
Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Brianne Christine plays herself in "Superman; man of tomorrow; chapter one", directed by Steven Spielberg and Sophia Copolla....

Brianne Christine:..".. and I can't believe that Victoria Hill didn't warn us about what she would do to Amy Adams... and I can't believe that Victoria Hill didn't warn us that she was actually cast as Lois Lane and that Harry Knowles was actually going to easily succeed on announcing that on his website ten years ago and Brandon Routh would play Superman and Michael Rosenbaum would play Lex Luthor and it would be in a movie written and directed by Greg Rucka.. and also by J. J. Abrams.. and Victoria Hill left the set and for ten whole years she didn't even tell anyone that she was right away cast as Lois Lane and that Entertainment Weekly would have announced it.. and that this was the case many years before Amy Adams was even considered for the role of Lois Lane.. but maybe the one thing that's true is that Victoria Hill never got the role of Ursa so the deal was off.. because of the atrocious, horrific, awful Lois Lane that Victoria Hill would have been in this movie.. so so so so so much worse than Amy Adams as Lois Lane in "Batman versus Superman".. and I wish I had know that so I had never decided to become also actress Victoria Hill.. and maybe Brandon Routh wasn't cast at all as Superman ten years ago maybe he wasn't cast with Victoria Hill as Lois Lane.. and maybe.. they... someone is saying that the scariest Henry Cavill of all and the Edwardian Gentleman Brandon Routh were both going to be cast and credited as Superman as a Superman out of your worst horror-movie nightmares... and I don't want Michael Rosenbaum to be Lex Luthor in that movie and I don't wan't Lex Luthor to be in that movie at all and the one person I really, really, really don't want to be Lex Luthor in that movie is Kevin Spacey....because their is a Kevin Spacey with soft features who actually was cast as Lex Luthor in "Superman Returns" and he worked so unbelievably, incomprehensibly hard at making his Lex Luthor a nice person and a charming person and a charming Kevin Spacey person.. and their was another Kevin Spacey in that movie with hard features who was never ever cast as Lex Luthor and he was only in "Superman Returns" as Kevin Spacey so that's why he was allowed to stab Superman horrifically in the back with a Kryptonian shard of Green Kryptonite.. and this Kevin Spacey also did this to make sure that the Kevin Spacey Lex Luthor would go to prison at the end of the movie and that's exactly what Jay Baruchel is like as Maxwell Lord in the George Miller "Justice League" movie that they finally had to stop.... and I want Martin Gale to just go away and I can't believe how much Nicole Kidman hurt Batman and I don't want I can't believe Peter J. Tomasi is writing the Batman comic and and I think they are going to say that we are going to be hurt if we don't read the Peter J. Tomasi Batman comic and and and I just don't understand that at all because the same people who say that want Batman as their partner and ally to hurt little boys and unless the Will thing is true and we can't and Will can't and nobody can say that Will.. it's that Will is Superman and Will is Batman and I can't believe what the Batman comic book artists do to Batman and it's over if Batman is in "Myra Breckinridge" that means Batman is Rusty  and because Batman is Batman and because of the way he's treated by everyone it means that it would never happen even conceivably possible on planet earth or in the whole universe that Batman could ever be an ally of Myra Breckinridge because of the way he's treated by the artists and writers and by Nicole Kidman and by Martin Gale.. and that means that no one can play Batman now.. ever.. it's over.. they won.. and he's Will.. and maybe Harvey Keitel still was always Will all along.. and Superman is definitely Will but that means that Superman and Batman can't fight rapists because if they're Will .. how does that make sense.. and.. it's women like Nicole Kidman who do this to Batman anyway... and I can't believe how exciting it was for Nicole Kidman to be cast as the mother of Aquaman and I can't believe all that that was was an excuse to hurt Batman and to also talk about what an amazing, respected actress Nicole Kidman was.. and I don't think she was in the movie.. maybe she was but.. I don't know... I have a hard time believing that Nicole Kidman was in the Aquaman movie.. "


Hanno is talking to Danny Soedirga at the local, nearby Tim Hortons...

