
Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Nude Nikita Bellucci is Nude Lara...

Nude Lara (Nude Nikita Bellucci):.. "... Lex.. "..

William:.. dejectedly... ".. in a test tube.. in a test tube.. "

Nude Lara (Nude Nikita Bellucci):.. ".. Lex... William .. my bowels whimper and turn my thin-reed bare jelly-breasts into terrified gumby weeping whillow sobbing .. please let Linda Danvers be a test tube baby within your very fingers.. and let her grow up with you .. let her be born in your home.. and grow up with you for all your both your lives.. we're she's never hurt.. "

William:.. ".. biz-portal.. Ahania told me.. something happened.. "

Nude Lara:.. ".. the bleating manhole pigs are squealing in their male voices the word copyright which is going to become a curved razor up the assholes of these manhole producer lawyers god knows what they are.. jusssttissss is coming.. "..

William:.. "... I like it when women talk like this about men who I hate.."..

Nude Lara:.. ".. Lex.. you understand everything about Sarah Polley.. sorry.. the little girl Biz-portal little girl voice of a girl of a girl on a kibbutz.. "

William:.. ".. I want her to exist... I want her to.. I'll grow the test tube baby.. "

the future:.. ".. lex.. William Alexis William Luthor.. I'm test tube baby 12-year old linda danvers.. you did it.. I exist.. Patrick Elliot insterted radio into my vocal coards and that book on descriptive linguistics.. we went back to 1981.. 1968.. 1962.. and 1955... I'm sorry.. that I can't explain it better that it was always.. a fait-accomplice.. as easy as pi.. as the Master on "The Five Doctors" would say...

Nude Lara:..".. I'm going to set Vlad the Impaler in the Boris Bergshtein sense of Vlad the Impaler on teh bleating male lawyer producers who mentioned copyright and the BBC.. Lex.. I'll meet Vlad teh Impaler.. maybe he really did do all those things to these horrible people I just mentioned.. and maybe he really did rescue Christianity itself by doing so.."

William:.. ".. I'll buy a biography of Vlad the Impaler thru Alibris.."

Ducard (Liam Neeson):..".. I heard everything Lex.. I got a second chance I sure as hell didn't deserve … Chris Nolan did it with a blink and you miss it cameo I had in the Dark Knight Rises.. I will NEVER forget any of this..."...

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