
Tuesday, February 13, 2018

"position music" - "expectations" the official music of Alexis Luthor (Michael Rosenbaum)....

.. some David Kahn German military intelligence words and terms for Michael Rosenbaum.. to remember..?..

1) HX 229... i think it's HX 229.. is their an RX 229..?..

2) Junker Ju 188.. do I have it right..?... are the Junker Ju 188 .. are they.. planes..?.. airplanes..?.. is the correct number.. 188...?.. for Junker Ju.. for Junker Ju...

3)  the B-Dienst .. the B-Dienst... the "B-Dienst".. the ... the .. "B-Dienst"...

4) .. the Forschungsamt.. the Fortschungsamt.. or the Forschungsamt.. not sure if the word is with or without a "t" in the middle... does this represent... Doris Zeul..?..

some names..

1) Walter Schellenberg

2) Kathe Korthekamp.. the wife of Walter Schellenberg....?... I think she was..

3)  Wilhelm Canaris.. he looks just like Jason Robards, he is the Chieften of the Abwehr .. and he is the eternal protector of the Dini / Benitez Poison ivy Pamela Isley.. he is Abwehr Chieften Wilhelm Canaris..

4) Karl Maria Jost... Harvey Keitel is playing Karl Maria Jost.. he has a fourth first name.. I forget his fourth first name... of Karl Maria Jost...

5)  Heydrich.. the man who was seen as the leader of the Murder Incorporated of the Nazi Germany monolith.. wait.. was Heydrich the leader of the SD.. or the SS.. I'm honestly not sure... or of neither...?.. of an entirely different organization whatsoever.. he is the treu mediaeval protecter eternal of the Simone Bianchi Poison ivy who is none other than the Neil Gaiman Pamela Isley of his three-volume masterpiece.. "Black Orchid" by writer Niel Gaiman and artist Dave McKean.. the second volume of "Black Orchid" contains the Niel Gaiman Pamela Isley Poison ivy eternally protected by Heydrich .. Heydrich.. Heydrich...

6) Wilhelm Fenner

7) William Tranow... or Wilhelm Trenow.. or William Trenow.. or Wilhelm Trenow.... or Wilhelm Tranow... sorry .. not sure of the spelling of his name.. a treu controversial personage is.. Wilhelm Tranow...?...

Some people in Steve Coll's book, "Ghost Wars"..

1) Richard Clarke

2) Bill Richardson

3) Hekmatyar  - somehow with a truly severe, vicious violent reputation... for throwing acid in women's faces.. Hekmatyar....

4) Massoud.. the eternal protector of Doris Zeul.. Massoud...

5) Hamid Ghul.. the eternal protector of the Simone Bianchi Poison ivy Pamela Isley...  Hamid Ghul...

6) Ed McWilliams.. a treu Ted Kord for our generation...?.. Ed McWilliams..

7)  Brigadier Yousaf...

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