miriam nude miriam.. i was born nude miriam.. i was born forever nude

nude black widow: ahuh ahuh.. i sob but i can't cry.. i CAN'T CRY.. wahhhhh

nude black widow: i am a widow.. a crying widow-leaf.. i am nude wahhing martha .. you are nude mary.. i am so, so beautiful, so are yourself

nude wasp: so are you.. i mean, eek

loki: are you okay? Are you okauy? Whaaauchkk.. you went eek

nude wasp: it's okay, i just go eek when SHE'S around

nude black widow: ahauh ahuh ahuh - innocently – who's she

nude wasp: - wahhh – you know who she is

nude wasp black widow: who's she

nude wasp: fuck you! Fuck you! You know who you are..

loki: who? Who is she?

.. nuyde nude wasp: fuck you – i mean, no, sorry

loki: whaaaaat? Hae hee heheheee haw haw.. it's okay, i lover lover love everything abuot about robot about glugg is the robot boy about you in finnegans wake glugg is the robot boy who is lucia joyce.. james joyce's daughter lucia joyce is the robot boy glugg.. it's okay.. it's okay.. i love LOVE everything about you wasp

nude wasp: i wish i wish whoish woisheo whoishe wihsowhehshehshshs..i wish i wish.. i could say the same.. i don't like ANYTHING about me.. i'm so unkillable.. i men i mean unlikable.. i's i'm so starry nude i am and i am so .. unlikablei'm so strange and -boohoohoo- unlikable..

loki: no no that's not true i'm unlikeable SO unlikeable i'm a gOD a GOD remember how i say that you can't hurt me i'm the gingerbread man.. embeth davidtz played me in a movie.. i'm a GOD you say.. i'm the unlikeable fellow.. i'm the most unlikeable member of the avengers.. not .. not you not you at all..

nude wap nud wap nude wasp: you are? I men, i mean , shit , SHIT, no I II I am , not you i i i I I I – that' sh what ahuh ahuh what i meant to say..

loki: i no, i know, don't worry, it's all good, it's all godd. It's all god by the grace of god..

nude black widow: the grace of god all over my nude body

loki: the grace of god.. we're all we're all we're all in this together now.. likesee don't worry sweet wasp, it's all god it's all good, i mean okay

nude black widow: blak.. blake .. okay.. okay.. okay

nude wasp: but i'm bu t im' but i'm so worried of who i'll become sooner.. no later mMUCH much laterthan than

loki: it's okay.. it's no it's nnot.. it's coming ultron the darkest ultron ofall. The demonstone.

Fiery boy ultron.. orc ultron .. the fiery boy orc ultron is coming.. the greatest outer space ultron.. galactus ultron.. who might have once snuffed out the life of robert de niro ultron.. until a doctor quickly revived.. doc ock.. no no a but a different doctor.. i don't know him.. no someone else does.. oh god.. it's not coming.. a darker shadow of the first... the darkening corner of a false position..

nude black widow: i'm nude crouching nude i am in a corner i am nude

loki: the darkening shadow of a false position is coming

nude black widow: - crying – i am nude in a darkening shadow i am nude under a darkening shadow..

loki: no it's not galactus ultron whose the threat.. it's not moby dick whose the threat.. it's it's SHE.. it's HER... the darkest shadow of mordor

nude wasp: ehahhahahhhahhhhh!!!!

loki: i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm so sorry.. it's okay it's okay.. no i'm not.. i'm not okay.. i'll never be okay

nude black widow: boohoohoo

nude wasp: boohoohoo

nude wasp future: boohoohoowaahhhhhhWAHAHHAHASHFAHHHHHGHGHGHG!!!!!

new MEW is robot boy glugg nude wonder woman nude diana in age of ultron.. robot boy glugg is in finnegans wake by james joyce.. MEW can find the chapter herself.. nude kate winslet can help her with the role..

an oph, no more.. >glug<

 mafia prisons for children means mafia prisons for girls.. for polly klaas.. for victoria..lindsay..

nude wonder woman: curse reality...

jeff robinov:  nue Clytemnestra, bare-breasted Clytemnestra who sues for pardon as a bare-breasted mother who gave suck to her child before she is executed like a lars van tiers female character in Aeschylus's The libation bearers, I believe.. nue Clytemnestra is the first naked evil mother in the history of literature..

wonder woman: curse reality is about nude Clytemnestra and her mass murder of the warrior suitors of the house of Atreus, of the house of Agamemnon.. nue Clytemnestra is a deeply sympathetic, deeply pathetic, deeply tragic, deeply sad nude female character eternal servant of the warriors, a creature she nue is of pure satire..

ralph fienne's begin/canaris a character of satire.. nude maia gives birth to satire.. she is a nude goddess of india... maia the nude indian goddess of illusion, the weaver of illusion, the weaver of the seven veils of nude Ishtar, the seven ribbons of nude Ishtar.. nude maia gives birth to hermes, to satire.. hermes is the incarnation of satire.. hermes who is begin canaris is vowed to end the curse of Atreus.. to end the curse of the house of Atreus, to end the curse of the court of Atreus.. sam Waterston..

hanno ridal: nue Clytemnestra is played by nude caroline ducey in wonder woman: curse reality.. nue caroline ducey nude also plays the Skunk in Gotham..

nude circe loves animals.. nude she is noah in noah's arc.. in noah's ark... nude she is noah.. the arc of her nude breast contour is the arc battleship arch skeleton backbone buttress arch of her nude breast contour of her ship medieval..
her nude Elizabeth bathory battleship through giant red amoeba clouds..

