
Monday, March 18, 2019

Sophia Copolla is older or younger sister Deathbird of the Deathbird-sisters.. to Winona Hyacinth's Deathbird.. in Scorcese's very, very, very, very first "Teh Uncanny X-men" movie..

Empress-Regent Lilandra (Amber Heard):..".. Vulcan Summers.. you have just been recruited for Shi'ar Boot-camp..."..

Rachel Grey (Megan d. Iseult):.. ".. VULCAN!!…"..

Vulcan Summers (Chad Michael Murray) seems to be incinerated.. but instead he's been teleported to the margins of the Milky Way Galaxy into a Shi'ar Palace-Citadel... just like a Russian Palace of the Shi'ar..

Deathbird (Sophia Copolla) introduces herself.. appearing vibrant and gently, adroitly regal...

Deathbird (Sophia Copolla):..".. welcome.. Vulcan Summers... sorry.. for Regent-Lilandra's rudeness and abruptness.. we're very courteous to men who we've invited as guests .. especially when we've done this in a rude manner... I hope you don't mind my indulging in a speech.. a.. a long one.. it's that.. their are men who are heroes and women who are villains - sorry.. Vulcan.. I'll.. rephrase that.. their are people- ah.. their are some who are- .. okay.. sorry.. Vulcan.. it's .. Magneto is a hero.. he will always be a hero.. it is impossible for Magneto to be a villain in the confines of the Milky Way galaxy and beyond that... I wonder.. I really.. do.. and.. okay.. it's .. what if.. their could be a movie.. a reality of the fabric of time and space.. where Magneto begins his existance in the mutant-team terms of.. it's hard to phrase-.. it's that.. Magneto being a normal man with a normal life.. sorry, Magneto.. I know.. that's not.. it's that.. and then .. he's a member of the X-Men.. in that Heaven-scent, elegaic Purple-costume that is his costume as a member of The Uncanny X-Men.. and he begins as a member.. of that team.. and then.. the Red-Crimson-Christian Rolhfe… (.. sorry.. real sorry.. I misspelled this spectacular painters .. name..).. Magneto's Red-Crimson fire-pitch Armoured magnetic-filings costume is.. it comes.. after.. it happens after.. but he's still a hero.. in terms of that terrifying television show "Heroes".. which involves body-parts trafficking and vivisection.. and it's .. sob.. Jeepers Creepers.. and that's why within the Milky Way Galaxy Magneto will must needs always be a hero.. and emma frost is a villain.. but Emma Frost is Henry James.. imen.. Emma Frost is the soul quintessence and manners and moral courage of Isabelle Archer.. mostly Isabelle Archer.. and she's also Kate Croy.. but maybe she's much, much more the pure and innocent and guileless Kate Croy played by Helena Bonham-Carter in the movie.. and that's who emma frost is.. and she's never a villain beyond the faintly sinister allusions of the Kate Croy of the Henry James novel.. and it's a hard long, arduous, thorny journey for emma frost to even get to that point.. and no further.. than that.. but she's still emma frost is still an inveterate villain.. and their might be another Tom DeFalco, Donald Duck-Abigail Williams emma frost with a quintessence orc-demons in the womb-core of her soul.. a very appealing, endearing emma frost.. but very different from teh previous mentioned emma frost who has always been a reality to me... sorry.. Vulcan Summers.. I mean that you are the hero in the equation here and I am the bad.. seed.. I'm the bad guy here and I am no friend the the feminism that makes me the innocent damsel-in-distress when that is simply...

                           .. not a possibility.. and..

                                          .. not to be allowed.."...

monologue for Sophia Copolla.. thanks, Quicksilver.. Jessie-?.. Justin Moore-...?.. - what..?..

monologue for Sophia Copolla written by Hanno Jason Leigh.. if it's... Bryan Bondy: ".. no."..

          .. if it's still okay for me to use Jennifer Jason Leigh's last name.. in my own...

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