
Saturday, October 27, 2018

Angelina Jolie is Doris Zeul of earth-2 and Crispin Glover is Angelo Bend of all-earths.. and they.. meet...

Doris Zeul (Angelina Jolie):..".. okay.. Angelo... it's kind of like.. I'm the Doris Zeul who never was... i'm the unreal doris zeul… I'm the manic-depressive Doris Zeul who has a famous, beaming maniacal grin.... like I feel the bliss of pure diabolism on my face like fresh-red-wine electricity... it's like I'm the puckish, Robin Goodfellow Doris Zeul.. of earth-2.. I believe.. I'm the Doris Zeul of earth-2... she's coming.. but it might take a long, long time for her to arrive.. she's the Doris Zeul of earth-1.. she's kind of like .. the original.. i'm the innovative Doris Zeul.. kind of like I'm the madcap invention of a Doris Zeul entity invented by a truly mad scientist in his laboratory... the original.. is coming.. she'll arrive.. she'll arrive.. the doris zeul of earth-1.. she's the doris zeul with erudite, cogent, sage-like facial features.. she has an AMAZING strong chin.. a great, square jawline.. I mean.. this doris Zeul … the original.. she has the face of Marcia Gay Harden.. she has exactly her face.. exactly her face.. she's older.. I think she about forty-nine years old or maybe even in her early fifties..."

Angelo Bend:.. ".. THANKS.. doris.. lois lane.. is she coming to meet us..."

Doris Zeul:.. ".. oh.. geez.. I might have to skedaddle.. if lois lane is coming.. it's like.. I'm kind of like a professional criminal.. like I'm sort of zany hard-core crime-woman.. and it might not be .. kosher.. for Lois Lane and I to meet.. with that said.. Angelo Bend.. to quote the great finnegan.. with good guilders of time of day.. I will take my friend Angelo's leave..."

Angelo Bend:.. ".. oh... okay.. Doris Zeul... it was nice to talk to you.. I understand.."

Doris Zeul:.. ".. oh... SORRY.. real sorry.. angelo.. it's just.. I really think it's like.. lois lane and I .. our paths should not cross .. yet... kind of like.. it'd be against the law for us both to meet.."

Angelo Bend:..".. oh.. YEAH.. I totally get it.. Doris... sorry... I have a lunch-date with lois…"

Doris Zeul:.. ".. oh course.. Angelo.. of course.. I'll take my leave of you.. THANKS!!..".. Doris Zeul leaves .. to take a taxi cab home.. a taxi cab payed for by her father...

Angelo Bend waits forty minutes for Lois Lane (Victoria Hill) to arrive.. she finally arrives..

Lois Lane (Victoria Hill):.. ".. oh..  SORRY.. sorry for being late for out appointment.. Angelo..."

Angelo Bend (Crispin Glover):..".. oh.. it's okay.. you're right on time.. actually.. lois… I didn't feel the time pass at all.. I was reading this book by David Kahn here.. on german espionage... in World War Two...."

Lois Lane (Victoria Hill):..".. you told me.. Angelo.. that you had messages of great import to bestow upon me..."

(Track 11 of the Rupert Gregson-Williams soundtrack to Patty Jenkins's Wonder Woman movie.. Track 11 of this soundtrack.. the Angelo Bend theme.. the.. the Angelo Bend... theme... plays during this long, ensuing monologue.. for the whole duration of this Crispin Glover monologue...)...

Angelo Bend (Crispin Glover):..".. yeah..  Lois .. I sort of wanted to talk philosophy.. and social psychology with you.. it's like... teh urgent message I had for you.. Lois... is that.. it's the young boys.. teh little boys.. how their's this massive Spanish Inquisition .. to HURT .. little boys... and I want to talk about how.. little girls.. how young girls and little girls are launching a personal childrens crusade .. to make sure it's the little girls who are ALWAYS.. hurt instead of.. the little boys.. in their place.. in their place.. it's a Mission that Poison ivy and Giganta both set up.. they worked together like old fellow-compatriots .. and they both .. compatriots Poison ivy and Giganta.. worked on a personal campaign for World Conquest.. where they would both telepathically conquer the world.. and arrange something thru telepathic underground telluric currents.. thru the underground great mythical Serpent of the World.. to shake the very tectonic plates of planet earth.. into telepathic electromagnetic reverberations.. so that.. it would always ALWAYS be the little girls who would suffer in the stead of the little boys.. but also so that in the most elusive, arcane way.. it would also be the women who would suffer chivalrously for the men.. for the adult men.. it's that.. they both .. Poison ivy and Giganta.. they arrange a new.. Avalon.. they arranged and orchestrated the new Elysium and the new Avalon.. in which.. Female Chivalry would reign.. Female Chivalry would reign.. see.. it's the men.. who feel that THEY'RE being chivalrous toward women when the men also feel like they the men are taking hits and abuse.. physical dehumanizing abuse by these men that these men in question don't mind or are bothered by AT ALL.... in the sense that the men who are physically dehumanized .. every SINGLE one of them.. they say that they are on their way.. thru the public Media Leviathon... these men are on their way toward becoming real predators in society.. real media predators.. real media predators.. and so they say that these men are RELIEVED to be physically dehumanized to help.. women.. to help.. frail women.. but the thing is.. see .. it's the women who these men are being chivalrous toward.. it's these exact women who are SO committed to .. in the public media sense.. to suffering such unspeakable, unimaginable dehumanization.. that … see... it's actually what Poison ivy and Giganta arranged.. that it's actually the women who are being chivalrous toward the men.. rather than the other way around.. that it's the women who are building something big.. something huge.. so that for thousands of literal years to come from this very present date onward.. it's only the women who are physically dehumanized..
       "But .. then.. the upcoming M. Night Shamalayan movie.. "Glass".. this really, really uber-cool actor who'se playing this real ultra-smoothly maniacal character in .. in that movie.. see.. he.. that actor.. he doesn't belong in this conversation.. sorry.. Lois.. in my very one-sided conversation.. he's doing something so deep, so apocalyptically powerful with that character.. that it's not the issue I'm talking about at all with him.. it's who he's playing in that movie.. it's the force of powerful redemption of that character... Lois..."...

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