
Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Nikita Bellucci is Lara....

Kal-El (played by a young boy).. is in a spaceship... Lara (Nikita Bellucci) is.. her face .. her bare breasts.. her visible pubis vagina.. her nude muscular legs.. their all on the screen in front of him in the spaceship..

Lara (Nikita Bellucci):..".. Kal-el.. my wonderful son, Kal-el... this is your babynude mother Lara.. investigate my body closely as your young coming-of-age.. look it all over.. miss nothing.. This I command... I am your mother and you are going to do what I tell you, Kal-el..."

Kal-el:..".. Yes, mother.."

Lara (Nikita Belucci):..".. Thank you, thank you... young kal-el... you were always an obedient son as I always taught you to be.. "

flashbacks to Krypton where Lara (Nikita Bellucci) is with young Kal-el in the Montessari Garden Nursery..

Lara (Nikita Bellucci):.. ".. what is that.. a bluebird, young Kal-el.. that's for your sister Kara.. " - the bluebird flies out the window.... Lara brandishes a shard of green kryptonite..".. it's quite harmless, Kal-el.. your too young for it to harm you.. your eczema, Kal-el.. here.. scratch your eczema with this green kryptonite.. I've got more shards of green kryptonite for that purpose.. scratch your eczema to your heart's content, young Kal-el.. it's radiation therapy.."

Kal-el:..".. Thanks, mother..".. he takes the green kryptonite in his hand.."

Lara (Nikita Bellucci):.. ".. see.. Kal-el.. I'm scratching my eczema with purple-silver kryptonite.. Kal-el.. It's Kip.. Kal-el.. I'm sorry.... I'm going to Kipland Kinkel-level with you, young beloved Kal-el.. it's the green kryptonite.. I am going to brutally kill you when you're.. forty-eight years old... when you're Superman.. that's what all this green kryptonite is all about.. it's about you being vulnerable enough so I CAN successfully kill you once your Superman.."

Kal-el:..".. Excellent idea, mother.. I'm so glad I have such a smart mother.. what- who..?.."

Lara (Nikita Bellucci):..".. I'm glad your so surprised, young Kal-el.. I'm naked right now and my nude skin always blushes.. I always feel embarrassed when he watches me... watches us.. Alexis Luthor (Michael William Rosenbaum).."...

Kal-el:..".. he .. it's like he's not actually REAL.. right, mother.."

Lara (Nikita Bellucci):..".. exactly, young Kal-el.. young Kal-el.. you are proving yourself to be smarter, much smarter than your brilliant, fully nude mother...which is extraordinary.. just.. extraordinary.. I'm much, much, much smarter than your biological father, Jor-el.. just imagine how much smarter than Jor-el you must be.. young Kal-el..."

Kal-el:..".. wait.. he dips the green kryptonite in tequila.. you have to be smarter than me, mother.."

Lara (Nikita Bellucci):.. ".. o wonderful son..."

Kal-el:.."...who- mother.. lara.. i'll call you lara.. I've never seen you cry before.. I've never seen anyone cry before and your nude mother.. I quite like seeing you much such a crying, sobbing nude spectacle of yourself, mother.. it entertains me.."

Lara (Nikita Bellucci):..".. o you are the most wonderful son I could ever have had.. Kal-el.."

Kal-el:..".. hahahahaha….."

Golden Age Lex Luthor (Tom Meson):..."... wait... I'm in the shower.. I'm hearing everything.. ahhh.. the most excellent mother-son pair in the milky way galaxy.. and you are giving me the privalage of being part of it.."

Lara (Nikita Belluc):..".. Lex Luthor.. you are the most welcome guest in the history of Krypton.... Kal-el.. that is Lex Luthor.. he is your biological father.."

Golden Age Lex Luthor (Tom Meson):..".. what...?.. sob.. sob.. what..?.. I don't deserve to be your father, Kal-el.. not by a longshot.. I figured out everything .. he's a dead man.. actor Kevin Spacey is a dead man... actor Kevin Spacey is meat in the fridge..."

Lara (Nikita Bellucci):..".. what a delighful man this Golden Age Lex Luthor truly is.. he is your father true, Kal el.."

Kal-el:...".. yes.. I believe he is.. I know that now..."

Lara (Nikita Bellucci):.. ".. don't I have a deliciously, delightful young son, Lex Luthor.."..

Lex Luthor is grave..

