
Friday, February 23, 2018

"The Golden Bowl", chapter 5, written by Hanno Ridal Raudsepp...

"Maggie Verver was nude in the bathtube.. ".. spoke Maggie Verver, and she actually was.. she was in her bodily sense true to her proclamation... Prince Amerigo was in his study listening to her.. writing letters.. to himself.. Prince Amerigo as the proverbial man of letters, but a man of letters who only wrote letters to himself..

Nude Maggie Verver continued, ".. and I suppose when nude women talk about clothed women raping young boys.. "... and Nude Maggie Verver's voiced withered to a sob..".. and that this rape of young boys is in the real meaning of the word "rape".. not in that other, dreadful, rather interpenetrative, consensual sounding, common, oh-so-overwhelmingly-common use of the word "rape".. but when clothed women rape young boys with sharp objects.. not with a part of their own body.. as is the common, dreadful, stupid, brainless understanding of the word.. "rape".. the real and the only form of the word "rape" exists in terms of violation with actual metal or wooden or plastic objects.. and I suppose when a woman talks about the rape of innocent young boys with solid objects by clothed women, that woman is not supposed to be utterly nude when she talks about such war-crimes, such human atrocities against children, as nude as I, Nude Maggie Verver, am now.."

Prince Amerigo said.. quietly, gently, compassionately.. ".. I am writing a novel, Maggie Verver, and you are the heroine of that novel, and I am sorry, Maggie, I myself am in that novel but have quite a subsidiary, marginal role in it.. it is a novel about you, all about you, about the princess known as Maggie Verver.. the dreadful thing about this novel.. is that their is no female nudity in it whatsoever.. not from you either.. sorry, Maggie Verver.. I just can't write that word in front of your name.. the "n" word with a lower-case "n".. I'm .. ahh.. you known with "n" word... your favourite word.. Maggie Verver .. about such women as yourself and Charlotte Stant.. who has a lovely role in this novel.. okay.. I will use the word.. you .. Maggie Verver.. FEEL nude in this novel I'm writing.. perhaps, elusively, inexplicably, so does Charlotte Stant, the only other major female character in the novel, I am calling the novel, "The Golden Bowl".. and an old friend of middle-aged dignified years has given me his name to write it by a pseudonym, by his name, by his name.. that man.. is a friend of your father, Adam Verver.. his name is "Henry James".. I am writing this novel under his name, you see.."

Nude Maggie Verver said.. ".. you see to your nude Maggie verver so dear.."..

Prince Amerigo said... adhering to his rules of the privacy of Maggie Verver nude in her bath.. as he worked in his Edwardian study a couple of small rooms away but within hearing distance somehow. perhaps the acoustics of the house were swell... Prince Amerigo said..".. ahh.. yes.. I am writing about you in this novel.. called.. "The Golden Bowl".. as Henry James... the author is Prince Amerigo writing as Henry James.. as that old friend of your father.. a swell pair of capital chaps they both are.. Henry James and Adam Verver.."...

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