
Sunday, April 14, 2019

Brandon Routh Superman and Niel Quinn Mikkel Boe Folsgaard...

Superman (Brandon Routh):..".. so.. you've got a roster of names for me, Niel.."..

Niel Quinn (Mikkel Boe Folsgaard):.."... yes... I've come to actually .. warn you.. about the future.. "..

Superman (Brandon Routh):.."... wait.. sorry, Niel.. the future.. ?.. I'm feeling one of my Superman-whimsy inward tectonic-consciousness shifts.. kind of like.. my memories playing tricks on me.. it's.. my mother.. my other, first mother.. I have .. a mother.. who goes into the minuses.. a mother of Real Numbers.. who goes into the minuses .. of being my mother.. of being.. my motherhood.. she warned me .. about the future.. when she'd have to.. come back.. thru tectonic-identity-physiology.. she's come back..."

Niel Quinn (Mikkel Boe Folsgaard):..".. Superman... I saw that beautiful black-and-white Italian abou the life of Jesus Christ, "The Gospel according to Saint Matthew"... I feel like I'm that wonderful actor who played his apostle Peter in that movie.. that I'm like him saying.. "Master.. done of these things need happen in the future.. with you..."

Superman (Brandon Routh):.. - laughs gently-..".. I saw that movie too.. Niel.. well I'm not going to yell at you.. "Get Behind me, Satan!".. for saying that.. exactly the opposite.. I'm fascinated by your alternatives, Niel... for the future.. and past .. of human, earthly civilization... and for my personal future too.. and my political future as well.. all your alternatives.. Niel.."

Niel Quinn (Mikkel Boe Folsgaard):..".. well.. it is your future.. on to the roster of names.. your friends.. aptly called.. "The Secret Society of Supervillains".."

Superman (Brandon Routh):..".. ahh.. sounds like my kind of guys..."

Niel Quinn (Mikkel Boe Folsgaard):..".. I'll start with the women.. the female supervillains.. it might be your style... the sweeping, gushing romantic in you.. Superman.. Helen Alexandros is first.. (Holly Madison).. she's lived in terror for what must seem like most of her life by now.."

Superman (Brandon Routh):.. ".. oh-ohokay.. that means she's definitely not a villain.. wait- right now...?.."..

Niel Quinn (Mikkel Boe Folsgaard):.."... she's with Steve Cole... or he's... looking after her.. or out for her... so it might be right now.. okay.. the number two man is .. Ahania.. her bestest friend, Ahania.. he's waiting for her in a town twenty minutes drive from Belleville.. he's the leader of The Secret Society of Supervillains..."

Superman (Brandon Routh):..".. I wonder if... he'd let me share that slot with him.. what if Ahania and Superman could .. BOTH be .. co-leaders of the Secret Society of Supervillains... along with.. heh.. I read "Villains United issue #5" written by Gail Simone.. I know who number three is.."

Niel Quinn (Mikkel Boe Folsgaard):..".. Talia..."

.. elsewhere.. at a Tim Horton's coffee shop in Silver City, Canada.. beside old highway 2...

Ahania (Hanno Jason Leigh):.."... I'm sorry... Talia al Ghul... he's your son.. Damien Wayne.. or maybe even someday your future son.. it was never Grant Morrison who wrote that brutal death of Damien Wayne at the hands of his mother, Talia.. I wrote that  … only me.. "

Talia al Ghul (Megan d. Iseult):...".. ohh.. thass okay..  I understand.."

Ahania (Hanno Jason Leigh):..".. it was the monstrous, gory decapitation of "The Spook".. by Damien Wayne.. "The Spook" was a character I instantly loved.. I loved how much pure, vintage, quintessential Grant Morrison-panache, his personal writer's flair.. that Grant Morrison brought to writing the Spook.. and also.. The Spook wasn't even nearly as deadly as even an Adam West Batman villain.. the Spook was harmless, literally harmless.. and then.. when Damien Wayne said that after he had beheaded the Spook... now because of that.. BECAUSE he did that.. Damien Wayne said that the  Spook would never harm a single person... I've got to make sure my mother never used that expression.. with Damien Wayne.. it was adding insult to injury against the Spook.. that the SPOOK would never harm anyone.. AFTER Damien Wayne had already beheaded him.. it's Batman.. Batman was horrified by Damien Wayne's brutal murder of the Spook.. Batman was back to being Batman.. even when the other characters.. Damien Wayne.. and.. in the comic book that I read about on the internet.. I mean.. on the INTERNET.. Greg Rucka's Batman was supposed to have been horrified as well over Clayface.. and Poison ivy.. and Poison ivy was ready to have Batman and Robin executed if they didn't leave the Park at once.. NOTHING like the actual comic book that I read.. so.. finally.. it's Damien Wayne's clone.. Talia al Ghul was supposed to have killed Damien's clone... Talia al Ghul was supposed to have decapitated, beheaded... the clone of Damien Wayne.. a teenage kid clone..?.. that's why I finally wrote.. what I wrote.. that she did.. THAT.. out of her overwhelming love for her beloved only son Damien..?.. Grant Morrison could never have written what I wrote.. he could NEVER have written that.. sorry.. real sorry.. Talia al Ghul.. Talia decapitating Damien Wayne himself.. with allusions to Silence of the Lambs … that's what I wrote.. because I was so ANGRY at Damien.. Grant Morrison could NEVER have legally written something like that.."

Talia al Ghul (Megan d. Iseult):..".. - oh..."


elsewhere... Brandon Routh Superman and Mikkel Boe Folsgaard Niel Quinn have been observing this whole exchange conversation between Ahania (Hanno Jason Leigh) and Talia al Ghul (Megan d. Iseult).. on a tele-hallucination-airparticle-screen...

Superman (Brandon Routh):.. ".. I .. see..."....

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