Danny:..".. so you told me you ended your friendship with Mike Demetro because of what he said about Groo the Wanderer.. Hanno.. you had to.. you had no choice.. also.. their was something about Mike Demetro in high school when we knew him.. it was like.. he could never be wrong.. or he.. I don't know.. it was like this warp of something with him... I can't.. I still can't believe he said that pedophilia in Groo the Wanderer was black comedy... you couldn't be friends with him after that..."

producers in Hollywood:...".. Mike Demetro said that..?.. but he can't play the Pied Piper.."

 - the Mirror Master..
producers in Hollywood:..".. we can't hire real people as actors.. David Letterman was.. Mike Demetro can't..."..

Danny: ..".. the one thing I won't forgive is that it turned out that Groo the Wanderer was a girl.. and that's the first thing you were told.. and you said you got angry at Hillary Swank about that.. I don't blame you at all.."

producers: ..".. what..?.. Hanno got angry at Hillary Swank..?.. he got angry at her.."

- Hanno gets angry.. People like it when he gets angry..

producers:..".. but he got angry with Hillary Swank.."

Hanno:..".. I got deeply upset with Hillary Swank.."

Danny: ..".. but Hanno.. she's Hillary Swank.. she's one of the most famous celebrities in North America.. I mean everyon in America has to have seen "Boys don't Cry"..?..  - what..?.. - no, they have to.. I mean.. if .. it's that she won best ACTRESS for "Boys don't Cry".. it's like .. she's not.. - normal.. saying that she doesn't even KNOW that she's Hillary Swank.. or that she doesn't know who Hillary Swank is in the media.. that she's living in a poor quarter.. and.. I mean .. that's not exactly.. normal..."

producers hear.. ".. what kind of a life have you lived, Hillary Swank.."

producers:.. ".. we're cancelling that.. yeah..."..

Hillary Swank at home..

Hillary Swank: .. "... Groo the Wanderer was a girl.. ?.. but Hanno.. I know I'm Hillary Swank.. I heard you say "medusa frank Hillary swank" at the coffee shop.. I know what the name "Hillary Swank" sounds like.. that nude photograph of me on the internet.. I found it right away... I know my media profile.. Groo the Wanderer was a girl,,?... I know I'm a superstar... I talked to people about being cast as Wonder Woman.. those were serious discussions..."

Danny:..".. the one thing I will never forgive myself for is hurting Daniel Day Lewis.. but Hanno.. that's the one thing I think I could actually go to Hell for...."

in 1996-

Danny: - at coffee time with Hanno - .."... yeah, Winona was really powerful in "The Crucible".. like when she had those demonic possession seizures.. but she had people KILLED.. she was a whore.. "

Daniel Day Lewis is breaking down..

Daniel Day Lewis:.. ".. Danny .. please don't say that.. she's not .. I can't believe I called her.. that word... in "The Crucible"... Danny .. please .. don't say that.."

Danny:..".. and the one girl I really hated is the girl who betrayed John Proctor at the end..."

Hanno:  ".. Mary Warren.. ?.. but she was a victim.."..

Daniel Day Lewis:..".. Danny... please..

                                                   .. stop..

                                                             .. stop..

                                                       .. stop.. "

in the present-day..

Danny:.. ".. I said THAT?.. oh yeah, I remember, I did say that.. but I can't say that about Winona.. I mean, I definitely can't call Winona that word that I don't even can't even use anymore.. I mean, she's Winona.. OHH!!… no.. I REALLY can't say that about Winona... yeah, the other girl actually was a victim.. oh.. the only language I know how to speak is English.. Hanno... I still MIGHT have trouble with English..."

these are monologues and scenes in the first two-three hours.. of "Superman; man of tomorrow; chapter one", directed by Steven Spielberg and Sophia Copolla.. Steven Spielberg's very, very, very first Superman movie...

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