
Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Sophia Copolla is Constance d'Arimas, a Deathbird..

Constance Darimas ((Deathbird) / Sophia Copolla)):.."... Ahania... I read Jean Genet.. you don't.. you don't read Genet.. you don't read Jean Genet .. Ahania.. I have read every single book and play Jean Genet has written at least a hundred times.. maybe two hundred times.. I'm like you in this respect.. I lost count.. I honestly lost count... I have read every single one of Jean Paul-Sartre's plays multiple times.. every.. single.. one .. of them.. you have read "Huis Clos".. and "Dirty Hands".. and "The Flies".. you have read them with substance.. you have no idea.. Ahania.. of the plays by Jean Paul-Sartre that I have read.. you have no idea of how the Jean Paul-Sartre archive opened itself to me and my family.. you have no idea of the plays by Jean Paul-Sartre how many of them I have read.. Ahania.. I have read "Being and Nothingness".. you could have gotten a copy of "Being and Nothingness" long ago, Ahania.. you don't understand the microscopic, bacterial blue-green algea level meticulosity and fervour and micro-management with with I have read ALL of Jean Paul-Sartre's "Being and Nothingness"... you don't understand what I got from that book, Ahania... I got .. The Subject... I got.. The Other... I got.. The Object.. I understand a chapter you have never understood Ahania.. "structures of the for-itself".. I understand it clear as day or night or as a cool spring's pond.. I understand the chapter on Transcendence.. I understand the chapters of "Being and Nothingness" that you admitted you NEVER came ClOSE to understanding.. I have penetrated and absorbed those chapters.. I understand them as easily as you understand.. "The Wild Duck" by Henrick Ibsen.. Ahania.. It's Jean Genet.. It's what you don't know about yourself... Ahania.. see.. Sartre explains that Jean Genet chose to be evil early in life.. I am Constance D'Arimas and I made the choice to be evil very recently, really only days ago.. as did Monica Bellucci.. it's was a revolution of identity that I engineered about myself, as did Monica Bellucci... that MEANS something so overwhelming.. Ahania .. It means the Bermuda Triangle.. this revolution of identity of a matter of days.. Ahanai.. you don't know this about yourself.. you don't know that you chose to be evil.. you do evil things that you chose to do that you believe are good things, good actions... Ahania.. you chose to be evil.. Ahania.. and you don't know that.. you think you're good Ahania.. you don't know that you made the choice the Jean Genet choice to be evil.. Ahania.. Ahania.. NO ONE but you .. NO ONE.. except only you.. Ahania.. relates or identifies or equates Winona Ryder's refusal to sign autographs with child torture.. their is NO justification for your sending a message an article to the Washington Post that documented the fiction as fact that Winona Ryder has sexually penetrated young boys.. you sent out a fiction to be reported as News that Winona Ryder is a child rapist.. sigh. I know.. about autographs.. Ahania.. I still stand by this.. when .. in your later second message of a few days later.. you sent to the Huffington post.. a verdict of innocence of the Winona Ryder trial for child rape.. when you mentioned Antoine Fisher and the first black church in the history of America.. and said that these would exonerate Winona Ryder as INNOCENT of all charges of child rape.. a Verdict of "Innocent".. When you sent this second message a few days after the first one.. Ahania .. I still stand by this.. when you did that .. this second message.. it was.. an afterthought..
      Ahania.. The Huffington Post rejected your story about Winona Ryder.. uncategorically.. Ahania... I have read, "The Blacks" by Jean Genet... I play that was too frightful for you to read even once.. Ahania... I have read, "The Blacks" four hundred times.. I've memorized every word and subtext and intonation of "The Blacks" by Jean Genet".. Ahania.. we are in The Blacks...."

A monologue for Sophia Copolla's "Deathbird" Constance d'Arimas.. in "Superman; man of steel; chapter one", directed by Steven Spielberg and Sophia Copolla.. and this monologue should probably also in full be in "Superman; man of steel; chapter three", directed by Steven Spielberg, Sophia Copolla.. and Scorcese... spoken with eloquence and resolve and determination by Sophia Copolla..

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