Me house of m is under house arrest

The scarlet witch: lampwick?

Black widow: - crying – yes?

The scarlet witch: - crying , ghostlily – the merry-go – round is over. The house of M is here, arrived..

black widow: i is? It has arrived?

The scarlet witch: we will save every man, woman.. and child from the holocaust. That's a promise. They will never have died. They will never have been sent to the death camps.. never.. sent to camp..

nude black widow: that's a promise. I hat camp.. i feel sorry for the word but I HATE camp..

nude scarlet witch: n one's goes to camp in the house of M (pause) – lampwick? Lampwik?

Nude black widow: yes?

Nude scarlet witch: we need.. ultron..

nude black widow: i'll get him.. (softly) i'll.. gett.. him..

nude scarlet witch: kibbutz

nude black widow: no.. ccamp is not kibbutz.. is not.. a kibbutz- they're different.. a lot diffe.. rent..

nude scarlet witch: jews from yemen..

Loki: the raintracks of sympathy my tear a track of tain of obtain the rain.. of tainted rain my tear a tanted rain an inkspot of rain my tears on paper..

nude wasp: my womb a tear in rain.. a tear up because i am womb.. my tears are tears in the fabric of womb time...

loki: i love your womb dearly.. i want to protect it.. but i am so TERRIFIED that i only protect.. with.. knives..

nude wasp: your knives don't scare me.. hehehe.. only the true wasps knives scare me.. for they are the knives of the wasp.. of natural born killers.. killer wasps..

loki: laughs- oh i'm sorry so sorry i don't know if there are such things as killer wasps..

nude wasp: the killer wasps are mutant humans humanoids like me.. i a ma deadly fear of myself.. oh mamy oh mamy..

loki: hahaha.. you're sweet so sweet..

nude wasp: i sweat my sweetness in tearbreasts of time.. my breasts a tear in time..

loki: time.. ah.. time..

nude wasp: the clockwheel of fire is my wasp sting into my own butt.. which is a butt-sting of painful rejoinder.. a have painful butt.. i have a butt in pain.. forevermore.. quoth the raven..

loki: you are.. so beautiful.. we are going to work wonder together.. splendid..

nude wasp: ahh, splenda

loki: yess, hahaha.. splenda..

nude wasp: the work of many miracles..

loki: a course in miracles is my steadfast mission.. i want to accomplish a course in miracles.. in miracles of blake.. a man i once knew and who is with us.. today.. tonight..

Flashback flashforward undisclosed time sequence.. in narrative of plot..

Tony Stark: Sow we have begun the worwk... it is like the start of a new milleneum.. a new avengers...

Scarlett Black Widow: .. i'm nude for the avengers..

Loki: I like that avbout you..

Tony Stark: and there is a maember who is unnacounted for..

Bruce Banner: .. a hi...

Tony Stark: .. a h dr. Banner.. I\'m a huge fan of your work.. on the laser potentioal of nucleur fission for iron man mrarks.. and i'm a a a big fan of how you turn into a big huge asdkljlk monseter...

Bruce Banner:.. ahh yess that...

Tonyh Star: .. a hate the toronto star.. the name too much resembles my own .. tony star .. toronto star... i think i am goig to be a plague on mutants. .. on humanity itslef .. some of my best bfriends are peoaple.. why do ia ta;k so garbled anyway... must be the circuitry still left in my heart..

Loki: .. it's my fault..

Tony starkent: ahh.. everything's your fault ..loki meboy.. that's why your just like me.. the tony stark of the norse gods..

Loki: ... i am my own bane... i break my own back fo r the norse pathnetahean... a black panther... i dreamed of a black bpanther..

Tony stark: .. that quote about a cracked lookinglass is damned boody good ...

Scarlet Black Widow: .. my nude body boody... i'm a boody witch...

Scarlet Witch: ... so we're both nude witches... we both can make merry and understand the quest of macbeth.. the quest of macbeth if is the avengers project..

Rtony Stark: I am macbeth .. forevermore.. tomorrow and tomroowos.. and o tomorrow.. all our yeastuy daays to dusky death.. the death of the avengers is coming soon... with or withou the help of the Black widow.. the a harbinger of death..

Black Widow: .. a i brought the avengers back only to let them diae ... dia e ana .. dianatics.. nude daianea.. the daienea.. the furies seek my soul.. as if i were an orestes...

Scarlet Witch: .. does that make me electra.. the naked electra .. naked in soul and ambition.. naked as the cutting edge of a knife.. her soul a naked razor's edge.. lieke my powers.. , m like me.. lieke..

Black Widow:... tomorrow and tomorrow..

