
Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Antti Martikainen - Corruption.. the music of Barbara Minerva (Angelina Jolie) in the year, 1981.. as a very young girl-teenager .. preparing for her life-long quest to fight tooth and nail against the future, dystopian legalization of infanticide in Britain.. her lifelong quest to destroy any future, dystopian British Regime that would.. sob sob sob.. legalize British Infanticide.. this is the quest of teenage-girl Barbara Minerva (Angelina Jolie) in the year 1981 in "William Marston's Wonder Woman", directed by Scorcese.... also her Barbara Minerva (Angelina Jolie's) quest to fight tooth and nail against .. ahuah.. ahuah.. Chinese female infanticide.. and for her to PROVE that male infantice in Ancient Sparta NEVER happened.. that despite ALL recorded history Ancient Sparta was a CIVILIZATION that would NEVER kill the male babies and that female infanticide in Ancient Athens.. NEVER happened.. that Ancient Athens was the the Ancient Athens of Socrates, Plato and Aristotle.. and also... of Aeschylus.. and .. sob sob.. Sophocles.. (.. we'll have to find the original greek of the play.. "Oedipus Rex".. the one ancient greek play that appears to justify infanticide in Ancient Greece...)... and also.. Ancient Athens .. the Ancient Athens of.. EURIPEDES!!!... - the greates of all.. EURIPEDES!!!....

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