
Saturday, April 6, 2019

"Crime and Punishment", written by Hanno Jason Leigh....

Sonia said, "It's when in doubt, blame Johnny Depp.. but Johnny Depp wants that... so he encourages those 'when in doubt, blame johnny depp' sensations.. very powerful, overwhelming visceral sensations..."

Raskolnikov said, ".. yes.. I wish I wouldn't do that... I don't want to blame Johnny Depp for anything .. it's very unfair..."

Sonia said, ".. and the .. the Phalanx is a hundred years in the future.. and Johnny Depp dearly wants to explain these schizophrenia neuro-chemistry, neuro-electricity schematic flowchart computer-cell modules for computerized schizophrenia that can span backwards a whole century to the year 1917 which you occupy alone in Silver City in Canada.. Oscar Isaac had to go to the Star Wars set and he spoke in his thunderous voice repeatedly in grave, powerful desperation her did that to say that the satellite photographs on his computer of Silver City showed only a vast, wilderness expanse of trees.. of thick brush and vegetation.. that where he and Holly Madison and the other hundred or so celebrities are.. their is no more Silver City that exists at all anymore.. your mother wants to tell you that.. that after she seemed to die or after she did die and Yahveh sent her back from Heaven in mortal form to earth she found herself a hundred years in the future perhaps they all are in the year 2019 perhaps that is the exact year they all occupy and you occupy alone here the year 1917, Raskolnikov, the horrific year of the Russian Revolution.. and Charlie Rose is timing his trip with Winona Horowitz Ryder to Toronto so that he can teleport a hundred years into the past to our year of 1917.... and so is Marty Scorcese planning equally to teleport with Emily Ridley a hundred years into the past into the year 1917 that we both occupy.. me.. I'm a holy fool which means I'm Sonia no more than a Holy Ghost I don't actually exist as such.. it's what happened to Linda Danvers.. Yahveh granted me my wish that I should not exist at all that Sonia Semenovitch should not exist at all in 1860's 1870's Saint Petersberg… for she is a Holy Fool just like a Phantom Holy Candle Flame out with the wind.. it's that Linda Danvers is that naked young boy who was torn to pieces by dogs in front of his despairing mother.. that young boy is Linda Danvers.. Linda dyed her hair black and it's cut short like a young boys and she's a lot, lot younger than twelve years old and she is Pelle the Conqueror until she met a brave young boy who was only a bit older than her who would share the role of Pelle with her.. her best friend.. and you see I would tell my foolish mother why I can't actually … exist yet.. at all... for they produced visions in which young Linda Pelle Danvers was .. what was done to her was what was done to that hardworking, tireless horse at the end of Orwell's "Animal Farm".. the horse who was sent to the glue factory to be crushed into the substance of glue.. Raskolnikov.. you .. and I .. did to.. saw the visions of that exact thing happening to Linda Pelle Danvers and then she became glue and that glue transformed into volcanic carbon.. and the Sarah Polley who replaced her who really might have been twelve years old for real that Sarah Polley started playing with that volcanic glue and toying with it in her hands playfully and that Sarah Polley is not Linda Danvers at all she is Supergirl.. and Linda Danvers was always a lot, lot, lot, lot younger than twelve years old but the Sarah Polley who is Supergirl actually IS twelve years old when she does all that to the fiery, carbon, tarry, sticky remains of Linda Danvers... and I must tell my foolish mother not to cry where is my daughter Sonia for she must my mother must honestly understand why I Sonia Semenovitch can not possibly exist yet.. at all.. in any form of existance.. "...

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