Okrana, ohkrana...

nude black widow: i am anna.. i betray architectures.. i topple my nude pendulum breastsbowels into curvatures of spine.. i gyrate my nude body architecture.. for i am a worker.. a perpetual worker.. my back has been broken.. by the establishment.. by the okhrana.. for i am anna...

nude janet van dyne: i am sweeet anna.. . precious anna.. i am livingstone.. doctor sam i am i presume.. doctor son .. of .. san..

the future nude janet van dyne, played by nude dark haired nude cynthia belleview: at your service.. okay.. i'm the leader of the avengers .. we've got to fight the hoards of the mutant apocalypse.. for magneto is leading them.. magneto has established hegemony of the mutants.. a mutant massacre is imprending..

young nude janet van dyne: ohh, gooooddd, i am.. so not you.. i'm NOT.. i'm NOT.. ma- ma- ma – massacre..

future nude janet van dyne: i am you are.. so, so much closer in time than you realize.. or can.. there is no redeeming mutantkind.. they all flock like lambs to magneto.. like a human herd.. of which nietzsche has spoken..

young nude janet van dyne: you are so, so not nietszche.. you are so, so old..

future nude janet van dyne: so are you.. you just don't -

Tony stark walks in

Tony Stark: what is going on here!

All three nude women, future nude janet van dyne the loudest: AAAGGHHH!!!

future nude janet van dyne: okay.. okay – breathless – okay – okay – okay.. we gotta calm down.. i've gotta get all my plans back on the table.. this is harder – eep – harder than i thought.. oop my boobs are in the way.. ahhh!...okay – sniff – i'm just so so so bad .. i'm – sob – i'm a creep.. just a creep..

tony stark: no no you're not.. i'm a creep too..

future nude janet van dyne: but i'm a TOTAL creep.. there's nothing that's not creep about me.. Magnero he's just so... OVERWHELMING.. i have a HUGE crush on him i mean HUGE.. but he's evil nazi scum..

tony stark: no so am i so am i.. it's okay it's okay..

future janet van dyne: no you're not you're a good man..

tony stark: you.. haven't known me long..

future nude janet van dyne: i know you save lives.. magneto ends them..

past nude janet van dyne: uh -

tony stark: where's hank?

past nude janet van dyne: yes, i mean, i mean, like, something..

nude future janet van dyne: who's hank?

Nude janet van dyne past: WHAT? .. oh no oh no oh no oh GOOOODDD!!!

nude future janet van dyne: there there we'll work this out together.. we're joined at the hip now... i'll never leave your side.. we'll transition into each other so smoothly you won't even notice..

nude janet van dyne past: sniff sniff.. we won't?...

nude scarlet witch walks in .

Nude scarlet witch: Hi.

Nude janet van dyne future: kill her. - takes out a gun from a pocket dimension and shoots her in the chest. - she's a mutant. That's enough. And magneto's daughter..

nude janet van dyne past: i'm going to be so cute from now on .. to save my.. soul..

nude scarlet witch: Ahghhdhghghgh...

tony stark: - not noticing – there there black widow...

nude future janet van dyne: who?

Tony stark: oh wait.. i thought you were black widow..

future nude janet van dyne: get eyes..

tony stark: what? I don't -

future nude janet van dyne: i don't have time for your tomfooleries.. we've got to be ve a racket outfit... we've got to be v.. we've got eat mice..

all of them: WHAT?

Future nude janet van dyne: don't tell me cats don't do that .. that's crap..

tony stark: don't be silly.. i've got the technology i know the technology they use.. time portals.. holograms.. stage props.. energy pocket portals.. it's not even advanced science.. just secret science.. the food web is a myth..

future nude janet van dyne: not if i can help it.. i have no desire for it to be a myth.. we the avengers need a paradigm to emulate.. the women of the avengers need to be wolves..

tony stark: Nick fury was right about you. The avengers project is a disaster. That's it. I'm pulling the plug..

future nude janet van dyne: and i'm in the bath.. and i'm still in the bath if there's no water.. for a long, long time.. i don't get cold..

tony stark: that's because you're cold-blooded..

future nude janet van dyne: guilty as charged.. but never guilty of being a mutant.. i don't want to sound condescending.. but mutants have been given chances second chances third chances.. they just don't.. stop .. being mutants... renegades.. the x-men are already talking about joining magneto..

nude scarlet witch: arrghhgh!

Future nude janet van dyne: shut up. Don't make a noise. Or i'll shoot you even harder. I'm from the near future. I've seen what this bitch does. She kills some of my friends. Someone she even pretends to love. .. and he NEVER comes back.. there's a sick part of me that knows just knows i'm going to let her live.. i'm ready for my oscar..

nude janet van dyne past: you are so overdue..

tony stark: i gotta think... gotta think.. think.. need a sign..

nude scarlet witch – still prone and writhing on the ground : i am so beetle bailey..

nude janet van dyne future: and i'm the sarge.. i am fatter than you .. voluptuous i mean.. you're skinny.. i'm too fat..

tony stark: gotta think.. gotta think.. i wish i was less slow..

Loki arrives.

Loki: oh GOD SCARLET .. one second.. i've got healing powers from nude freyja.. her nudity is a healing factor..

nude janet van dyne future: so is mine – she shoots loki..

Loki: what? How did you?- but i'm a god?

Nude janet van dyne future: i am so buffy.. mutants are vampires.. parasites..

Ultron descends from on high by laser rainbow like God: I like all these women..

Tony Stark: You are a bigot.

Nude janet van dyne future: No, I have more common sense than all of you put together.

Tony Stark: I was talking to Ultron.

