
Wednesday, February 21, 2018

The very, very beginning of "Superman; man of steel; chapter one", directed by Steven Spielberg and Sophia Copolla...

A young child, Levi Muller or Hank Baskett IV.. or perhaps both children.. talking together..

Levi Muller:.. ".. the Lovecraftian depths of the Depression of the 1930's.. they said Wall Streen investment bankers had committed suicide in unthinkable, unimaginable ways in the Economic Crisis of the 1920's.. and then the Depression of the 1930's began.. and.. wait .. wasn't Walter Lippman a young journalist in the 1920's.. ?.. "

Hank Baskett IV: .. ".. and Walter Lippman met a young dame named Lois Lane.. and he told her about Studs Terkil... the future writer Studs Terkil.. and he said he met the young Alvin Toffler.. and Marshall McCluhan.. and that he would someday meet Walter Kronkite.. and that he Walter Lippman would help Lois Lane meet all these people.. he would teach.. her.. he.. Walter Lippman would teach  Lois Lane everything he knew about.. journalism... "

Levi Muller: .. ".. David Kahn..."

Hank Baskett IV: .. ".. David.. Halberstam.. wrote.. "The Powers that be.. "

Levi Muller: .. ".. Hedrick Smith wrote a book called, "The Russians".. it is a massive, massive book.. about.. well.. the Russians... and he also wrote a book about Washington Politics.. Hedrick Smith did.. "

Hank Baskett IV: .. ".. and all.. these books mystically reached their way.. as if by teleportation .. from the latter have of the 1900's.. into the 1920's... when Lois Lane was a young teenage girl in Metropolis.. perhaps the father of the Greek God, Zeus.. Chronus.. Chronus.. Chronus.. did this.. for he was God of Time, Chronus was.. which may have made him God of Time-Travel.. and he could time-travel books that had been written and distributed in the 1980's and 1990's into the year 1920.. hence Lois Lane could read David Halberstam and David Kahn.."

Levi Muller: ,.. ".. the two Davids.."..

Hank Baskett IV: .. ".. and meanwhile .. in Metropolis .. the city where Lois Lane live in the suburban county of Donna Hills.. Perry White had recently left work at the New York Times for Adolph Ochs of the New York Times.. and Perry White was beginning his newspaper, The Daily Planet.. "

Levi Muller: .. and George Taylor (Alan Rickman) felt telluric tremours beneath his feet beneath the ground like gigantic worms beneath teh subterranean depths.. for George Taylor was beginning a newspaper called.. "The Daily Star"..

Hank Baskett IV: .. it is the 1980's.. now.. and the Daily Planet is a newspaper icon of truth, justice, authenticity, honesty, compassion and decency.. and meanwhile the Broadcast Network Galaxy Broadcasting was zeroing its sights on the helpless Daily Planet newspaper.. Perry White knew decisions had to be made.."

Track 1 of the Rupert Gregson-Williams original music soundtrack for the Patty Jenkins-directed, "Wonder Woman movie".. Track 1 of that CD by Rupert Gregson-Williams starts playing as..

Alexis Luthor (Michael Rosenbaum) is sitting at his desk at home.. he is looking out at the clear, green lawn with ancient eyes that seem to think the words of Macbeth, his very first words in the play, ".. so foul and fair a day I have not seen.."...

written by Hanno Ridal Raudsepp aka Hanno Jason Leigh.. for Steven Spielberg and Sophia Copolla to direct, "Superman; man of steel"...

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