
Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Nikita Herzegovenia's Batman in the Justice League movie ....

Batman: .." ... the superfriends are living in a truly comic darkly comic tragic dimension and they are in a lab bottle like chemical compounds each supefriends member incarnate like chemistry each superfriends member incarnate is like all of the superfriends is chemistry and this is the pocket dimension which fits on a dime except it's a universe also the size of the milky way.. down to business with the entrepreneurship of the Justice League corporation we've established on our real all-too-real earth our human all-too human earth.. a Justice League more of humans than meta-humans.. it is to leverage business acumen of genetic text intellect of our prain brain pan justice league incarnate like we each .. if each superfriends member is chemistry then we each Justice League member is a wavelength on the organic spectrospocy spectrum.. we are each of us members agents of the Justice League each of us is the wavelength incarnate of an organic molecule.. and their is trigonometry organic compound sterioisomers optical isomers our doubles incarnate each justice league member has a double who is his / her optical isomer .. so we are all optics here.. as if the photon existence is ours.. and maybe i'll just put us all in a computer and I will make do with us stereoptically being alchemically transmuted into photon digits like the neurochemistry of semiconductor diodes n-p diodes.. "..

Black Canary: ..".. yeth.. p is my number.. not sure whose number n is .."

scene written fot the Justice League movie by Zach Snyder written by Nikita Herzegovenia.. a hopeful actor to play the Justice League Batman...

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