
Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Nude Lara is Nude Nikita Bellucci....

Nude Lara (Nude Nikita Bellucci):..".... Kal-el.. "

it's earlier times.. both mother and little, whillowy, reed-thin son are living on Krypton...

Lara (Nikita Bellucci):..".. it's official Kal-el... your my biological son.. I gave birth to you... before your second mother.. sob sob sob.. I found you... I finally found you lovely, beautiful, wonderful Kal-el... Kal-el.. it's over .. their was a happy ending .. you became an adult man... you became a compassionate, courageous, brave, stalwart Superman.. you saved everyone.. you saved planet earth multiple times.. and then .. you evaporated.. and coalesced.. as a woman.. as a nude woman .. as me.. as nude me.. nude lara.. Kal-el.. I'm YOU.. I went into a parallel realm.. I'm you birth mother kal-el.. Kal-el.. we can do CFNM, Kal-el.. mother and son.. it's because we are physical one person.. I am you physiologically as a nude woman, Kal-el.. and I am your biological mother.. so we can happily do CFNM for the rest of our lives together.. Kal-el.. I'm fully clothed.. I'm wearing long pants, a sweater, socks, shoes..

Kal-el:.. ".. I'm fully nude in the bath mother.."

Lara (Nikita Bellucci):.."... I can SEE you nude right now.. Kal-el.. like an image in the air in my mind... you've got wonderful muscular legs.... I'm glad you have an erection Kal-el.. you're nude with an erection Kal-el.. and can SEE it.. your erect penis is courage personified.. Kal-el.. it's over.. we can do CFNM all our lives now... Kal-el.. your a beautiful young naked man .. Kal-el,.. your erect penis is more beautiful than any nude woman's body.. except mine... maybe.. when I'm nude.. which I'm not.. right now... you're going to be a child again Kal-el.. I'm going to de-age you so your four years old.. or three years old.. I'll be fully clothed and you'll be fully nude and I'll spank you.. many times.. Kal-el.. but I'll spank you I'll spank your bare bum for being good.. I'll spank you for being good.. Kal-el.. it's different... you'll spank me too.. I'll be fully nude with my round, plump, garagantuan nude bare bum and you'll spank it like a tin cymbal but you'll be fully naked when you do that Kal-el.. every single time I'm fully nude and you spank me you'll be fully naked when you do that Kal-el.. and every time I spank you I'll be fully clothed and you'll be fully nude Kal-el.. that's the rules... I'm the mother..."

Kal-el:.."... I understand.. "


later... Kal-el and Lara (Nikita Bellucci) are in a Montessari Garden Nursery ..

Lara (Nikita Bellucci): - in a strident, harsh, melodious voice -..".. Kal-el.  Come here!  "

Kal-el: ".. yes mother..."..

Lara (Nikita Bellucci):..".. Stay where I can see you Kal-el.. do not run off again .. "

Kal-el: ".. yes, mother.."

Lara (Nikita Bellucci):..".. yes.. that's good.. Kal-El!.. Put down those toys!  They don't belong to you!..."

Kal-el:.. ".. sorry, mother.."

Lara (Nikita Bellucci):..".. your a good, obedient son, Kal-el.. I couldn't have asked for a better son than you, Kal-el.. listen Kal-el.. let's go in the corner and have a private chat..".. - they go off into a corner.. Lara whispers in quick, harsh, desperate whispers to Kal-el..

Lara (Nikita Bellucci):..- whispering -.. ".. Kal-el... the ONLY reason I'm treating you like this.. so abysmally.. is because we have a telepathic romance and telepathic friendship.. because you KNOW what I actually mean when I speak harshly to you.. that it's codes and signatures.. you are a MAN.. Kal-el.. in a child's form... "

Mean Myrna:.. - looking deeply, weepingly concerned -.. ".. I do NOT like how that woman treats her son.. "

Lara (Nikita Bellucci):..".. I am going to kiss you, Kal-el.. ".. she kisses him on the cheek..  ".. you can go play in the toy jungle gym Kal-el.."..

Mean Myrna: - to  Lara -.. ".. please don't treat your son like that.. "

Lara (Nikita Bellucci):..".. mmmhhmmm..?..." - pause -...".. Kal-el you are damaging that Jungle-gym.. stop it or I am going to spank you..."

Kal-el:.. ".. sorry, mother.. I was being too rough you're right.. "

Lara (Nikita Bellucci):..".. Good.. Kal-el.. you're a good young boy..."

Mean Myrna:..."... I DON'T like how that woman TREATS her son..!..."... Mean Myrna is frantic.. she goes for her coat...".. where .. - what.. where are they...".. Mean Myrna runs into the parking lot,.,."

