
Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Sophia Copolla is Deathbird.. she is the Ed Brubaker DeathBird in Joss Whedons (Ahania Blacksmith's) written and directed, "Avengers; age of Ultron" - 15-movie.. from prison to art deco supermax apartment amiable slum version.. a 15-movie epic...

Deathbird (Sophia Copolla):.. ".. okay.. Tony Stark.. I read it .. I read your novel.. your internet electronic text e-book.. I read your e-book.. Tony Stark.. I read it .. I read it.. it was an e-book, Tony Stark.. you don't know that, but I do.. I did a word count of it.. I actually did that.. I was bored.. so I devoted a whole day to doing a literal word-by-word word-count of your book, Tony Stark.. of your e-book.. you don't have the patience to do things like that but I do.. I have the patience to do things like that and you simply don't have that patience Tony Stark.. it is of little consequence that I learned all that patience from you Tony Stark.. from your exhaustive tutelage.. I will admit to that.. their are more words in your e-book, Tony Stark.. than in J.R.R. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings trilogy.. a lot more.  A lot.  you don't even know that you wrote a whole single, self-contained fluid, mobile, autopoetic, seamlessly continuous to every letter and jot and tittle .. novel.. you wrote a novel in a single entity universe.. their is NOTHING whatsoever to a multi-zillion-jillion quajillion degree episodic about your novel.. it a complete whole.. you - have - no - fucking - idea - how fast - I can - read - now … Tony Stark.. how fast I actually read your novel .. I novel that because your wrote it.. you are pathetically hopeless at reading or understanding.. you understand NOTHING about your novel for the simple reason that you wrote it yourself.. you have no idea what your novel did for me, Tony Stark.. you have no idea how well I understand your novel.. their is ALL of EVERYTHING anyone has ever written about quantum physics in your novel Tony Stark.. their is nothing whatsoever that I don't know about quantum physics because I read your novel Tony Stark.. there is.  Z-Fields.  Tony Stark, you dumbass, you are a snob, Tony Stark, a reprehensible, despicable snob, Tony Stark.. you don't read Gary Zukav because he writes popular science.. sigh.. you read textbooks on quantum physics, Tony Stark.. only textbooks.. sigh.. Tony.. Stark.. not a single textbook you have read or that you own mentions ANYTHING about Z-fields.. you will find Z-fields mentioned only in one book by one author.. "The Dance of the Lu-Wi masters".. by .. Gary.. Zukav.. I read that book.. I read "The strange story of the quantum".. yes, tony stark .. I read Nick Herbert's "Quantum Reality".. the easiest to read book ever written and therefore not on your dumbass, stupid-brained reading list Tony Stark.. someday.. I will explain what I already know about how little .. you will actually.. get . from a textbook.. on quantum physics.. you read chemistry textbooks, Tony Stark.. that's different.. So do I.  Because I read your novel.   I think.. Z-fields .. numb the mind.. do a filter in the ether.. Z-fields are brainwashing tools.. I am erasing from your mind, memory and belief everything that happened in the last seven days, Tony Stark.."

monologue for Sophia Copolla's (ed brubaker) Deathbird.. written by Hanno Jason Leigh / Hanno Raudsepp / Hanno Ridal.. for Joss Whedon's 15-Avengers movie's...

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