
Monday, January 23, 2017

Finally .. "The Uncanny X-men 3: the Pheonix Project" the JAMES JOYCE Finnegans Wake version.. directed by Scorcese / Ridal Scott / and Francis Ford Copolla .. a true 20-hour "The Uncanny X-men 3" movie..

and before that "The Uncanny X-men 3: the Pheonix Project" movie which we've been filming for the past five or six months is the James Joyce "Ulysses" "The Uncanny X-men 3: the Phoenix Project" version.. fourteen hours and forty minutes long.. this version..?.. where Jean Grey's Marvel Girl is "Dilly Dedelus".. Stephan Dedelus's little sister.. in this version.. who has a very, very small but crucial role in James Joyce's "Ulysses".. with grave, grave apologies to Winona Ryder for giving this role to Juliette Lewis in "The Uncanny X-men 3: the Phoenix Project" directed by Ridal Scott James Joyce's "Ulysses" version...

the third version of "The Uncanny X-men 3: the Phoenix Project" is the James Joyce's "Ulysse" in the French translation... the French language version of James Joyce's "Ulysses", the French translation of "Ulysses" by James Joyce version of "The Uncanny X-men 3: the Phoenix Project" by Ridal Scott, Scorcese, and the director of Son of Saul...

the fourth version - the Cassirer.. is his first name Ernst .. Ernst Cassirer.. his long long essay book "Substance and Function / Einstein's Theory of Relativity" version of "The Uncanny X-men 3: the Phoenix project" directed by Lars Van Tiers / Roger Donaldson..

the fifth version - the "Pour Comprendre le Media" the French translation of Marshall McCluhan's "Understanding media" version of "The Uncanny X-men 3: the phoenix Project" ... directed by the director of Son of Saul or perhaps the director of Emmanuelle Beart's "La Belle Noisieuse"...

the sixth version - the Alvin Toffler "Future Shock" / "The Third Wave" version of "The Uncanny X-men 3: the Phoenix Project".. directed by Oliver Stone.. and Francis Ford Copolla?.. and Geoffrey Wright..?.. the truly powerfully surreal director of Sam Worthington's / Victoria Hill's contemporary, urban "Macbeth" could be the third director on this Alvin Toffler version of "The Uncanny X-men 3: the Phoenix Project"..

the seventh version of "The Uncanny X-men 3: the Phoenix Project" directed by Ridal Scott.. is the Douglas Hofstadter "Godel Escher Bach" version .. also is the Steven Hawking and the Steven Hawking edited essays of "Albert Einstein" and Steven Hawking's "God created the Integer" version of Juliette Lewis's "Marvel Girl".. "The Uncanny X-men 3: the Phoenix Project" .. directed by "Blade Runner's" Ridley Scott.. "Blade Runner" and early, early movie directed by Ridley Scott.. this is the official Blade Runner version of "The Uncanny X-men 3: the Phoenix Project"..

the eight version of "The Uncanny X-men 3: the Phoenix Project" is the official English-speaking, English text written "The Gutenberg Galaxy" / "Understanding Media" Marshall McCluhan version of "The Uncanny X-men 3: the phoenix project"..

the ninth version of "The Uncanny X-men 3: the Phoenix Project" is yet another Violette Le Duc, "La Batarde" version of "The Uncanny X-men 3: the Phoenix Project" .. but sorry... I think this happened during the editing process of the book .. so I'll just warn you.. Violette Le Duc complains rather horridly about the smell of horse manure.. horse "turds" outside her window in this book.. "La Batarde".. ".. I shall not weep.. I shall not weep...".. oh puhleeeze.. didn't World War II just begin.. you must have SOMETHING to write about other than the religious crystalline sanctity of a church stain glass window...."...

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