Pamela Isley (Kate Moss) :...".. it came like a great Satanic Siberian Husky... the demonization of fathers by PBS.. something so beyond the comprehension of the senses that it devoured me whole the husk of my viscera, the short-barrel of my stomach was windswept and hollowed out empty whole by this demon-action by PBS against fathers.. and.. my father... my father.. methinks I see my father, Horatio.. where.. in my mind's eye... nothing more.. nothing more.. I knew your father .. he was a goodly king..."..
Matt Hagen (Richard Gere) :..".. I feel like my own very garbage-hankerchief soul if the soul of my father yet he was a goodfellow goodman good good with a whisky-draught... my father never got drunk.. altho he drank like a fish.. like a trout perhaps.. or like a barricuda perhaps my father drank.. or like a good salamander drinking liquor.. oh wait.. my father sort of got drunk.. but he was.. lets we say.. skittish.. when he got drunk.. and he said some things he regretted that may have been entirely different things after all.. my father was CERTAINLY not a serious drunk when he was drunk .. which was rarely if at all.. hey.. pamela.. sorry.. talkin' about my father i am.. misty-mind's eye memory.. sorry.. is it now a snooze-alert with ol' matt hagen .. yer buddy matt hagen poison ivy.. is that what they call you their in the harbour-merry-dock .. poison ivy is what the rich ol' sailer's call you.. pamela..?.."
Pamela Isley (Kate Moss) :.. ".. what a name.. heh... poison ivy.. what a name.."..
scene between Kate Moss and Richard Gere.. between Pamela Isley and Matt Hagen.. written by William Mackenzie.. aka Hanno Ridal Raudsepp... for Tim Burton's / Geoffrey Wright's co-directed, "Gotham; chapter one" or maybe for their other movie, "Gotham; chapter two"...
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