
Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Nude Nikita Bellucci is Nude Lara...

Plump, apple-bare bum Nude Nikita Bellucci Nude Lara in a prowling nude sculpturual curved posture nude.. Nude Lara Nude Nikita Bellucci:..".. Lex.. please I implore from the begging, whimpering seed bowels of my inner porcelain wax glaze pleasant intestines of healthy gyrations.. please let a tiny embryo be a test tube baby in a tiny tiny test tube between your fingers this tiny embryo in a test tube is Linda Danvers.. she doesn't exist yet Lex.. "

Kal-el has thru Medusa's powers.. Kal-el has turned to stone but he can speak.. Kal-el:.. ".. Sarah Polley goes back to being Sarah Polley.."

Sarah Polley: - on earth -.. ".. - say what...?..."

Alexis Luthor:..".. I - I .. "

Ahania:.. ".. Lex.. you haven't seen a single Sarah Polley movie.."

Alexis Luthor (Michael William Rosenbaum):..".. I haven't.. Ahania.."

Ahania:..".. I'm sorry.. Lex.. Sarah Polley warned me about what she is in those movies.. and that it actually is her.. I wish she hadn't said that she could change those movies or cancel them because she didn't .. they are her and always were..."

William:... ".. Steven.. Gyrich.. Donald Hamilton.. can you cancel all the Linda Danvers scene for much, much, much later.."

Steven Spielberg:..".. no Linda Danvers... no Linda Danvers.."

Nude Lara Nude Nikita Bellucci:..".. I'm sorry Lex.. William.. she was Linda Danvers in the Peter David comic.. she was probably Linda Danvers on the JLU.. Ahania has told me he was naïve about this.. and .. he's read so much.. that perhaps thru factal geometry and purely by accident Ahania's naivete is strategic naivete.. THEY ARE YELLING AT AHANIA AND … ebola is coming... even worse than the ebola that kills the author of Hot Zone.. their is always worse ebola.. their is always worse ebola…"

William:.. ".. heh.. now your speaking my language, Lara... and you are.. I'm not actually .. all that.. out of .. just.. i'm still here..."

Nude Lara:..".. Bodybreaks.. eczema.. stratch your eczema to your heart's content.. I dunno.. I really don't .. an immunity to ebola..?.."..

William:...".. I like your thinking, Lara...."..

Nude Lara:..."... FOR GOD'S SAKE.. the George Miller who Ahania talked to at Tim Hortons CAN'T direct Mad Max now.. their is a real severed arm hanging by a chain in that movie... Ahania and J. J. saw this movie together as children.... Megan Gale is screaming in tattered clothing she actually is RAPED in this movie she's terrified beyond comprehension she will NEVER be prepared for what happens with Mad Max and George Miller.. the man George Miller who Ahania met CAN'T BE INVOLVED WITH THIS MOVIE... he didn't even acknowledge his own name to Ahania.. Ahania stopping Mad Max in its tracks and he didn't even ACKNOWLEDGE he was George Miller?.."..

Golden Age Lex Luthor:..".. mm.."..

Kevin Costner:..".. I've gotta be the real Kevin - what..?.."

Golden Age Lex Luthor:..".. I lost Kevin.. I can't even be Kevin Bell to Kal-el.."

Nude Lara:..".,. Lex Luthor you ARE Kal-el's biological father.. we had sex.. sorry, Kal-el.. you didn't need to hear that.. that's the one thing you really don't need to hear..."

Kal-el:.. ".. -what, mother..?.."..

Golden Age Lex Luthor:..".. Kal-el.. I was in a movie called.. "American Beauty".... I won an Oscar for it... Best Actor.. I talked about Lara in my acceptance speech... I'll send you this movie Kal-el.. I can do at least that much, and much more.. I'm naked in this movie, Kal-el.. I cancelled the female body doubles.. it actually is me as a male actor who's naked in this movie.. a nude teenage actress is in this movie.. she's Mary Jane-Watson.. Kal-el.. she's the real Mary Jane-Watson.. she's nude as a teenager in this movie.. the Kiersten Dunst what happened is a dalliance that is over and might as well have not even happened.. Mary Jane-Watson acts in this movie under the name Mena Severi.. I think that's her name.. it's been so long.. I have sex with her.. and she has beautiful huge, round diamond-shaped bare breasts.. she's mary jane-Watson.. the real mary jane-Watson.. I want you to see this movie, Kal-el.. I know everything now.. I'm shit in this movie.. Lex Luthor is shit in Hollywood.. I already heard it.. Kevin Spacey can't be naked in a movie... he never was... Kevin Spacey can't have sex with naked teenage girls in movie's.. only Lex Luthor can do these things..".. Lex Luthor has a razor.. ".. see.. I'm going to slit Kevin Spacey's throat... uhm.. no.. he's looking for me.. he's going to hunt me down for raping a naked teenage girl in "American Beauty" and for saying I was him.. he's going to kill me.. carve something into my flesh.. Kal-el.. I'm sorry... I'm so sorry.. they're re-filming "Batman vs Superman".. I'm in the movie.. as Lex Luthor.. Lex Luthor has to be a middle-aged man now.. he can't be a teenage kid anymore... I can't even be Tom Meson .. they say he already exists... they found a producer to be Tom Meson.. it was a book by Gerald Feinberg.. about quarks, leptons, mesons and other tantalizing particles.. it was a really good name and I think it would have protected me.. Heisenberg Eisenberg.. what he did accomplish despite.. who Ben actually is in the history of Hollywood... I think I'm gonna have a really bad name.. Kal-el.."

Kal-el is purplestone silver metal stone.. he is still speaking...

Kal-el:..".. Batman is not my friend.. Batman will never be my friend..."..

Nude Lara (Nude Nikita Bellucci):.. "... Lex Luthor.... I'll kill Kevin Spacey... I'll brutally kill Kevin Spacey.. he is NOT going to kill both my husband and my son..."

Golden Age Lex Luthor:.. ".. Kevin Spacey is in Batman versus Superman.. he's in the movie.. you'll kill him, Lara.. you'll do that.. you can do that.."..

Nude Lara (Nude Nikita Bellucci) is shaking with terror-rage...

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