
Thursday, January 26, 2017

Justice League 4.. directed by Zach Snyder...

Catman: ..".. Circe has become an Adolf Hitler out of our worst horrors.. an Adolf Hitler who doesn't resemble an iota the beautiful Adolf Hitler of John Toland's book.. that Adolf Hitler is me.. John Toland's Adolf Hitler is me.. but the Adolf Hitler who Circe is is an older Hitler .. who never had any personal consciousness of victimization.. an Adolf Hitler who had never himself experienced Auschwitz, unlike the Adolf Hitler of John Toland's book.. who.. had... John Toland's Adolf Hitler was a man who knew who it was like to be.. Sondra Fuller.. as I do .. myself.. and why after time-travel was itself reversed and Nude Nightingale Mist II had gone back in time to reverse by legal coda the very genetic DNA structure of the fabric of space and time of the twentieth century itself.. so that Auschwitz.. so that the Nazi sexual genocide against the Jews never happened.. and so the Nazi's would never invent the myth of circumcision for the Jews, a myth they wish to make into a reality.. all of this was to prevent by..

Nude Nightingale Mist: .. by the power of the shattered pubis of nude Nightingale Mist II..

Catman: .. ".. and the only thing I do not understand.. is why all this failed.. that is the only thing I do not understand... why Circe now in her full length purple leotard leopard costume.. keeps Barbara Minerva nude like a black girl in her clutches.. why Circe keeps the mortal Amazon Artemis in a state of full undress.. naked.. and bound in her clutches.. "

Nude Nightingale Mist II: .. ".. Nude Poison ivy and Nude I were both their and we were nude and the girly-girly-toys nude of Clothed Purpleclothed Circe.. but their was another Poison ivy their.. the Poison ivy who had wrought genocide upon Gotham.. who looked .. so odd.. who looked different.. somehow.. different.. she looked autumn clothed.."

Harvey Dent: .."... I became Harvey Dent to figure out how Circe .. could develop split personality... and Barbara Minerva.. I did that to become .. Harvey Two-Face.. I became an entity only known as.. Harvey Two Face... I became a quintessential Dick Tracy villain.. to stop this.. and failed.. nonetheless.. despite using all my knowledge of the law to do this.."

.. script for Zach Snyder's "Justice League 4" written by Scott Snyder....

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