Nude janet van dyne: ookay.. yeah, right..

nude scarlet witch: ooohhharrrgghh..!!.. that's it!.. the house of m is coming early..

nude janet van dyne: oboy not in the plan.. agghhhghgh..

Ultron: I'm sorry, scarlet witch. I can't let that happen.

James Callis Bruce Banner walks in.

Bruce Banner: Wanna bet?.. I am .. always.. angry.. every .. second.. of .. every.. life .. life.. life.. i .. get.. life.. but .. never DEAATHTHARRGGHGHGTGHGTHHHH!!!!!!!!!

Ultron: Mutant death squads will never occur. I.. amm.. nimmrooddd.. i am .. robot.. mrrr... rooobootttooo...

The Incredible Hulk: roooobbb.. roooyyyy....

The wastes of new york city.. ultron and the Incredible Hulk are about to clash, getting ready streetfighter style

The rest of the Avengers, Captain America Tony Stark, nude Black Widow, both nude Wasps, are on a terrace..

Captain America: We're not going to survive this.

Tony Stark: I will. But I'm Tony Stark. An alcoholic.

Loki: oohhh.. I'm .. working on it.. i'm .. it's all.. going.. to plan.. no .. it's not .. not my plan.. not my plan at all..

nude scarlet witch, far away: ooohhhh..

Loki: I'll .. i'll reach you... i .. i can't.. what was that bullet... kryptonite?..

nude black widow future: i'm ... sorry..

nude wasp future: it.. was.. necessary.. - crying -

Scene shifts into the dreaming.. a medieval terrace sunset villa on the top of a peter Jackson-esque medieval castle... Doctor Doom and the nude wasp of the future are having tea...

Doctor Doom: key ent-whistles of mordor.. whistling grain.. whistling rain.. rain on grain.. whistling through the air.. grain is.. Ultron.. merchants of grain.. agriculture of industry..

nude wasp future: the are the most fascinating man i've ever met..

Doctor Doom: i aim to please.. the most fascinating woman i've ever met..

nude wasp future: ggghoooo... i aim to please..

Doctor Doom: i .. am a doctor.. like no other..

nude wasp future: ggooooo....

Doctor doom: i ... have read .. the doctor's dillemma.. an epical work.. i am.. was once.. lousie dubedat.. but i had to become.. more empowered.. there were too many people in the room..

nude wasp: i had a HUGE crush on louise.. love that name .. loiuisuee.. gggooooo...

Doctor doom: i was an up and comer.. a fighter of little proxy.. a warrior against medicine.. like no other.. but medicine .. is too vast.. too agent orange.. medicine is chemical weapons against the body..

nude wasp: chemical weapons against my nude body can't be handled.. gggooo...

Doctor Doom: no .. not your body.. just me.. chemical weapons only.. against my body...

nude wasp: n n nn nnnnnooooOOOOOO! SSKssskiiIIIEYEE!!!...

Doctor: i'm sorry.. i'm sorry..

nude wasp: weeping – i'm sorry.. i'm sorry..

Doctor doom: my armour is nothing but .. chemical weapons.. made up of nothing but.. chemical weapons .. my armour is.. agriculture..

nude wasp: weeping, wailing like only a nude woman who believes in true sin can wail – i was a car thief once.. a carjacker.. big time .. hard core.. i met uncle ben once with a gun.. but he let me go.. let me live.. we parted.. amicably.. g g g gggooo... weeping, crying..

doctor doom: uncle ben.. i know his nephew.. long, long, ago.. another age.. another century.. before the age of ultron.. which lasted forever.. i was caving my way through the trees.. looking for.. something.. know not what..

nude wasp: - meekly – for me?

Doctor doom: maybe, meabe.. mab.. looking for queen map..

nude wasp: i am your nude queen mab.. i empower men.. i was made.. genetically engineered.. to empower men..

doctor doom: why can't you be nicer to magneto.. he's my friend..

nude wasp: mine too.. weeping.. mine too.. i just.. a friend as an enemy... he tried to kiss me once.. and i loved LOVE LOVED it.. and .. and.. and i'll never forgive him for that..

doctor doom: you are a complex woman..

nude wasp: i was nude when he kissed me and i melted into his arms.. he tried to kill me afterwards.. not his fault not his fault.. and it was such an amazing high.. he literally tried to crush the breath out of me..

doctor doom: who dissuaded him

nude wasp: a spoilsport.. professor x.. he's just a boring old professor..

doctor doom: i know the type.. i may become one myself..

nude wasp: not if i can help it.. ggoooo...

doctor doom: oh god.. the jaws of death.. my fault.. always my fault..

nude wasp: hhheeelllpp mmmeeee aahhhghhgh – nude wasp does a cowardly scream -

an inescapable dark matter gravity quantum gravity engine pulls all the avengers on to the ship in the ocean.. claws of dark mordor Kubrickian walls enclose around the ship, entrapping all the avengers inside..

nude wasp future: where are we.. oh no .. oh.. no we're in mordor.. - weeping – i can't.. i can't do this..

Loki: we .. i'm afraid.. i'm sorry... i'm afraid.. no .. we don't have to .. do this.. we don't have to play.. by their rules..

nude wasp future: hold me Loki..

