
Sunday, February 14, 2016

nude barbara minerva played by nude angelina jolie in nude wonder woman the movie...

nude Barbara Minerva: .. the Israeli contingency in the purchase of armaments from Iran by America.. was this part of a truly complex, world-altering peace negotiation going on between Israel and Iran, with Hezballah.. with the Palestinians as well.. was Iran-contra the attempt by Israel to bring peace to their age old middle-east conflict...

steve trevor: .. powerful theory, Barbara Minerva.. i'm going to devote my whole career to finding the answer to what you have put forth as a theory...

nude Barbara Minerva: .. it would be so nice if you did, steve.. you're a military man and I am HORRIFIED by how soldiers, how military men have been treated throughout the whole era of the last many centuries of military reality..

steve trevor:  i'd like to say we've come a way since.. a decade ago.. I could say since a decade ago... but thing haven't changed that much...

nude Barbara Minerva:  boo hoo hoo.. poor military men.. poor brave military men like you, steve trevor... I am soooo going to steal you from wonder woman..

steve trevor:  I think she'd be rather amenable to that... she's not so much a one woman, one man kind of dame.. goes back to her time in themyscira..

nude Barbara Minerva: .. ahh... yess.. Diana .. pooorrr Diana... told me life got rather difficult, alienating for her in her last few years, or last few decades which felt like years or years which felt like decades.. oh no.. she says she's only forty years old.. it seems ever since her teenage years, Diana's life has been alienating.. like she said she had lived her life on themyscira like a rare mineral.. like she was some rare rock artifact .. an antique she was being held by an ethereal womb like dream reality in her dream realm back in themyscira.. and when she entered our reality, her beautiful man's world as she so devotedly calls it, when Diana entered nude into man's world... she felt this stone antique like corporeal self which she was like a kind of silver cold glass which she had now become in our reality which could SHATTER at a touch.. she said she became sooo fragile when she entered our reality.... she felt nude herself so much like a kind of cold, freezing inhuman organism made of crystal glass.. and when a nice man, Christopher stevens, entered from the realm of man's realm, of man's world, to help her back on her feet, she never forgot it...

nude Barbara Minerva: nude Angelina jolie

steve trevor:  tom cruise

nude wonder woman:  nude megan gale..

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