Lara (Nikita Bellucci) is running thru the Montessari marble-hallways, clutching on to her sun against her torso.. she's frightened..

Lara (Nikita Bellucci) and young Kal-el are in the car..

Lara (Nikita Bellucci):.. ".. we're in the car.. thank God!.."

Mean Myrna: - she's in the parking lot -,..".. where is she..".. crying..".. where are they.. where are they..."

Lara (Nikita Bellucci):..".. I'm sorry about that poor woman, Kal-el.. she should have been your mother.. I'm going to be a lot nicer to you from now on, Kal-el.. Kal-el.. you understand why I say reprehensible things to you.."

Kal-el:.. ".. I understand perfectly, mother.. every word you said to me is because of Batman.. what he did to  Lex Luthor.."

Lara (Nikita Belluci) she starts crying and crying and her face floods with a wet ocean of tears..

Lara (Nikita Bellucci):..".. BATMAN.. that SCUMBAG BATMAN.. he doesn't even EXIST.. he is not REAL.. Superman IS real.. Kal-el..  Superman EXISTS.. Batman is a fictional character.. he doesn't exist... that scumbag Batman has no right to be in a Superman movie... oh they had no problem … he can still be Quicksilver when they show that Magneto had a son who was Adolph Hitler.. that Magneto is a Jew who had a son who was Adolph Hitler.. the late, late, late movies... o they had no problem making a Batman vs Superman.. Kal-el.. he's William he is going to infect the man who did this to Lex Luthor with ebola.. with the most horrific ebola that has ever existed hitherto.. the man I mean who did this to Lex Luthor wrote a book called "The Hot Zone".. William will see this Justice done... their is another Entertainment Weekly.. that tried to stop this human rights atrocity against Lex Luthor.. an Entertainment Weekly that tried to abort the Scumbag-Batman in the womb.. they did an astute, exhaustive defence of the movie "Outbreak".. my GOD.. my GAWWWDD... Entertainment Weekly could have seen them do a SEQUEL to "Outbreak".... the man who wrote the book, "The Hot Zone" made sure that sequel would never happen .. and that the movie.. "Batman vs Superman" would replace that sequel.. would happen instead.. he will die of the most inconceivably horrific case of flesh-eating disease in the history of planet earth.. it will be.. unimaginable what his face will look like.. not even in the same galaxy as the face of Harvey Dent.. you have no idea.. Kal-el... SORRY.. I said that to myself.. I think you've seen that face in your dreams and it made you smile that a bad man had been punished... the man who played Batman will enter earth scorching hellfire abdominal pains for eternity and he will be an absolutely excellent Quicksilver and he will be an astounding actor.. the scumbag Batman will finally be told .. to leave.. Planet earth.. that he is not welcome here.. that he is not welcome in a Superman movie.. sob sob.. sorry, Kal-el.. I'll mention the name after all... Jessie Eisenberg.. the man who merged his essence with Lex Luthor.. he is a man of true miracle.. he made those movies and I think they did come out.. that explained everything that happened between him and Ben... it's YouTube .. and those Fan Trailers.. their will be Juussssstiissssssss… jusssstisssssss… Batman will be maimed for life in a truly mortal manner and he will NEHEVER recover .. for what he did to Lex Luthor.. "

Kal-el looks like he has willed the Gaze of the Kryptonian Medusa on his face...

Lara (Nikita Bellucci):.."... Kal-el.. BELIEVE me.. everything I just said about Batman and Lex Luthor is the ONLY reason this whole charade of this REPRENSIBLE abusive mother I've been has gone on for as long as it has.. I talked to Grail .. and to Gabriel.. yes.. we'll see about Gabriel Byrne whether he.. yes.. a good, decent, wonderful man is Gabriel Byrne - but.. is that enough..?.."

Kal-el's face is Medusa-stone...

Lara (Nikita Bellucci):.."... and the John Byrne Lois Lane.. it's.. Boss Moxie.. he is a rabid man of pure hate for a woman to whom they surgically attached a penis to this woman she was Lois Lane she was the John Byrne Lois Lane and then in the most sexually bloodthirsty way imaginable Julie Doucet ripped the Johny Byrne Lois Lane to pieces and the John Byrne Lois Lane was almost a man now... I don't know.. it means the Lois Lane of the comics is equally post-crisis and pre-crisis.. and.. they got nothing.. they just - got nothing.. except Kevin Smith..."

scripted by Hanno Jason Leigh.. for "Superman; man of tomorrow; chapter one", directed by Steven Spielberg and Sophia Copolla.. the first movie of the second "Superfriends" series of Steven Spielberg's Superman movies.... aka.. the fifteenth movie... the 15th movie....

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