
Thursday, April 4, 2019

"Superman; man of tomorrow; chapter three", directed by Steven Spielberg, Sophia Copolla and Scorcese....

Hanno Jason Leigh:.. ".. it's Ivan and that fucking mechanical gold bug.. ah.. it's the gold bug from a movie.. the director of "Hellboy 2" directed a movie called "Chronus".. Ivan gave that gold bug to me to use it to carve out an innocent old man's eye.. I don't like that.. I want Ivan to stop saying he's me- NOW!!!..."...

Thor:..."... Hanno.. I'm sorry.. please don't do this.. I'm begging you.. is their another way..."

Hanno Jason Leigh: "No, Thor.. you are my brother and you have always looked out for me.. you and Bruce Banner are the grace notes of the Avengers.. I'll never forget the words of Bruce Banner.. when he said.. that..

                  .. he liked me..."...

Joss Whedon:..".. I like you too Hanno.. and maybe .. in a way I simply can't explain I can sort of.. BE you.. and .. it was never me.. I was never with Disney.. Black Widow is with Disney.. Black Widow is Disney.. Black Widow is contracted with Disney.. Tony Stark is contracted with Disney.. sorry... NONE of the Hawkeye's have ANYTHING to do with Disney.. their with you.. ALL the Hawkeye's are your summer soldiers, Hanno.. the horrible thing that Hawkeye said was Black Widow and Tony Stark stealing his voice.. the documentary about rape, "She stole my voice".. exactly what happened with the terrible thing that Hawkeye said.."...


Scarlett from the Horse Whisperer..

Scarlett: - crying -.."WHAT A FOOL I WAS!!… And Tom didn't even think about Hanno.. Tom only thought about Scarlett, SCARLETT, SCARLETT!" - Scarlett from The Horse Whisperer starts hitting herself with her fist violently against the side of her head -..".. and Tom didn't care about what Scarlett did to Hanno!.."..

- elsewhere -

Black Widow is being led out of her house by corrupt cops.. she has a metal muzzle on her mouth..

Ivan (Tom Hiddleton) is somewhere else but sees this on video.. Ivan's face is the face of an emotionally shattered man...

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