
Saturday, July 30, 2016

Ares in Jenkins's Wonder Woman commenting on the industrial revolution...

Ares: .. ".. How about this .. Diana finch oothoon.. my sweet oothoon Diana nightingale.. Industrialism was a tyranny, a monstrous MONSTER tyranny, pre-medieval.. even a pre-medieval dystopia which enslaved MILLLIONS of people... and the industrial REVOLUTION was a rebellion, a revolution, against this tyranny.. of industrialism.. the rebels of the industrial revolution were no different than the most clipped, heroic, off-the-cuff Star Wars rebels in an early Star Wars movie.. i'm thinking of the original trilogy.. gentle, deary Diana finch Raskolnikov....."

Diana Finch Oothoon:.. ".. I am such a sweet rascal wag Diana... the oothoon waters beckon me... who was .. the god Urizen in this war.."

Ares: .. ".. ahh.. the great, grand god Urizen.. I knew him well.. he was a moderator.. he was much like a man you may have once met, Diana prince.. Metron.. Urizen was a god who was a man much like Metron.. a real universal moderator of weights and scales which devoted to studying industrialism and also its reflexive, consequent revolution like a lab.. like a laboratory industrialism was to Urizen... but Urizen almost had no form.. he was.. a smog.. a stormcloud... finally.. most of all.. he was lightning.. Urizen was lightning.. perhaps.. Diana Finch Oothoon.. he is your lighting, Diana prince...

scene written by Geoff johns for gal godot for the teeniest of gal godot's .. the gal godot on the doctor pepper soda cans.. and for.. Daniel.. just Daniel day lewis...

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