
Monday, January 23, 2017

The five or six or seven "The Uncanny X-men 2: the mutant massacre" movies...

1- "The Uncanny X-men 2: the mutant massacre" the Violette le Duc version movie.. again another FIRST!!!.. Emma Frost Uncanny X-men movie.. now this time the movie about the massacre of the morlocks and .. the eloi..?.. the eloi of which Emma Frost is quintessentially one...?... she is Queen-Eloi..?..

2 -.. "The Uncanny X-men 2: the mutant massacre".. Harold Bloom version.. the most apocalyptic portrayal and characterization-description of Shakespeare characters ever written in the history of Shakespeare criticism .. at least since D. A. Traversi...

3 - ... sorry Rozencrantz and Guildenstern... "The Uncanny X-men 2: the mutant massacre".. the George Bernard Shaw version.. for old Bernard Shaw always felt himself to be a Rozencrantz...

4 - .. "The Uncanny X-men 2: the mutant massacre" - .. Virginia Woolf "The Waves " / "To the Lighthouse" / "Mrs. Dalloway" .. version .. the nineteen-hour version of "The Uncanny X-men 2: the mutant massacre" .. the official Virgina Woolf version...

5 -... "The Uncanny X-men 2: the mutant massacre" .. the Beatrice Webb / D. A. Traversi version.. for Beatrice Webb may very well have felt herself to be the parasite or "parasite" in Ancient Roman comedy of George Bernard Shaw.. Beatrice Webb may very well indeed have felt herself to be the Rozencrantz or Guildenstern to Shaw's Hamlet..

6 - .."The Uncanny X-men 2: the mutant massacre" .. the A. C. Bradley version.. the version where Ethan Hawke's nighcrawler finally becomes Ultimate Hero...

7- ..".. once more.. "The Uncanny X-men: the mutant massacre".. the Jean-Paul Sartre / Jean Genet / Simone de Bouevier / Violette le Duc / Henry James..?.. version .. perhaps finally a twenty-hour .. a 20-hour version of "the Uncanny X-men 2: the mutant massacre".. again directed by Scorcese.. where Leanordo's young teenage Cain Marco.. truly becomes the teenage "JEAN-PAUL SARTRE" Cain Marco .. who very well may have written, "The psychology of Imagination" at a very young age.. how about Savannah Samson's Nude Rogue is Mona from Sartre's "The Age of Reason" in this version.. and I think, in Sartre's "The Age of Reason"..there's an awkward nude female stage dancer who Savannah Samson would lover love her Nude Rogue to be in this version as well..

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