
Sunday, April 14, 2019

The track from the Leonardo de Caprio movie, "Inception"... plays... called.. "Dream is collapsing"... this track.. "Dream is collapsing".. plays about minimum... 14-times..?... during the next sequence of scenes .. in .. the 9-hour, "Superman; man of tomorrow; chapter one", directed by Steven Spielberg and Sophia Copolla....

Perry White (George Clooney):..".... are all the Daily Planet papers dated accordingly..."

- a Daily Planet staff-woman:..".. all the issues are dated.. 1925..?..."..

Perry White (George Clooney):..".. ahh.. right on schedule.."

- another Daily Planet staff-woman:..".. but .. it's the twenty-first century..."

- another Daily Planet staff-woman:..".. Trump is President.."


… somewhere else.. near Capitol Hill.. near the White House..

Donald Trump: - playing himself -.."... wait.. Perry... I wonder if I'm Herbert Hoover..."

Obama:..".. maybe I'm Woodrow Wilson.. or Calvin Coolidge..."

- historically.. historically...


Perry White (George Clooney):.."... ahh.. their he is.. on Television.."

- another Daily Planet office-woman:..".. what .. - what daily planet television is this..?.."

Perry White (George Clooney):..".. it's from - a friend.. ah HAH!!.. that's Jack Morgan (Robert Downey Junior) on television.. it's gotta be the 1920's.."..



Jack Morgan (Robert downey junior):..".. we lost the Gold Standard.. we lost the Gold Standard... my mother .. Pierpont Morgan.. won us the Gold Standard in 1895.. he is not going to see his SON.. lose it for him..."...

a banking partner: - ..".. if only maybe we could go back in time one year..?... - just one year...?..."...


Lana Lang (embeth davidtz):..".... Morgan Edge... he can get me an audience with Jack Morgan.. and Edward Stettenius.. and .. ahh.. Vivien Hugh.. ahh HAH hah.. Vivian Hugh and his adorable wife.."...


Hannibal Leach (Harry Knowles):..- at his Intergang Headquarters -.. sees a photograph of actress, Frances O' Conner on the computer screen -.. that's Lady Sybil Smith.. wife of Vivian Hugh (Geoffrey Rush)… she's a whimsically militant suffragette.. deeply into politics.. organized a radically-energized hunger strike among female suffragettes in prison.. she does a lot of things on a lark.. ."

Ray:..".. this is one.. project.. that she is definitely not doing on a lark.."

Justin:...".. Lady Sybil Smith (Frances O'Conner) has adopted a son... a child.."..


Lady Sybil Smith (Frances O'Conner).. her voice slithering eloquently thru the Morgan la Fay (Daniella Amavia) / Medusa (Miranda Kerr) telepathy-Metropolis-fulcrum network...

Lady Sybil Smith's voice:.."... Lana Lang (embeth davidtz)… I just adopted a son.. I've inherited the estates of the child who you are looking for.. you have no idea of the powerful, influential child I just adopted.. Vivien Hugh.. dear Vivian Hugh.. he can't know about it.. I'll... I'll... SEND my child... my darling adopted son to meet you... Lana Lang (embeth davidtz).. he'll explain.. everything .. about.. getting you involved with the American Board of Directors of the Farber Cartel.. Lana Lang.. don't worry.. you will never BE on the American Board of Directors of the Farber Cartel.. Morgan Edge will arrange that that will be UTTERLY out of the question... it's the connections.. to Germany... it's I.G. Farben dealing in heroin in the year 1800 and the potential connection of this historical reality to that species of marihuana you'll find still on the internet.. their's a breed of marihuanua that has the actual.. this marihuanua goes by the actual.. you see.. Lana Lang.. it's a form almost maybe a brand of marihuanua that is actually CALLED MK-Ultra marihuanua per se... I'm sorry... maybe.. MK-Ultra is having a little fun with us in this regard Lana Lang.. is it okay.. if it's Drug-Cartel Channels that constitute your bridge into Germany .. Lana Lang..?.."

Lana Lang (embeth davidtz) is nude in the bath..

Lana Lang (embeth davidtz):..".. yeh..  Queen of Hearts.. thass okay..."....



Niel Quinn (Mikkel Boe Folsgaard):..".. Superman... it's the key to many worlds.."

Superman (Brandon Routh):..".. to many worlds.. of Krypton..?.."

Niel Quinn (Mikkel Boe Folsgaard):.. - sadly, gravely - .. ".. yes... I have trouble speaking the name …"Kr -..".. the name of your home planet.. out loud.. but it is what William Blake may have said about a grain of sand in the winds of time.. the four winds of Erin.. what .. in the world.. did the word.. "erin".. mean .. once.. ten years ago..?.. no less than ten years ago..?.. erinnerung.. to quote finnegans wake.. see.. I have them in a petri dish..".. Niel Quinn shows a petri dish of bacterial culture to Brandon Routh Superman -..".. here are our old friends.. Rhizobium Meliloti.. heh.. Xanthomonas Campestris… mitlec1.. mitlec2.. mitlec3... and the rest of the mitlec's.. and estherich…"...

Superman (Brandon Routh):..".. ahh.. you have estherrich.. I'm going to tempt the waters of the abyss and touch this estherich bacteria..."..

Niel Quinn (Mikkel Boe Folsgaard):..".. I understand.. Superman..."....


later... Clark Kent (Brandon Routh) at Perry White (George Clooney)'s office at the Daily Planet...

Clark Kent (Brandon Routh):..".. in some ways.. I'm kind of an old fashioned gent.. it's Herman Woulk.. the word of Herman Woulk is gospel truth to me.. the invasion of Poland by Germany in the year 1939.. absolutely horrific.. absolutely horrific.. I wasn't their.. I don't even KNOW, technically.. but I take Herman Woulk's word for it..."...

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