Lex Luthor (Tom Meson):.. ".. he's meat.. Kevin Spacey is meat.. he might have killed Clark Kent.. it's not a movie... it was the night-time news.. it's the 21-year old Snoopy Lois Lane... what a wise young woman she is.. actually is.. she doesn't think their's ANYTHING cool about Kevin Spacey savagely killing Clark Kent.. she also knows he's not... me.. I'm Lex Luthor.. I'm Lex Luthor.. Clark Kent is my friend.. Clark Kent is my friend.. "

Lara (Nikita Bellucci) is a sobbing nude mass of voluptuous flesh and voracious blood..

Lara (Nikita Bellucci):..".. blood will have blood.. it's her.. she's worse than Adolph Hitler.. and.. sob sob.. she's not worse than Hitler.. she's worse than Adolph Hitler.. she's Zelda (Angelina Jolie).."..

Devlin - on earth - (David Cronenberg):.. ".. but Lara .. I already finished the movie.. that means she's not Jack Cole's Zelda.."

Kal-el:.. ".. what the HELL is she,..."

baby dinosaur:.. ".. NOT the Zelda.. !.."..

Lex Luthor (Tom Meson):..".. sob sob.. I've got a media relay.. it's going on the internet in a few years.. I'm going to tell you right off.. it's a long, long memo from the Daniel Day Lewis who has only ONLY been in two movies.. The Age of Innocence and The Crucible.. he was never in Gangs of New York.. he's a con-artist... he's contracted with Paul Thomas Anderson.. he's Disney thru and thru.. this is his message on the internet..."... Hi.. I'm Daniel Day Lewis.. and I want to put to rest some disconcerting rumours about a role I have never considered even.. why would anyone even.. think.. he's not a nice man by the way.. Grant Morrison was far too kind to him.. I don't want to mention him by name but he is one of the most Satanic characters in the history of comics.. wait.. let me correct misapprehensions.. I am going to be in some comic book movies in the future but never as this character.. why would you even suggest me for this .. role.  Stop it.  I don't like it.  I don't like it. I don't like it.  Have the courtesy- at least.. to understand an iota of.. who I am.. "

an overpowering very familiar voice:.. "BITCH!!!.. THAT BITCH!!!...."

Kal-el is silent as Ivan...

Lara (Nikiti Bellucci):.. ".. I know this Daniel Day Lewis.. he is quite the stupidest man in the Milky Way Galaxy.. I have no idea how.. but he arranged for his young brother, the real Daniel Day Lewis who was in two beautiful Jim Sheridan movies.. "My Left Foot".. and "In the Name of the Father".. the Daniel Day Lewis who is saying he will never play Magneto arranged the imprisonment of his young noble brother in prison in Ireland.. he's still in Ireland in prison.. other Daniel Day Lewis's- they are irish.. are loudly, in trumpet-voices threatening to castrate men.. but I don't think a single one of these irish Daniel Day Lewis's will be in a single movie.. as Daniel Day Lewis.. but they've drowned the real man.. the Jim Sheridan-man.. "

Lex Luthor (Tom Meson):.. ".. their's more in this memo from Daniel Day Lewis...".. I'm very happy that Heath Ledger won the Oscar for best supporting actor for playing the Joker.. but why in God's name are they suggesting a Dawson's Creek actor to play the Riddler.. that's insane.. and insulting to the memory of Heath Ledger, a man I care deeply about .. it offends his memory and I want them to stop this right now.. "

Actor Richard Harris: - on earth -..".. I'll break his bones.. I'll break his bones.. it's … it's  Good as Gold.. it's note even this lifetime that Joseph Heller.. I'm working on it..."

Lara (Nikita Bellucci):..".. ah- Alexis Luthor.. please put that book down... Ahania is reading Catch-22.."..

Alexis Luthor (Michael William Rosenbaum):.. ".. sorry, Lara.. and what I just did is exactly why I don't think I'll ever play Lex Luthor..."..

Kal-el:.. "... mother... I don't feel very good about myself .. at all.. right now... I think Zelda.. I think she has me on her retina.."

Lara (Nikita Bellucci): - ".. sob sob.. Zelda is abusing my son.. Zelda is abusing my son... I don't even know what year it is.. I don't.. I'm a shitty, shitty mother because I have no .. idea .. how to stop the bloodlust sexual savagery of Zelda from invading my son... my beloved.. Kal-el.."

Devlin (David Cronenberg):..".. - Zelda.. ?.. - but.. - what... but - but.. - Zelda.. - what.. but..."..

Lara (Nikita Bellucci):..".. Glumph!.. KAL-EL … I am a shitty, shitty mother.. you don't even know the desert-worm Zelda just inserted into my rectum right now.. KAL-EL!!.. your my son.. I HAVE to let you know.. to know this... KAL-.. my empathy is a dead-wood-cunt-stone-dead-mynx.. sorry, Kal-el..."...

