
Friday, May 29, 2015

Batwoman was guts..

batwoman was broiled inner tube.. she was broiled alive in beautiful disease of cell amoeba red blook cloud hemoglobin which helped her BREATH.. all sexuality helped her BREATH.. she WAS hemoglobin.. she was all red blood cells.. she felt a red blood scythge burn BURN boil her blood nude.. she was naked so SOOO superficial skin onion layer skin outside naked.. and burning bush bubbles red nude layer upon THICK lUCY layer nude inside.. the layers of a peach inside.. the layer of an onion naked outside.. she was internally a nude peach.. she was in a drug den, in which she Batwoman was naked and had a well-wrought urn sculpture made up wholly of bruises for a face.. the bruises swelled sexually and NEVER hurt...

 in her viscera belly internal was broiling brew stew sexual.. she was a stew inside herself.. she was stew.. hehheheeh.. snoopy... she was a silly woman nude.. heheheheh..

 a beautiful RAW naked twelve voluptuous breast and bare butt nude girl twelve was next to her cowering..

nude twelve year old girl:  when when when arw we getwin out of a aww god hewww

naked batwoman:  ohaww I dunno I'm just a supewhewo..

wew sowwy wew sowwy wew sowwy..

nude Christina hoff summers and labs in university..

nude batwoman:  my god.. the drug den is a chemical lab in a university for solving breast cancer.. it is a cancer ward.. I am naked solsenitysia nude sonia...

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