
Monday, October 29, 2018

ethan hawke is hal jordan.. and cynthia belleview is carol ferris...

hal Jordan (ethan hawke):.. ".. yeah.. Carol Ferris.. she was the first disciple of old, esteemable Pierpont Morgan.. when she was younger.. and.. I don't.. I don't get it... see .. their's a photograph of her with Pierpont.. she's 17 years old and she looks forty-two.. like she does now.. wait.. this can't be right .. not even clear am I on what decade I'm in.. it's .. the year is 1975.. right...?... and she.. she's planning something with a young man named Geoff johns.. like she wants history to repeat itself... that she does everything that she did with Pierpont Morgan.. that she does exactly in some kind of.. is it like.. Vico..?.. where Geoff Johns is now exactly like Pierpont Morgan to her.. to carol.. to carol... I think.. she told me she was at the Jekyll Island Club meeting.. but she told me that it was Pierpont morgan himself who wasn't present at that meeting... she said she had long term plans and her not-so-friendly personal rivalry with Pierpont's daughter, Anne Tracey.. played greatly into her plots and plans.. and.. it's like.. Dorothy Witney... and.. wait.. how did Carol Ferris even sidle herself.. wait.. that's not polite of how I just now talked about Carol.. it's like she did something with quantum folds or a quantum smear so she actually was their part of business cartels in.. wait... in 1907...?.. that can't be right.. that can't be right..."...

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