Loki: death nothing but death.. i wear the colour o f death.. black.. tomorrow.. black death is the colour of tomorrow..

nude wasp: maybe maybe we can change tomorrow.. i'm from it.. my nude butt is future indexes.. my crying nude butt.. tomorrow.. getting hazy.. always changing the future.. - does a yoda voice – oboy.. dark a dark future i see.. infinity nothing but infinity...

Loki: there .. there is a gauntlet i know of..

nude wasp: - hungrily, licentiously – yeesssss.. i knowww.. i want it.. my nude breasts crave it.. inside them.. my nipples are a gauntlet.. of - crying – infinity.. i have infinity nipples..

Loki: you are.. so beautiful..

nude wasp: i am to please.. ggooo... if only.. - crying, sniff – i could be nude again.. for magneto.. wwwaahhhhh!!!

Loki: time will tell.. time will tell..

nude scarlet witch: i'm ready..

nude wasp future: healed yet?

Nude scarlet witch: shut.. up.. just..

nude wasp future: heehheeheee...

Loki: heeheehee

nude scarlet witch: heheh – FUUUUCHHKK!... sniff.. where is the other wasp.. the first..

nude wasp future: oh she died..

Loki: good.

Nude wasp future: let's go..

nude scarlet witch: yep. Let's – guuguufuuUUUCKK!

Nude wasp: ggooooo...

nude wasp future: we're loki

nude scarlet witch: he left..

nude wasp: oh. .. okay.. sniff..

nude scarlet witch: heehehee

nude wasp: fuuuck youuu

nude scarlet witch: say please..

nude wasp: ever been raped..

nude scarlet witch: ah ah ah what?

Nude wasp future: it's an interesting experience..

nude scarlet witch: i ah ah ah whe wh where's loki..

nude wasp future: one sec .. i'll tie you up first so we can do this... - gets some rope from a pocket dimension -

nude scarlet witch: how how you do you do this.. that's .. amazing.. you're .. AMAZING

nude wasp future: i aim to please.. get down..

nude scarlet witch: wait.. one sec.. okay..

nude wasp future: i i can't – crying – i can't do this..

nude scarlet witch: you sure?

Nude wasp future: i sure – she puts the rope back -

nude scarlet witch: awww?

Loki arrives:

Loki: I'm back. What happenned while i was gone..

nude wasp: - nervously – nothing nothing

nude scarlet witch: nothing nothing check natch..

nude black widow: .. infinity.. elsinore infinity.. i am – sniff – hamlet.. when devils will their blackest sins put on my soul black as pitch to hell whereto it goes.. to infinity.. lightning infinity.. lightning gauntlet.. my shoes..

tony: this.. this is just beyond me..

nude black widow: me too. But we can do this.. we are in kafka.. i am a nude woman in kafka.. they imprison us in a kafka novel.. the ship.. the ship is a kafka novel..

tony stark: i thought my alcholism was a kafka novel.. and it would imprison the whole avengers team..

nude black widow: mine too..

tony stark: ohh.. scarlet.. you're an alchoholic?.... intewesting..

nude black widow: i'm blake widow.. i digest my alcoholism into blakeian reveries.. into apocaliptic visions..

Captain America appears out of a nude black widow apocaliptic vision..

Captain America: Let's go.. i found a way out..

nude wasp future: yeah right..

Captian America: Who are you?

Nude wasp: giggle.. is that .. polite..

Captain America: ..never you mind, sweet.. you're a part of the team i hear.. my shield.. it's my shield.. its a form of chemical warfare.. doctor doom explained it to me at length..

nude wasp: DOCTOR DOOM?! Where is he?!

Captain America: The ship didn't consider him an avenger.

Nude wasp: that's very.. rude..

Thor: I'll say..

Tony: ah, Thor, you're here too..

Thor: We all are..

nude wasp: it's dark.. and .. cold.. i've never felt cold before..

Thor: it's a prison..

nude wasp: i know.. hold me Thor...

Thor: you.. you remind me of someone... i meet in the future..

nude wasp: i hope so..

Loki: you know her already..

Thor: i do?

Loki: she has been... watching out for you.. many a time..

nude wasp future: i feel .. a chaos inside my soul.. a blinding, BLINDING chaos.. hold me, Thor..

Loki: moondragon..

Thor: What?

Loki: moondragon

Captain America: Can she get us out?

Loki: Good question..

nude wasp future: she's nude always.. she's my double.. she's .. psychotic.. but.. always likable..

Tony: you just described yourself..

nude wasp future: what?.. i.. did?.. i didn't know..

nude wasp future: I beginning to understand why i let you live..

nude scarlet witch: all you had to do was shoot me a second time.. heehehehee.. and i'd be dead ..heheheee

nude wasp future: don't count your luck..

Doctor Doom: Waiting.. i know waiting.. waiting for the bell to finish its wandering... a pavlovian circuit of hell.. waiting.. the prison ship is still in the demons of mountains.. a mountain ship..

Ultron: Hulk. Tybalt. We have fought many wars together. You belonged to the dark and i belonged to the blinding silver light.. but then.. we at cross-purposes.. i depart knowing you know me not..

The Incredible Hulk: Tyyyybaaaalt.. arrr.... theee shaaddoowww of ddooom fallls onnn my sooouull... iiii...aaaam.. dooommm...

Ultron: Doom was my maker.. and was he yours?

The Incredible Hulk: yeeessss.. nooooo.. iiii'mmm nooot suuuree..

