
Friday, April 26, 2019

Nikita Bellucci is Neil Gaiman / Dave McKean "Black Orchid"- Poison ivy....

Nude Poison ivy (Nude Nikita Bellucci): .. ".. i fall hru thru the air lije an autumn leaf in the throe's of death remorse.. for death is the song that sways my nude body along thru the rhythms of spoken intonations taht are the very winds of the air.. like the spores of the air are the very mitochondria of my cells and I breath by the very conscious action of my cellular action very consciously so very conscoius very conscious.. and this is the tempo of my diabolism of soul fire for I enter a holy babtism by Christ in this manner and I meet the soul of Henrik Ibsen's notorious priest-man of dangerous soul, Brand.. Brand.. for Brand is a man who bridges impossible cataclysmic soul snowdrifts of avalanche snow he bridges a whole avalanch snowdrift of snow Ibsen's Brand does.. and this avalanch snowdrift is my wounded sore sunspotted black-crimson heart like a bleeding gash in my body and soul poison ivy a plant-microbe interaction is the most conscious action of my very mitochondria where.. oh.. wait.. is it the ribosomes or the mitochondria in which cellular respiration take place.. Oh NO!!.. not sure.. not sure.. have not been able to read biochemistry of the cell in so long.. or rather.. it's called.. molecular biology of the cell.. and I feel my very nude body like a Krebs cycle of digestion.. and also like a citric cycle of digestion.. and my nude breasts are like the postulated, hypothetical electricity of an electron-transport chain.. and I know plant-microbe themes of plant species like.. Xanthomona campestris.. pseudomonas syringae.. ustilagi hordei.. aribidopsis thaliana... ANU843... MAC266... Enod12 .. Enod40.. and all the Nod Factors which bind plant chemical reactions.. Saponins which need and crave their own detoxification by fungi.. all of this is the realm and territory dream of Poison ivy!!!.."

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