
Saturday, December 19, 2015

Hanno Raudsepp has seen the force awakens, no joke.. and neither is the movie... Hanno Raudsepp's review of Star Wars the force awakens..

Is it worthwhile seeing the movie with 3-D glasses..

yes, yes it is....

Post traumatic battle stress shock syndrome for Finn the stormtrooper at the beginning of the movie

Does Finn the stormtrooper save the life of the rebel, Poe Dameron, who shot and killed Finn's friend... rendering Finn into post-traumatic stress disorder..

Yes... Finn rescues Poe and helps him escape..

Finn, smart .. is Finn smart..

Yes, very battle-smart..."the first order is coming.. they already know we're here.."

Is their sorrow in Kylo Ren's voice, when he identifies Finn as the turncoat stormtrooper..


Did Kylo Ren massacre the Jedi Academy?

Nothing so concrete, more abstract by Han Solo's brief explanation...

Kylo Ren strong shades of Spock in Star Trek 6: the undiscovered country?..


Is Kyle Ren gentler than Spock in Star Trek 6: the undiscovered country..

Yes, definitely.. Kylo permits defiance... he encourages it..

Does Daisy Ridley have an acting style uncannily like Mark Hammil's in the Empire Strike's back..


Does Kylo Ren forgive a stormstrooper, Finn, for refusing to execute hostages...?..

Yes, with a silent look

Is Captain Phasma in favour of leniency for Finn's desertion?..

Yes.... "it was a first offence.."

Is Finn disappointingly ungrateful to Captain Phasma much later in the movie?


Does that sound an awful lot like Cate Blanchett's voice as the fully armoured Captain Phasma?


Does Kylo Ren want BB-8 returned unharmed..


Does Daisy Ridley fight off mauraders with a staff like she can .. sorry.. like she can handle a staff against mauraders..

sorry, Harry, yes she does..

Does Kylo Ren have a temper tantrum..

Yes, huge terrifying... because Finn is identified as the turncoat, Kyle Ren feels.. hurt .. like it's a personal betrayal..

Does Daisy Ridley, in the movie, have a twitching lip, a shivery, shivering face... twitching facial features in general.. and a twitcherous mouf... ?..


Leia: - leia weeping, talking about her son, her loving son - If you see him, Han, bring him home...

Do Rei and Kylo have a fierce lightsaber-battle at the end of the movie..

Yes, after Chewie has shot Kylo with a blaster...

Does Rei defeat Kylo in lightsaber battle..

Sorta, then she promptly flees...

Does Kylo Ren kill his father, Han Solo..



After Kylo give his father Han his lightsaber..

Why did Kylo do that?

Because his father Han asked him to...

Kylo Ren feels Finn's turn to the resistance a personal betrayal.. also Kylo Ren might now be forced to kill Finn.. hence Kylo Ren's rage.. scary scene.. Kylo tearing up the deck with his blazing red lightsaber.... does it a second time later in the movie...

finally.. what is that code-speak Kylo Ren and Poe Dameron seem to be engaging in at the beginning of the movie?...

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