
Thursday, February 16, 2017

Nude Barbara Minerva...

Nude Barbara Minerva: ..".. the sphinx of my riddling soul which riddles with pen-marks my embryo dawn soul.. for my inner core apocalypse soul is an embryo punctured with twin-notes and melodies from Bach.. from muy inner embryo self is an counterpoint Bach symphony or concerto or twin-sonata.... and my inner self is music.. music.. MUUUSIIIICCC..... a dawn of holocaust is my inner music self .. a true dawn self be mine.. a true dawn music self be mine.. curtain upon curtain of layers of cake layers upon my music self.. like the layers of a cake are the music of layers of my early nightingale soul music dawn self.. as if my core inner soul was the music ethereal of the ethereal music substance of a nightingale.. an embryo nightingale is my inner dawn holocaust self... a .. a.. a.. a.. hummingbird..?... hum hum.. buz buz.. entelechy of form of forms be I... I am an abyss a diaphane which beetle's oe'r the base of my baseline radian trajectory like the platform beneath my feet is dividied into four quadrants and this angles my posture into trajectoried political gestures of physical self into sculptural soap opera melodrama queen empress princess Barbarary horse minnnerrrrarrvvaaa.... I be the melodrama ice cream princesss empress Barbary horse Minerva.. a glue unstuck be I .. a glue unstuch.. a glue unstuck... trammelled into the face mud-face-packet into the mud be my fic face a drawn-horse qauarterly drawn into the mud platform of myself which beetle's oe'r the base of my platform foot-self footsoldier Barbara Minerva into a beetling cliff-face like my face a stone sculptural reverberating crack-dawning clock-face cliff-face rock which jags and beetle's oe'r the base platform feet legs bare as autumn wind of myself like my bare legs be a forest drawn wilderness a wilderness of selfhood legs mine legs bare as the autumn wind and conjoinging in wedding harmony with my bare rotund plumb plumb plump as the merry wheeather breasts bare as mine inner oyster clam diaphragm soul breathing in an out my windmill bellows breasts bare into breathing winds of four Erin Kingdoms and Queendoms.. for I am both a two-woman bodies a Kingdom and A Queendom a political body which is my Cheetah autumn-flecked body and my personal, self-identical body which is my autumn inner core even non-Cheetah Minerva-black-ebony-charcoal-sculpted body a true Barbara Minerva and a true ocean of many Captains bleeds beneath me my blatform platform feet and barest legs of sculptural ocean mirth and crest and the cruel crawling foam of my barest autumn legs which run into the windmills of time into a very Speed-autumn-Cheetah-Force of my own.."

monologue for Barbara Minerva's Angelina Jolie for Scorcese's / Jenkin's "Wonder Woman" .. and Sophia Copolla's Wonder Woman.. in fact this adjoining, aforementioned monologue could be the entirety of Angelina Jolie's Dialogue in Sophia Copolla's Wonder Woman movie.. with Gal Raudsepp and Gal Godot and Megan d Iseult all sharing the role of Dian.. Dianaa.. Dianaa.. Diaeeinia.. Diana autumn nude princess Diaeinaiea...

... aforementioned monologue copyrighted to Scott Snyder-2.. with severe apologies for the copyright message / notice...

.. medusa ...

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