Kal-el:..".. I thought Zelda and I were best friends.."

Lara (Nikita Bellucci):..".. for years.. for years.. I never even WARNED you about her, Kal-el.. yes.. we're in 1981.. Zelda is a tiny baby and she has just been born.. a doctor just inserted a catheter into the rectum of baby Zelda literally minutes after she was born.. I'm glad that this happened to her.. but I am not glad that my son Kal-el and Ahania have to feel this is also happening to them.. and that adult Zelda is the doctor who is doing this.. she's an evil baby.. Zelda is an evil baby.. she did this to you and Ahania as a baby in 1981.. her father, John Voight is coming to give her hemlock... he doesn't know yet.. Zelda has the evil gene wire-tapped into her DNA.. that's what the evil gene is .. it's something that renders it utterly pointless and irrelevant whether or not Zelda was anally raped as a little baby.. because as a little baby she shared that experience with Kal-el and Ahania... God Help us all when she plays a Barbara Minerva who cannibalizes .. I don't even know who she is going to cannibalize when she finally plays Barbara Minerva … WAAAAHHHH!!!!… WHERE IS THE REAL ANGELINA JOLIE!!!... WAAAAHHHHHH....!!!...."...

Kal-el:..".. Zelda.. she was so nice.."

Lara (Nikita Bellucci):.. ".. - Kal-el.. Kal-el.. I'll help you right away.. I don't want a single instant more of this Hellfire feeling that Zelda induced in you.. how about this, Kal-el.,.. let's really do this.. let's both be in a movie of "Myra Breckinridge".. Kal-el.. I'll play Myra Breckingridge.. your biological mother Lara will play Myra Breckinridge... and Kal-el, you'll play Rusty.."

Kal-el:..".. mother.. that makes me feel better.. that does make me feel better right away.."

Lara (Nikita Bellucci):.. ".. you're an excellent actor, Kal-el... when your a vibrant, virile naked 45-year old man.. just do it in the shower.. scream screech bloody murder and then stride naked confidently forward like no fuss' no muss'.. that's why it's called.. "ACTING".. it's how fucking easy it is to make a light, fun, hard-core.. even more extreme than the book movie version of Myra Breckridge … Kal-el.. I'll play Myra Breckinridge.. I'll be fully clothed for the whole movie.. it'll be at least 12-hours long... Kal-el.. you'll be fully nude for eight straight prolonged hours in this movie.. my beautiful, wonderful son, Kal-el.. will figure out this vilefilth Zelda thing someday... I just want her to GET THE HELL FUCK AWAY and I WANT HER TO GET AWAY FROM MY SON!!!... it's the book.. Myra Breckinridge.. and it's the light fluff-movie a movie of that book can't ever escape actually being.. it'll be a lark.. mother and son.. Kal-el.. it'll be the very first movie we make together.. my beloved, beautiful.. KAL-.. their's one scene I'll NEVER do that's in the book.. it's the bleeding from the anus scene.. it's when she's a mother nurturing her son Rusty when he's bleeding from his anus.. THAT'S ZELDA … GESUS JESUS.. that's my one nude scene in the movie as Myra Breckinridge.. I'm nude sobbing with guilt and horror remorse.. and I'm bleeding from my anus and you Rusty Kal-el are my nurturing milk-mother.. it's that fucking revenge that Rusty is owed.. it'll HAPPEN in this mother-son movie we're making Kal-el.. it'll HAPPEN.. Rusty's revenge against Myra Breckinridge mother-lara will HAPPEN.. I'm sorry.. Kal-el.. I hope that me being nude in the movie as Myra Breckinridge won't be a boner-killer for you, young Kal-el.. we'll figure it out.. maybe that doesn't happen 'till the sequel.. maybe the third sequel.."...

Superman: - flying in the deep reaches of outer space -.. ".. Lara .. you're fully nude and the biological mother of young Kal-el.. you're Lois Lane, Lara.. Lois Lane is actually the biological nude mother of baby Kal-el.. she is.. Lois Lane is the biological mother of Kal-el and she's Lara on Krypton.. "

Alexis Luthor (Michael William Rosenbaum):..".. ah.. Superman.. I want Victoria Hill to be Lois Lane.."..

