
Monday, February 15, 2016

.. the homeless man can be ares in scorcese's wonder woman movie.. the woman who helps him who helps the homeless man who is daniel day lewis's ares.. the woman can be judi dench...

Mass. woman spends lottery winnings to help homeless man

A Massachusetts woman won the lottery, and quickly spent all the reward money to help a homeless man on Saturday.
After her selfless act, Sofia Lorena also set up a GoFundMe for Glenn Williams, the homeless man she met just seconds after winning $200 on a scratch ticket, she said.
The crowdfunded charity has already raised more than $1,900 in less than 24 hours for Williams, who encountered Lorena on Saturday night while standing in the frigid cold in Wareham.
Lorena, a single mother of three, said she saw him after she won $200 from a scratch-off ticket and looked up from her car and noticed Williams, shivering in -8 degrees weather with a sign that read, “Anything Would Help.”
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She bought him a cup of coffee at Dunkin Donuts and asked where he was going to sleep that night, she said on her Facebook post.
When she learned he was going to be left to the streets that freezing night, Lorena decided to use her luck for good.
“It was then I knew why I won the $200,” she said. “So I drove him to the Rosewood Inn in Wareham and paid for a two-night stay.”
Since Saturday, she’s helped raise even more money to get Williams another week’s stay at a hotel, buying him time while she looks for more stable housing options, she said.
She said her friends have also been helping by sending food and clothes for Williams.
“I have honestly been so overwhelmed with the generosity of people coming together to help a man who has touched my heart in so many ways,” Lorena said.
Williams had been homeless for three years and getting rest in sleeping bags and tents until their lucky encounter, she said.

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