
Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Natalia Knight in... Scott Snyder's All-Star Batman comic book.. within the next two years..?.. or a bit later than two years from now to be published..?...

A flashback to Harvey Dent's Gotham District Attorney days...

Harvey Dent: .."..ahh.. Natalia.. your potential guardianship of Jason Todd.. it means a lot to Bruce Wayne that you be considered the very first mother of Jason Todd.. he .. Bruce Wayne.. my friend.. Bruce.. compared you to Gertrude in William Shakespeare's Hamlet.. who Bruce.. always.. insisted to me.. was always a lovely woman.."

Natalia Knight: ..".. thanks.. Harvey.. I must confess.. Harvey.. I always found Gertrude rather.. hateful.."

Harvey Dent: ..".. hateful.. hateful..(!).."

Natalia Knight: ..".. it was when I found Gertrude most hateful that I thought she most resembled me as Jason Todd's mother.."

Harvey Dent: ..".. ahh.. the best mothers are the women most deeply, intensely, self-severely distrustful of themselves as mothers.. if you tell.. if you TELL Jason Todd of your own avowed untrustworthiness as a mother.. Jason Todd will always love you.. and find you rather always lovable and worthy of love as a mother.. and a woman.. Natalia.. even thru the very worst most hellish of times.."

Natalia Knight: .. ".. boo hoo hoo.. I won't be their for those times.. Harvey.. I think Margaret Wayne.. Bruce Wayne's older mother.. who is very much alive.. I met her.. she'll have taken over as Jason Todd's mother during the hell-of-mother.... during the mother-from-Hell era of poor, stalwart, courageous Jason Todd's life.. the young man of powerful fortitude Jason Todd.. when he has that DAMNABLE Mother-from-Hell Margaret Wayne as a mother.. I could kill her..  I could gouge out her heart for the way she will treat.. my .. son.. Jason Todd.. I could eviscerate Margaret Wayne's intestines for the way she will abusively.. ahabuhusivly treat my .. my son Jason Todd for all those years when the asshlllsheheehllee Natalia Knight becomes the biggest Bitch BIOTCH-deadbeat-mother on earth' since the dawn of post-proto-history.. "

Harvey Dent: .. ".. Natalia.. Knight.. I don't actually want Margaret Wayne to spend a single day.. or a single hour. or a single two minutes as Jason Todd's mother.. I've got an idea.. why don't I arrange a contractual marriage.. between you and Bruce Wayne.. no church wedding whatsoever.. why don't I see to it that you and Bruce Wayne .. marry.."

Natalia Knight: - a big grin - ..".. MARRY!!??..."..

Harvey Dent: ..".. I'll talk to Bruce.. I'm sorry.. it might be bureaucratically hard to do the fair thing and arrange for you to actually MEET Bruce Wayne.. to have a proper personal encounter with the man.. but I'll get you both married.. I will.. I will see to it that you become Bruce Wayne's very first honest-to God WIFE..!.."..

Natalia Knight: ..".. AWESOME..!!!..... I think.. I just want.. to have a few years with Jason Todd.. I want to read him Hamlet.. William Shakespeare's Hamlet.. so that Jason Todd can grow up to become Hamlet Prince of Denmark himself someday.. "


in a dark, dank, wet, broken-down shed .. - next panel.. The Joker is sitting at a desk drinking

Joker: .."... Joker .. you COCKSUCKER...!... sorry.. ahhwwwhhh.. hell...."..

script written by Scott Snyder for a future issue of All-Star Batman somewhere down the line in the next few years..

 .. medusa ...

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