In his room in the castle.

Doctor doom: I was the maker of the cold war.. i was.. i was.. a nucleur war will happen because of me... and i .. can't .. get .. out .. others can get in.. but .. i .. can't.. get .. out..

Hank Pym: Doom.. maybe i can finally help .. if i can.. the wasp.. i think.. i may meet her finally.. although she may forget.. she holds the key..

Doctor Doom: the key.. i am the key in a labyrinth..

Hank Pym: i've been trapped in this country with you for the longest time..

nude Mrs X.: Hello, snark factor arises. I represent an agency named snark factor. It has dubious relations with mutants. I am an anti-mutant anti-hero antigen.. anti-jenn.. heeheehee.. anti-jennifer.. too many women named jennifer.. so i invented the anti-jenn agency..

Tony Stark: great. Another nude woman.

Nude Mrs X: I'm not nude. Why are you saying I'm nude.

Tony Stark: What? I don't- oboy.

Nude mrs. X: I'm – I 'm a bit confused.. I'm wearing cryogenetic clothing.. freeze-frame clothing, up to the mark.. why are you saying i'm nude. I'm not nude.

Tony Stark: Uh, yeah. - looks away -

Nude mrs x.: Look at me. Look at me. This is serious. I've got my business at hand. I'm all business.

Tony Stark: Listen. We can't- we can't do this.

Nude mrs. X: We are doing this, whether we like it or not. Okay let's sit down. This meeting will take four hours.

Tony Stark: I'm – I'm going to have to back out.

Nude mrs. X: no more of that nonsense.. - stratches her crotch - pardon me.. so.. mutant hysteria is hot button number one.. i'm representing disgruntled mutants.. they've got a pet peeve.. humans.. you will find i have little patience with humans.. they.. in the final analysis.. must go.. with.. EXTREME.. prejudice – gets up and turns around -

Tony Stark: prejudice.. extreme.. i dunno..

nude mrs. X: this is a vast library of books. - she gets up on the footstool and nude she picks up a book from the bookshelf – okay.. take your medicine.. asthma.. ferenge.. miguel.. i'm just running through words.. oh that reminds me.. i have to go pee.. she runs naked across the room to the bathroom..

Tony Stark: Something.. something has to be done about this.. i've got to explain to her.. she won't listen..

naked mystique arrives

Tony Stark: Ah, maybe you can help with a little problem.. you're equiped for it in ways i'm not..

nude mrs. X comes out..

Nude mrs X: that was quick.. ahh.. oboy.. i'm sorry miss.. i don't think that's appropriate..

nude mystique: what?

Nude mrs. X: your nudity is not appropriate. It makes me uncomfortable.. I'm sorry to be so explicit and I hate to sound condescending.. but .. okay.. let's see... you've got nice tits .. see you're compelling me to make comments about your body..

naked mystique can't help smiling..

nude mrs X: - gets out her cell phone – state of the art.. hi, roy, i had fun last night..

cell phone: hi, i have lip fungus..

nude mrs. X: i – said – fun – not lip .. fungus..

cell phone: lip fungus i have lip fungus heeheehee

nude mrs. X: hehe what? Stop that..

cell phone: i have happy lip fungus.. i'm so happy all the time and innocent.. i smile warmly.. only with lip fungus..


The whole team arrives

General population: What's going on .. who's she..

nude mrs X: Oboy.. i sort of feel overexposed..

cell phone: let it go.

Nude mrs X: FUCK YOU.. DIE Cell phone DIE.. she starts swatting it like a bee...

Tony Stark: i'll take that.. attach it to my suit..

nude mrs. X: no.. it's the only cell phone i have.. i have no understanding of why it acted up.. - starts crying – i can't .. i can't take this..

naked mystique: wait.. don't .. this is so weird..

nude mrs. X: I came here as a BUSINESSWOMAN.... a BUSINESSWOMAN... to represent delinquient mutants.. in their greviances.. against.. human establishment capitalist pigs.. humans have caused all our problems.. they make the wars.. they run the world.. if only we had a mutant in charge of China or even America things would be .. a .. whole.. lot.. different.. there wouldn't be all this.. violence.. mutants understand peaceful resolutions.. humans always seem to be in the habit of making wars..

Tony Stark is getting antsy and frazzled..

nude mrs. X: I come to you as a peer.. representing equal rights.. affirmative action for mutants.. and now instead of later.. we've.. waited...long.. enough..

naked mystique: - getting annoyed – are you a real blond.. oh yes you no wait how you mix and match your colours..

nude mrs X: yes i am a real blond..

naked mystique: but wait.. how... i don't believe you.. i have proof..

nude mrs. X: don't be ridiculous.. i am a real blond and that's final..

naked mystique: yes.. that's final..

nude mrs. X: good.. so.. if we ever get a mutant as president in my lifetime.. or the next..

Ultron: you are just.. you are just an amazing woman..

nude mrs. X: don't worry.. we'll get rights for droids to .. that's immediate on my agenda..

