
Friday, April 12, 2019

Axl Rosenberg's composition ... Aitherios.. or.. "The Hunt for Poison ivy"....

Ain't it Cool news Talkbackers:..".. Superman... it's us.. The Phalanx... Poison ivy's in perpetual danger from cannibalistic predation... Superman.. you have to help her.. protect her.. she's not actually.. all that.. The Joker thing in truth was never even supposed to HAPPEN with her.. maybe another female character could have been a female psychopath to equal the Joker.. actually.. the Poison ivy.. heh.. maybe.. she's.. "The Poison ivy".. Poison ivy was always supposed to be a friend and protector of homeless kids.. she'd rescue them from mob justice.. from that cruel, sadistic public phenomenon known as "mob justice".. she'd rescue homeless kids from it.... also... Poison ivy doesn't believe in the learning factory.. or in wilderness camps.. except the Richard Hatch kind.. she's true-blue.. Poison ivy wants children to be able to just kind of live in a vegetarian vegetation Canada's Wonderland in the labyrinth of Town Gotham Park.. and it's just like.. Matt Hagen.. or … nnnfff.. Basil Karlo.. if that was Basil Karlo.. though it must have been Matt Hagen's.. Matt Hagen's a professional stage-actor.. more than anything else that's what he IS... he would be the first to JOIN Poison ivy in giving free acting lessons and tutorials.. to the homeless kids she provides a home for in the Gotham Park.. that's HIM.. you can't separate the actor from Matt Hagen.. and Basil Karlo, for Peter's sake..?.. Boris Karloff, anyone..?... (.. Carloff…?...)…. Matt Hagen.. the acting-bug bit him when he was young.. he'd WANT to teach acting to Poison ivy's kids.. we can't do this.. weird.. ignoring the back-story biography resume repertoire of Matt Hagen... and..  Poison ivy.. Superman.. she's different.. the Villain thing could just fade away from her and she could be best friends with Batman... Superman...?... SUPERMAN!!!!… SCREEEEEEE----!!!!!!….".....

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