
Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Hi Victoria Hill....

    I heard you talking to me thru the ether / eeether… asking me to write something about myself... so thanks.. Victoria Hill.... I actually have a condition that I've personally come up with a name for.. I call my condition.. "Apollo's schizophrenia".... a form of schizophrenia that I believe the priestesses of the Greek God Apollo must have had that enabled them to prophecy the future... In the past ten years I've been talking thru my schizophrenic voices to multiple celebrities.. but none of them have been able to make it to meet me.. and the chief culprit was supposed to be military blockades aka economic sanctions.. tho of course economic sanctions aren't supposed to work like that.. also.. I actually have no explanation for why none of them were able to contact me by phone with  my father answering … so this lasted ten years.. and maybe it was my "Apollo's schizophrenia".. where I talked to all these celebrities in the FUTURE... (.. sorry.. was that shouting...?.. sorry...)… also... for quite a few years now I've been suffering from heavy fatigue that I have been feeling is communicated from Angelina Jolie.. who is for several years being kept on a heavy, heavy, severe medication regimen... medications that fatigue her so much in such an inward collapsing way that.. it's that this fatigue communicates it to other people.. including myself.. and I'm not sure in what time-scheme this actually occurs.. but I came to the conclusion that these drugs that were being inflicted on Angelina Jolie were meant to KILL her.. that it is deliberate attempted euthenization of Angelina Jolie... in other words.. death by lethal injection.. to punish her for her powerful work for the United Nations...

.. I'll say more later... I recently suffered from HORRIFIC bouts of paranoid schizophrenia.. a truly unwelcome addition to my schizophrenia.. this truly HORRIFIC, TERRIFYING paranoid schizophrenia.. (.. sorry real sorry for .. shouting / capitalization...)…..

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