
Sunday, May 24, 2015

Daredevil the man without fear screenplay synopsis...

Ben Affleck is Foggey Nelson.. the first Foggy nelson.. jean favreau is the second foggy nelson.. they both made the first Daredevil movie in Czeckoslovakia.. they were both investigating the grail cult of czeckoslovakia... robert de niro is erik murdock's father.. he was also investigating the grail cult when he became a boxer.. he is definitely a criminal.. he never throws the fight but he loses nevertheless.. as he's lying on the mat looking at his son from the corner of his eye.. he whispers quietly serenely "victory".. he telepathically talks to his son while lying on the mat that there is a man named matt damon who he should meet when he grows to a young man.. the name "matt" erik, remember the name "matt"... erik murdock young erik murdock remembers.. after the fight.. robert de niro erik murdock's young old father is walking down the street near and alley and is shot to death... only one person comes to see him as he's lying on the street in a dismal wasteland alley open square.. in the twilight night of lamplight gaslight...

... the first daredevil movie was just a movie.. just a movie which existed in the marvel universe.. it was always just a movie.. nothing but a movie.. but a very important movie.. because it was the movie in which the first foggy nelson wanted to become his idol matt murdock.. he wanted to BECOME Daredevil.. ben affleck's foggy nelson wanted to BECOME matt murdock all method in manner.. he did the whole sensory deprivation chamber in an attempt to feel the the sensorium of matt murdock.. he tried to do something with his eyes to affect blindness... the daredevil movie was shot in czeckoslovakia, in city urban neighbourhoods which resembled new york.. i'm sure such urban areas exist in czeckoslovakia.. europe is an westernized europasianized afferyank...

the daredevil movie is a horror, a literal horror.. ben affleck's foggy nelson, who is bullseye, a bullseye who wanted to BECOME his idol daredevil by playing his role in a movie..doing the method ... ben affleck's foggy nelson is put on trial in connecticut for his role in the daredevil movie, and he is threatened by the death sentance.. for portraying the truly legal hero Daredevil who never stops being a lawyer as a murderer who is utterly devoted to a crime lifestyle.. of the very worst order..

erik murdock meets matt damon.. erik murdock is defending his friend foggy nelson.. erik murdock thinks that taking on matt damon's name "matt" will give him legal leverage to will be a legal about-face which will help him immeasurably defend his friend foggy.. ben affleck's foggy nelson is demjanjuk, the man who wasn't "ivan the terrible".. i've been reading "the demjanjuk affair" "the rise and fall of a show trial".. i am trying to use it as the basis for daredevil the man without fear screenplay.. i think martin scorcese would be an ideal director for the movie.. i think scott turow would be an ideal screenwriter.. i think he would study "the demjanjuk affair" religiously ..

so ben affleck foggy nelson is demjanjuk.. who was put on trial in israel for allegedly presiding over the death i believe of millions of prisoners, charges completely false.. he was actually believed to have personally, single-handedly effected the murders of millions of people, with his bare hands.. this is very much in line with the matt murdock daredevil ben affleck played in the first Daredevil movie..ben affleck is demjanjuk.. he is on trial for his life for the first daredevil movie, in connecticut.. connecticut, the state of police brutality, DOES this kind of legal judicial double-dealing face-saving..

Rosemary is also in the screenplay.. she is mary, who becomes typhoid mary in the first daredevil the man without fear movie.. erik murdock who changes his name to matt murdock after meeting matt damon.. matt murdock defends rosemary against her self-confession to being the real susan atkins who killed sharon tate in the manson killings.. the daredevil the man without fear movie takes place in the sixties.. the first daredevil movie was meant to be timeless belonging to no decade.. rosemary believes honestly believes she's susan atkins.. erik matt murdock is simultaneously defending her rosemary who is mary of the rosary who becomes typhoid mary .. matt miurdock is simultaneously defending rosemary and foggy nelson who is bullseye..

Elektra is also in the screenplay, however she is a total hero in the very first daredevil movie.. she is anakin.. elektra is a female anakin.. electra is a female anakin..

Here is what I've written of the Daredevil the man without fear screenplay so far..

Scene- inside the talk-show Tv studio

Matt Murdock: (absently, ignoring his secret identity) Papers, papers, where's my papers.

Wilson Fisk: I hate such criminal inconveniance.

