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If the messages flooding into our inbox and IM windows are to be believed, the entire entertainment industry is currently paralyzed with worry that the following rumor of a Winona Ryder overdose, currently being passed along on countless tracking boards and e-mail chains, might be true:
In what appears to be an apparent suicide, Winona Ryder was pronounced dead as a result of cardiac arrest after consuming more than two-dozen sleeping pills.
Complete details are not yet available, as this story is still developing.
So in the interest of doing our part to get people back to the important work of rolling calls, screaming at their assistants, and trying to dream up projects to which the suddenly red-hot Ryder can be immediately attached: The story seems to be just another poorly executed hoax from this site (see: "actress drug overdose POPULAR!" in the Targeting Celebrities section), which previously attempted to kill off Tom Hanks during a fictional New Zealand shoot. Also not dead: Drew Barrymore and Helen Mirren. We may never believe another thing the once-trusted Global Associated News network tells us.
Of course, we haven't actually placed a call to Ryder's people, so feel free to continue freaking out until the story is officially denied.