
Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Daniel Day Lewis is Magneto .. Erik Magnus... in the mid-April, 2021.. version of Scorcese's "The Uncanny X-men".. a yet another monologue for Daniel Day Lewis's Magneto...

Magneto (Daniel Day Lewis) :..".. I live in within my will enrooted lies reside a twisted labyrinth knot of wooded bark of tree-birch wood.. for birch's are white trees.. the bark of birch tree's are entirely, remarkably white.. white as snow.. white as snowflakes.. white as the pure soul of Emma.. Emma Frost.. for it is a white future which beckons me.. but I think of myself as a negro, as a black man Magneto.. and this is a dark soul I endeavour myself toward.. and their is what Louis Armand would term an RNA-DNA complex in my two twin-plumed to double-willed knavery my soul Magneto.. for my two souls are a double will and this double will is RNA-DNA.. a dichotomy will I have and this dichotomy DNA-RNA will which I have as such a dual will is an enknotted root tree labyrinth knotted will.. for my will curves itself into knots of trees-roots.. and this is a paralyzed will I set before myself.. and sometimes.. I fear I Magneto Erik Magnus have a woman's soul and this woman's soul which I have and hold dear is none other than the soul of Lady Macbeth... and I feel I will hurt and harm the mutants I so cherish as Lady Macbeth believed she would with her most oh black soul charcoal-burned to scorching red-bleeding summers of fire was Lady Macbeth's damned soul when she Lady Macbeth thought she might kill her newborn baby right after her newborn baby had finished breastfeeding on her breast.. and this is the soul the woman's soul I honestly Magneto feel will be mine... for I am doomed to be a damned soul Magneto who will harm greviously the mutants that I am sworn to cherish and protect and leading a damned path down my path Magneto... I am a red ocean of blood in my soul and it 'twould be tiring to wade back thru my ocean of self blood bleeding rock wounded soul to wander back thru and ocean of blood my own would be as tiring as simply wandering forth 'till I reach .. a destination..?.. The Sun.. the Sun.. I finally reach the Sun: Hellfire."..

This monologue for Daniel Day Lewis's Magneto / Erik Magnus was written by Hanno Ridal Raudsepp for him to repeat for many "The Uncanny X-Men" movie's for both  Scorcese and Ridal Scott.. to use in any "The Uncanny X-Men" movie this monologue I wrote for Daniel Day Lewis as he so deems important or necessary.....

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