Matt Murdock: Appreciate your sympathy-.. papers, yeah, paper of due contract.. I'm so silly about nonsense-papers.. it's a lawyer's right to drive himself insane.. who needs money when you have papers.. always getting lost in the corners and edges.. like every paper is a lost margin.

Wilson Fisk: Need help? No- forgot my Nixon. He believed in letting elderly people in wheelchairs walk for themselves. Self-reliance is due a lawyer.

Matt Murdock: Hey, yeah, self-reliance is your big theme, isn't it. Why not make a talk show of it? .. na-na-naah-na.. na nah naah na.. hey, hey, goodbye.. papers..

Wilson Fisk: I often feel like a lost paper myself. I unequivocally dress in white, so I fade into the background and can't be found. I'm a believer in great annoyance. Of great cause and annoyance.

Matt Murdock: I 'm sure we'll have splendid conversations. I could use a promotion.

Wilson Fisk: Your friend Foggy, where is he? Isn't he doing the show? Is he staying in the margins? He could use the help in status.

Matt Murdock Nah, he's the one of the who of us which works for a living and keeps the parntership going, he was too busy to come.

Wilson Fisk: Oh, work time and face time, the eternal opposition of Hegelian and Marxist thought.

Matt Murdock: Well, I'm niether. Maybe that's why I'm so blindly confused.

Wilson Fisk: It won't last, I'm sure. Your business won't be able to stand it. I'm sure your exhaustive empirical study will show promise for your partnership in the long-term. I'm a great believer in the long term. I'm a very patient cause to myself.

Matt Murdock: Wilson Fisk incorporated? Or what is the name of your company?

Wilson Fisk: The name of my company is the company of no name. I have spread out business interests so interdisciplinary and varied they fall under the radar. I am pragmatic about the liabilities of a public image.

Matt Murdock: So, it's a talk show of the blind talking to the blind. (starts talking like the Kingpin) I'm sure you're great friends with the highest-echelon producers and will exercise your discretion as to what makes it into the final copy and into the visibility of the public eye as much-disciplined and restrained TV images.

Wilson Fisk: Sure. I'll take care of that part. I'm the big corporate guy. I wnat both our view represented fairly, which is eternally, acceleratively problematic for TV forums, for public TV forums, which is a high gradient for this show. This show gets a lot of viewers- it has varied enough programming to be intelligent for ours and the public's sensibilities.

Wilson Fisk: The issue of business rivalries was at issue in multiplex derivatives of questions. A question of a business rivalry was a business rivalry, a business rivalry used to be the basis of an entrepreneurship, a copacetic deal was the basis of a business, of business rivals, which ahd been invented as a business complex to begin with by the premise of a rivalry.
The phenomenon of the rivalry preceded the phenomenon of the business. A friendly rivalry was no rivalry, a rivalry was a mean affair, an urban nastiness. Once a rivalry had been formulated into this new word “business”, the term, the idea, “friendly rivalry” came into being.
Before the existence of business, rivalry was war. Business demoted war. Made the most relevant factors and phenomena of it business competition I am no businessman. I own no business skyscraper or low-scraper. I have no interest in going legit. I am an underground conduit, an infrastructure of many margins, but no centre, if I am everywhere it is because I have no centre. I occupy low corridors, secret doorways and compartments. I always know the quickest, closest channels to a location or destination, always an underground channel, or a low-ground channel. I always observe the low-path with my feet. The low past, the low path, is the quickest path, the path of roots and gnarled tree-stumps.

Ah, finally found it.

Bullseye, played by Ben Affleck

Bullseye: Arr, yer afferyank. Arff got me bullets in a bosun. Therr neaiverr be anorrtherr Darre daviel ars lorng ars eI arm around.

Bullseye: Thar yarn goy ien a big braown trrencaart wars too viooelant forr moy farncies. Hey took too marnie men four his. He was a marn orf bornyard farncie, A farncy-farncy. He cars hoimself ein a norm whorch plays tor moy appeal. But hey was too lirtle for moy sense arv credobeilitey.

Bullseye: Thar yon Darr deivel iars an economic Rayarlist.

Martin Scorcese would be the ideal director of Daredevil: the man without fear..

Scott Turow would be the ideal co-screenwriter of Daredevil: the man without fear...

My Hanno Raudsepp's address is 41 o'neil crescent, trenton, canada

my phone number is 1- (613) - 394 - 6412... but i think my phone number is mostly disconnected..

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