Superman:..".. ahh.. Lex .. can you stop right their.. how about Victoria Hill being Cat Grant.. the Toyman this is so atrocious and Cat Grant is so disgusting in relation to the Toyman.. yeah.. Cat Grant means a lot to me.. and it's the Lady Macbeth quote of the mother bashing out the brains of her young baby son after she takes her bare nipple out of his mouth.. yeah.. Victoria Hill is Cat Grant... the Toyman means a lot to me.. "

Douglas: ..".. Superman.. I think I do know what you're going to say and I wish to hell I hadn't abandoned Ahania.. Ahania.. I found him.. sorry SORRY Ahania.. the Lex Luthor who is decent, would never kill anyone, has handsome clear features.. Ahania their's no way in hell that he's you Ahania... I heard you threaten to castrate women.. hell, Ahania I heard you threaten to castrate men and that was ten years ago.. that Lex Luthor would never, EVER do that.. Ahania.. "

Superman:..".. Jesus, Douglas.. thanks.. AHANIA .. I found your Lex Luthor in the comics.. they got to start bringing pre-crisis Superman comics to the J. an B. .."

Douglas:.. ".. Ahania .. I'm glad you found out about "Whatever happened to the man of tomorrow".. Ahania .. he's your Lex Luthor.. Ahania .. I'm sorry I didn't even explain everything I figured out about out you being that Lex Luthor ten  years ago.. Ahania .. you're the pre-crisis Lex Luthor who died.. in the offices of the daily planet.. Ahania.... it was ten years ago that I heard what those monsters .. what the monstrous Ain't it Cool News talkbackers did to Havok... Ahania.. the most hard-core Havok is actually based on your life... the Havok's in outer space can't even IMAGINE having their jaw and ribs broken in a mugging.. your the miracle-Havok... that the official Havok's have been looking for.. your the first Havok.. the talkbackers SLAUGHTERED Havok.. for days.. for days and days and days.. Ahania.. that was you they did that to.. that's the story of "Whatever happened to the man of tomorrow".. actor Sean Bean most likely is the historical Bronze Tiger who murdered Kathy Kane when he didn't let you even FEEL like you were a single Havok who was ever even documented in the comics.. in the comics you owned.. Ahania.. you did die.. those masses of books in your living room.. Havok.. those ARE the Daily Planet offices.. yeah... Lana Lang is Lorna Dane spelled differently.. that never even ENDED .. Lorna Dane / Lana Lang / Embeth Davidtz is the Lana Lang who snaps Lex Luthor's / Ahania Blacksmith's neck and thereby kills him.. that's your Lex Luthor... Ahania.. Havok... that's you.. I was going to EXPLAIN all that to you ten years again and then instead I decided to fuck off and die... "

Superman is sobbing like a nude mary Magdalene...

Superman:..".. that's right, Ahania .. he is your Lex Luthor and he's alive because your alive.. and your scumbag friends are going to insist that he's dead when they say AFTER mind you AFTER being told all this that you STILL can't be that Lex Luthor.. your friends are genetic trash, Ahania... "

William:..".. yeah.. I .."

Superman:..".. William I thought I'd be the bad guy here and it's looks like it's you instead who's intent on.. listen William .. maybe your not so smart or.. aw, hell.. maybe Lara can explain why that would be the case but your already the Lex Luthor who never would kill a soul, William .. for Christ's sake.. why are you doing this to Ahania, William.. I'm panicking now like I'm on steroid green kryptonite.. Douglas has explained and I've concurred that their is a Lex Luthor who Superman transforms into a baby Lex Luthor and Douglas explained that their's no way in hell that Ahania is not a different Lex Luthor entirely who WOULD harm a living soul or see many souls burn in scorching hellfire for eternity.. William for Christ's sake your the Lex Luthor who would never harm a soul and I thought we agreed that you have no problem with turning into a baby into baby Lex Luthor and Douglas explained that he knows William and that William actually IS that Lex Luthor.. how about this.. William .. your the Peter Pan Lex Luthor who actually does cry when his own shadow is mean to him and Wendy then finds him.. I don't think you ever quite grew up William and you might even de-age into a baby fifty times or more.. by way of.. okay... I still don't think all things considered that Victoria Hill should play Lois Lane at all and that she should play Cat Grant .. who's the boss here, Tony Danza?.. - thanks Ben Stiller.. aw hell.. anyway.. copyright.. I can't even.. Lois Lane is Superman's biological, Kryptonian mother.. and she probably should play Myra Breckinridge in a movie.. wait... that's already a done deal.. numerous different women, all Victoria Hill, have already been Rusty as a woman, or as a man even at this point, and Lois Lane has been their Myra Breckinridge.. that's already happened.. that's ancient history.. it's just.. Ahania went thru the Cobra Commander / John Rambo Sly Stallone "It's a long Road" thing when Hyacinth was born a baby ourt of her mother's womb and laughed to see Sly Stallone beating the hell out of local town cops.. so Hyacinth is the historical Lois Lane.. at the time Holly Madison was still a fetus in her mother's womb and every single time Holly Madison morphs thru sheer beautified vision of imagination into baby Holly Madison she smiles with a cute adorable-smug-smile that baby Holly Madison is also sofa-cute she always be a baby Holly Madison and she is DEFINITELY the historical Lois Lane.. so that makes two so far.. I'm aborting all the stinging embryo-zygotes who were going to be .. I mean their not even in the comics so what good are they.. I can live with literally two Lois Lanes and no more than that for the next Zillion years or more.. baby Hyacinth and baby Holly Madison.. "