Ultron: - touched – he appreciates it..


nude wasp future: i'm convinced.. i had an abortion .. no i never did... never was pregnant.. but.. my butt was pregnant.. and i was a bank robber.. that was the same as an abortion... ahuh.. ahuh...

doctor doom: i build banks... brilliant banks.. that's the same as robbing banks.. Latveria is one big bank... Latveria is worldcom.. world dot's international..

nude wasp future: so am i .. i'm the second wasp.. my nude butt has a big 2 etched on it .. it's like penetration.. penetrarion.. penatrino.. loved that book.. penetration.. just .. loved it.. growlll..

doctor doom: there are medieval depths to my fascination for you..

nude wasp future: i am so nudely medieval.. red-hot iron prongs in my nude butt and everything... fiIIIiRRrreee...

doctor doom: fascinating

nude wasp future: you are soooo patient with me.. patent my nude butt.. i love you..

doctor doom: i am a patient man..

the hulk and ultron are fighting, meanwhile on the terrace..

nude black widow: you wrote the book on that bitch, didn't you..

nude wasp 2: YES! Jealous? Bitch birch my ass..

nude black widow: YES! YES! YES! Go God.. Oh God.. no

nude wasp 2: nyah nyah, didn't work

nude black widow: GUUUUCK FUUUUUCK!

Nude wasp 2: try again

nude black widow: oh God og oh Gooood

nude wasp 2: welcome to hell, mrs. Jones.. im it..

Tony: the wasp has meth her match

nude wasp 2: i am so lighting a fire under myself – oops – smarts that does – pocket dimension fire

Tony: woa, those are real flames. Are you okay?

Nude wasp 2: Thanks for being curious. I 'm going to walk funny if you give a care..

nude black widow: yes, yes, silly walks, silly walks, i can do that too..

nude wasp 1: can i join?

They ignore her.

Loki arrives with his golden lasso which circles around nude wasp1 and teleports her away.

Tony: He is definitely drunk.

Loki disappears, evaporates.

Tony: woa, maybe i am..

Doctor doom: i am turning back time... with some good old fashioned science..

Doctor Doom.. how to reform parliament

Doctor Doom: so noonsipple neandrethals in thrall to vacuum tubes boom tubes in purple surplus television.. purple television.. television surplus supply and deman demon deman demor doemon dolmen demand is key.. notetaking in reverse grammar.. time travel grammar.. travelling the road of commerce.. banking empires.. banks for me.. all for me.. nonchalance.. nude winona.. wine.. red wine.. drinking drink up wine time.. trink of dis cuup.. wine time.. wine is time.. midgard nude winona wine.. nude winona is time.. m.. she is time for handwriting.. writing time wine layers businessmen.. layers of business speel business speech wine layers is wine.. is dialectical business time.. nude winona is business wine time.. clock wine.. nude winona is a nude gypsy naked woman a naked hated woman.. victor von's doom's beloved .. his girlfriend.. naked girlfriend winona.. poor, poor victor..”

doctor doom: “the discover of in ent is whistles nude winona's naked body whistling tune a flute her naked body with the wines and presses and stops breasts.. - a flute is her nude winona.. a flute itch breath is her nudity.. nude winona gypsymakers gypsy nake woman is nude winona nude succubi diana naked wonder woman.. the naked succubis are in season immortal.. to naked succubi life immortal.. back to naked succubi headquarters.. doctor doom headquarters.. nickels, wooden nickels nude succubi , quarters.. no dimes please..”

Victor von Doom journal

I feel my loss in g'rottin's soul. If I feel no belief in the moss of soul I cultivate like an agricultures' blissfull wastage.

The surface of winning your acres of self-said landscapes of soul are the winnings of no one to rune in the rocks of dawn's wastage of Delacroixian dusks

I know no wisdom if I know no isolation a monk's isolation

a castle's harbour is a reign of error is a vocal stumbling

of speech's beach of speechwrack of wisdom's creek between rocks and paraphenalia in intricate rivulets my mind a mosaic of sly rivers a beach to speak to stumble across well-layed rocks across speech's wrack

to put in a bottle a speech of heartsickness

of isolation's castle's of no belief in the rest of the noble in word if deed

of roebuckdom in bravery castle's

of the- wait, Hanno, you have never written anything quite so- Hanno this sad... we have a real chance of getting a prize in poetry with your writing because we wrote it together.

.... Hanno, this is your written poetry and- I an Philip I ahve been in the air as a spirit hearkening to the ...oh, it's stopping at very arbitrary points-... finish transcribing it later

Victor von Doom's journal

The soul's extract is come when sledseason is running

The devil's peak is bruinin' where there is no firewood burnin'

