
Sunday, July 22, 2018

Nightingale Mist II (Winona Horowitz Ryder) - attorney-at-law:..".. something.. like a small blood-corpuscle miracle happens when we all .. wake up from earth's natural inhabitance.. which is a truly soupy-atmosphere'd meandering environment Earth-3.. which has long become the natural inhabitance of earth and of earth's population... when we in a truly complexluy simple manner.. in a truly complexly simple manner.. almost like a quantum indiscernable awakening.. almost like a quantum indiscernable clothed in velvet cushions of inter-molecularly weavery of time and space substance texture of reality curtain molecular-curtain weavery.. we all Wake Up.. into a clarity of unprecedanted clarity of atmospheric cool consciousness... into a summer's almost breeze-variation of summer's breeze.. perhaps an atmosphere like a stillborn breeze.. perhaps an atmposphere like a summer's stillborn breeze.. like a static breeze in hthe air we inhabit the air of cool warm-cool serenity of summer air.. and we have woken up in Jack Kirby's Fourth World transformed into pure matter pure planet earth civilization.. and we are in Jack Kirby's Fourth World as Earth Civilization.. and we have woken up indiscernably thru Ishtar-curtain molecular tapestry weavings.. we have thusly woken up in an Earth Civilization of Jack Kirby's Fourth World.... and poor, poor, gentle-snowflake souled Helen Alexandros (Holly Madison) the pre-crisis Silver Swan is now nine-years old and she is alone with her mother and father and her little sister Cassandra Alexandros has not even been born yet.. and in earth-3 she Cassie Alexandros had already grown up into an adult, into an adult of heavy responsibility-sensibility... and in this Fourth World of Jack Kirby's earth.. this selfsame Cassandra "Cassie" Alexandros has not even been born yet.. and her older sister.. Helen Alexandros (Holly Madison) is but a witwee-adorable and shy nine years old ... and her father and mother are victimized like no other family in history and her poor poor father and mother have NO Human-Rights in suburban housing Real Estate WhatsoEVER!!! - and Ares (Daniel Day Lewis) roars with rage pure heartful outrage at this human atrocity.. and... we are in Jack Kirby's Fourth World and you have no idea how FRUSTRATING Ruby Ryder and .. even.. sniff.. Priscilla Rich (Kate Moss) find the future nympth-whisp-willo-the-whisp-succubi future self of attorney-at-law Nightingale Mist and her pain-wracked sobbing and sob-shrieking admonitioins to good dietary heath... and the one thing they LIKE that Nightingale Mist of the future realm says is that .. Jack Kirby's Earth Civilization The Fourth World contains the seedlings and germs of a Star Wars-novels characters-continuity enfranchised.. Episode 14-directed by Bernard Rose.. and a Dark Horse-characters-continuity-enfranchhised.. J. J. Abrams-directed "Episode 7- again, the Phantom State".... and that Disney has FINALLY figured out what the HELL happened with DISNEY of ALL corporations and Disney is 100000000% on George Lucas' SIDE now...."...

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