
Thursday, April 11, 2019

Ahania Blacksmith and Tobey Gregg...

Ahania Blacksmith (Hanno Jason Leigh):..".. it's that line in James Joyce's "Ulysses"... about Shakespeare's Hamlet.. ".. nine lives taken off for his father's one..".. is that the line..?.. nine people dead for at the end of Hamlet for the death of one man, Hamlet's father.. the quintessential Revenge Tragedy .. Hamlet.. about what Revenge .. a Revenge Tragedy.. or just Revenge itself actually is.. Revenge is an epidemic... Revenge is the twelve plagues of Egypt... Revenge is every little baby boy and.. yes.. every little baby girl as well in Metropolis and Boston.. will be horrifically, monstrously butchered and killed by Wonder Woman.. before the Twelve Plagues of the Jehovah-like Wonder Woman are over.. I know that know.. that's what these horror-hallucinations that have twisted my mind and soul out of shape.. have taught me.. it's far, far, far worse than what to me is still the hypothetical death of  Margaret Attlee at Wonder Woman's hands.. right now .. in this present-present-tense... Margaret Attlee.. because her last name is Attlee.. she wants to be a sacrificial lamb.. it's what happens when the posters on the Talkbacks of Ain't it Cool news, on DC forums when DC forums finally returns, on the forums of Comic Book Resources, and if aDelphi forums ever returns.. ALL the forum-posters .. oh yes.. and also on the Wonder Woman message board.. those posters too.. they all in unison will protest that every single one of the thousands or maybe no not thousands every single one of the millions of male babies who was butchered and killed by Wonder Woman had rapist-genes and was going to grow up into a male rapist of women... and that Wonder Woman may very well have saved BILLIONS yes billions of women from being raped by butchering and killing all these millions of male babies in Metropolis and Boston.. all these male babies who would every single one of them would have grown up to become an adult or teenage male rapist of women or girls... that is what the posters on every single forum I mentioned will protest seriously and gravely in unison.. and they will talk about the self-righteousness of those who condemn these the actions of Wonder Woman... and all of what I have described is what Revenge actually is.. I just printed out a short essay on Thomas Kyd's "The Spanish Tragedy"... The Spanish Tragedy being the Revenge Tragedy.. to understand how they studied literary English Renaissance or medieval deconstructionistic Revenge Plays back then.. the logistics and mechanics of that most horrific and labyrinthine and unspeakable of subjects .. Revenge.. perhaps Margaret Attlee herself by being an innocent sacrificial lamp brutally killed by Wonder Woman sees this as her petty.. 'revenge' against Wonder Woman.. in the sense that Wonder Woman for once in a blue moon goes back to killing women like Medusa... "

Tobey Gregg (Tobey Maguire):..".. It's grim.. Ahania.. as John Constantine said about Thatcher's government.. of it's effect on the London inner city poor.. it's grim.."

Ahania Blacksmith (Hanno Jason Leigh):..".. and it's the allowing of myself.. or of Nightingale Hyacinth Mist the Second.. even allowing either of us INTO this DC-realm of Horrors.. of true Horrors.. and Rucka seems to .. is the plan that Rucka steals the childhood .. "Dear Diary"-notes of Nightingale Hyacinth Mist.. in the same exact sense that Doctor Laura once said that a mother had EVERY right to read her daughter's Diary.. that Rucka read Hyacinth's Diary which she wrote when she was a little girl.. the little Diary of Nightingale Hyacinth Mist.. in which she wrote about being a vegetarian and not hurting little or big animals equally .. and maybe that she always thought that big animals could protect themselves against humans but maybe not so.. and she finally at a very young age read.. Orwell's.. "Shooting an elephant".. and she really wanted to meet Orwell.. and she might have been besotted by the character of Winston Lord in Orwell's "1984"... and who was Winston Lord in the final analysis of the 20th century.. and she may have written about Strawberry Shortcake and the Care Bears in her Diary.. as a little girl.. and every single one of these.. topics of little-girl thoughts is mentioned by Margaret Attlee as her most inward, inmost passions and as the very seeds of "corruption" in Margaret Attlee for which Wonder Woman rips Margaret Attlee's very skeleton out of Margaret Attlee's own mouth.. for her Margaret Attlee being such a committed vegetarian.. that's Rucka's Wonder Woman.. but ..

                       .. I like Greg Rucka.. for making Wonder Woman herself into a vegetarian.. or even into a Vegan...

                       .. and I think Gregory Rucka would someday be a fantastic name for a writer..."...

This scene was written by Hanno Jason Leigh as a scene in "William Marston's Wonder Woman", directed by Scorcese.. with apologies.. some substantial dialogue for Tobey Gregg.. later...

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