
Tuesday, January 24, 2017

emma frost...

emma frost: ..".. I feel an amoeba octopus soul inside myself and my endoplasmic reticulum of my inner cell-substance feels somehow like the very squid-tentacles of my soul.. I feel sometimes as if I can feel the very sensations of the membranes of my cells.. as if my inner sensations reach the cellular level.. perhaps it is how I malformed.. transformed my substance into that of diamond.. thru pure sensation.. thru pure sensation.. thru something like.. Zen.."...

Sebastian Shaw: ..".. it is why you are the White Queen in Chess.. Emma.. dear Emma.. a rost frost-queen thou art of very snowflake intricacies.. like a fractal snowflake is your very soul.. emma .. frost.. I'm sorry .. was that polite at all for me to say..."

emma frost: ..".. it was a very polite thing.. an extraordinarily polite thing to say to ME.. Sebastian.."

Sebastian Shaw:. ..".. you see.. emma.. frost.. my emma.. I feel if you feel you can like I aspire to myself feel the very cells of yours or my consciousness .. as very sensations.. or the membranes of th cells of you or me as very sensations.. that this is why you are the White Queen in Chess.. emma.. frost.. why you have such a freedom of mobility and navigation.. why the very endoplasmic reticulum and cytoskeleton of the soul itself informs your passage and journey thru many labyrinths of the purest political designs and political schematics.. as if you know the very cytoskeleton of the political schematics of the Pentagons and the Joint Chiefs of Staff .. of the Pentagon.. and you have a Washington soul.. emma.. emma.. frost.. and you can navigate by the most seemingly to seemself reckless apparently elusively, deceptively reckless abandon thru the most complicated sea-mariner King Ahab of the mighty Oceans and Seas navigation.. as if you hadst the most complex rudder of all for labyrinthine ocean navigation thru the ocean of Pentagon politics.. and it is all a seeming.. it is all a seemself seeming.. a selfsame seeming emma.. a selfsame seeming emma..."

Emma Frost: ..".. and I am a shuffling selfsame chess-seeming of chess-shuffling of seeming self-shuffling off my mortal coil of soul.. into my very soil of .. of self... of self-identity-emma..."

scene for Scorcese's "The Uncanny X-men" written by Scott Snyder for winona ryder (emma frost) and liam neeson (Sebastian Shaw).. both members of the infamous, notorious Fabian Society.. later renamed the Hellfire Club....

   .. medusa ...

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