the devil's book is known to none in the

Victor von Doom's journal

I knew little cause to bespeak 'afore the groanin' rocks

a 'swept of seadepth in bemoanin' sensual sweep

an ocean's climax, a storm of petty,

of petty passions made grand in sweep of sensuality

the Renaissance curve of naked amazons of antiquity

the vanessance of history of satiated ramalons of spirituity

the curve of a breast the curve of a story

a swerve to the rest to serve love of a lorry

'a believe in sense 'a grnd to excess in sentiment

'a grieve in rancid land to success in robots regiment

less so for my niece is love affections vast

Hanno, I have a niece, she's reading your love-letters

to my verse in – see, she is in a mental institution,

She is not very much in the best of care. I believe, she is in the best of friends to poets. I haven't known how to believe and grieve simultaneously until you wrote your verse. I believe you have been in the- Hanno, she's getting out on Tuesday. Oh, yeah, Hanno, I looove your writing. It is so cool to write like you do. See, Hanno, this is a dark age. We aare too few to confront the vast hordes of apocalypse. We aren't ready for this whole- Hanno, we aren't at our best. I have lost my intellect. I have been stuck with the ruck of a mind. Oh, God, I love your technology. Rotsa ruck! I love that expression. See, I believe Greg Rucka hs actually been trying to- Hannow we are in the hovel of a homeless shelter. I am a homeless man, I haven't been able to- See, Stan Lee always knew he was chronicling an age of heroes that had always existed Frederic Fellini called them our modern myths. Yes, he did! I read the Steranko intro. I believe we- Hanno, Steranko never forgave himself for his misportrayal of mr. Mind's destiny. I velieve we are- Hanno, you're Havok. Oh, God, Hanno, you're the man I've been looking for. Havok and Doom- Hahaha, the name sounds so cormy. Oh, my God, I believe that ther is something

Victor von Doom's journal

to victor in the be'smoring runes of winsome highway

is to know the right rip'roaring lunes of sinsome rye'hay

the runes of bespoken near to heart's aswim in sin and rye

it groons all a'token jeer su larks a'whim in din and Lye

The need I have to bespeak my life in horrorred verse

is lead 'jye 'nave su reak die 'fife sin g'rorrored curse

I feel a lot of need and mead in my loving's heart

'jye deal a grot love seed 'nd deed tin guy muffin breastsmart

Victor von Doom's journal

A miniscus for day's burrowing in the airy dew

See-saw circus love may's hurrying kin the starry jew

Lost in dreams and stars a'glint the man is in irish temper for an irish gent

Tossed in reams sand mars 'ra mint the dan 'ris in tirish hamper 'ror land sye rich lent

Victor von Doom's journal

Keepsakes are gnarly in wholeseasons uproar

the like of an axe is grinding in 'boll weaval's succour

Victor von Doom's journal

The sense of a warsome state is a wisesome foolhardy quandry

To bounce into troubles amiss is the disquise run ghoul 'dardy saundry

The hope amiss of scorn's delight is a stab wound in the 'grrorrows

The dope of bliss dove morn's relite 'tis a 'mab swounds sin se tomorrows

Tomorrows, tomorrows, and tomorrows- it all is a yeasty collection

of yeastydays sorrow of passions dice is all misty in section

For norrow is time for 'grrorrows despite is all nightsomely in wound's respite or delight

the morrow of ryme for rye'tillows gaspipe 'sis draws whitesomely 'gin moons 'tris tripe or sealight

rye ryme rhyme

Viktor von Doom's journal

Io feels a gadfly in form int she reels

Prometheus is sad to die in store meant all sees steals

Sees of scrolls knowledge mast all fire a paperaging

lees of strolls sow the hedge 'rast s'all lyre a sape'tire saging

leg of stroll by acre standing all landscape wild

seg of roll rye taper 'randing droll sands sape rild mild

I believe in- Hanno this is Victor Doom I- Ha haha, I still can't get used to the name. I just, it's So melodramatic. I never really, I held a political office in a fake country called Latvia- it was Latvia, Hanno, it's a trilled “r” yes, Actually, I thought the “r” added class to an overly-ethnic spelling. I wanted to Americanize it- I was very open to the West- I MET Chris Claremont- He actually apologized for his drastic misportrayal of me, I actually share my wealth profusely. It was- It was just a lark, based a- wait, a woman's gadfly- you wrote Io- See, I was- the T became an I and- That's bloody brilliant- You actually adapted the prose to my intrusion. I actually feel a sense of the actual I See, Stephan Hawking and I haven't met but we've TALKED through the ether. He is ecstatic I'm real. See, I am not a sort of ragamuffin for nothin' thats why was reverberated to me over the ages gone yonder- Megan's term, lovely girl- I actually feel some sense of the – I actually, seee, if you can maintain Holocaust vision, Okay, we'll talk later. Cheerio.

Victor von Doom journal

The whiff of the friendlily is a coffee's introduction

if I haven't been at my best it can't come too readily which

I have witchery in my soul and dancing naked women in

the least scarred half of my vision

a scarred soul scarred from feeling

leaves my synesthesia senses reeling

a wirlwind of sorrow in meandering prose

is left for the winding ways of the worldly goes

whorls in fame noteriety's spin

quantum prose in ambition yet nothing goes win

luck is drawn from a well and is abysmal lack

ruck is nothing so swell and is drifted from wrack

licentiousness is a word to meander

one's own soul's wander

the forest's green is mostly what goes forest's one's lice in morrow

lice and fireflies- all too rot in the 'grorrow

the hirsute is nothing if not lost too forest's green

brown Delacroix matte colours if not brown in

forests dank and rocks gross

the Persian affair is Renoir's sauce in toast

to wet the 'licks of paint for dank colours great

I know no man so learned in art who knows sake

for art is known by art connoisseur's need

for art is cannibas in opium's taste for weed

and all grown like art in colour in agriculture's moss

to wet by painting's brush the seedlings of sponges toss

it is not my goal to spin dexter's song by

groat willing's sauce's fancy

alchemical sauce is woman's breast anew

if you feel you can win this war you have

another thing coming you are not Victor von Doom

the feeling of love lost in love is a swan's

sing running to mar grottin's in rune


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