Douglas: … ".. - William .. why can't you just be.. different.. "

William looks desolate, crushed..

Lara (Nikita Bellucci):.."..  No.. yes.. William is Lex Luthor...."

Kal-el is silent playing with green kryptonite domino-pieces..

William:.. "... Ahania... yeah.. like.. I don't even.."

Ahania (Hanno Jason Leigh):.... ".... maybe I'm just winging it .. and maybe I'm naïve and all of that is the best laid plans.."

William:.. ".. yeah.. it's just.. "

Superman:..".. baby Lex Luthor.. you do NOT put a visual of a baby like that in a children's book... I don't care if it is the '70's..."

Douglas:..".. Superman, Jesus Christ.. I that we had already addressed that William is baby Lex Luthor.."

Superman:..  ".. I know.. blah blah blah.. all together.. Ahania and I rage maniacally.. THEY ARE NOT PUTTING PEDOPHILIA INTO ANOTHER SUPERMAN MOVIE!!!... then I say.. that was very well done and said Ahania.. "

William:.. ".. Uh.. Superman .. look.."

Ahania:... ".. And I still wish "Man of Steel" had not been made at all..."

Superman:.. ".. that's where we don't see aye to aye, Ahania... it's... fuck.. they are not turning Lex Luthor into a baby.. baby Holly Madison and Baby Hyacinth are baby Lois Lane in 1981.. I swear I've read millions of comics of the 20th 21st century .. Jeeesus Christ .. don't they turn a SINGLE woman character in comics into a baby... the closest is naked three year old Wonder Woman in that Marston comic book being Lois Lane as it turns out.. but she's not a baby... she's three years old .. Shit...."

William:.. ".. that's all I need to hear Superman... Victoria Hill is WILLIAM MARSTON'S WONDER WOMAN aka Lois Lane pre crisis post-crisis and John Byrne.. "

Superman:..".. I .. yeah.. I .. maybe.. she is a flagrantly nude three year old girl in a William Marston's Wonder Woman comic young .. sorry Lara.. toddler Diana and she was NEVER nude or naked as an adult Wonder Woman only as a three year old girl.. which may have been William Marston's intent all along.. okay.. yeah.. she's Lois Lane..."...

Lara (Nikita Bellucci):..".. she's me.. sob sob.. she's me.."

Superman:.. ".. she is.. she's Superman's biological mother...

Kal-el is still playing with green kryptonite domino's..

Lara (Nikita Bellucci):.. crying in fits, jerks and starts..".. Kal-el I just saw you brutally kill that woman who was part of the Will Matt agenda.. you ripped the bones out of her face..  Kal-el... she's dead... I don't give a shit who she is.. and .. you didn't either … she's dead.. for God's sake.. SOMEONE is a talkbacker... Kevin .. I can't even THINK about that scumbag Kevin Spacey..."

Golden Age Lex Luthor:..".. he's a dead man.. he's a dead man.. you have no idea what I did tried to do in that movie... by the way … i'm sending the most grotesque close-ups of hegre art vagina's to the talkbacks as photographs.. enough to turn any female talkbacker gay.."

Lara (Nikita Bellucci):..".. I see her brains oozing down her spinal column.. Superman proved that you succeeded Golden Age Lex Luthor.. what.. that's twenty women in a line-up... I don't.. even understand what Clark Kent is doing to them.. It's literally impossible to even know whether they're naked.. it's like reading a textbook of Grey's anatomy that focuses on the women... why in GOD'S sake am I trying to poison my son with this green kryptonite.." - she's nude and she starts scrambling away with chunks of green kryptonite.. it's a flashback to the mother-son life back on Krypton...

script written by Hanno Jason Leigh for .. 2nd Superfriends series.. 2nd series.. 2nd series.. for "Superman; man of tomorrow; chapter one", directed by Steven Spielberg and Sophia Copolla... Steven Spielberg's fifteenth Superman movie.. Steven Spielberg's 15th Superman movie...

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