
Saturday, February 3, 2018

Scott Summer is James Marsden...

Scott Summers (James Marsden) : ...".. We are much to blame for this.. as Socrates felt he was to blame for perhaps he felt  he disenfranchised the youth.. or that he was to blame for a lack of respect among the youth... and I read a book, a short rather short essay-book called, "Leisure, the basis  of culture"... I forget the name, sorry, of the man who wrote the essay in question.. but on the back of this book it says that this essay criticizes the promotion of youth-culture.. that youth-culture is too powerful and omnipresent in society.. that's what the back of this essay-book says.. and we are much to blame for this, is something that I say and that perhaps Socrates in Ancient Greece may have said.. for a kind of undertow of tidal wave of youth culture.. something that could be so subliminal and quite beyond arcane in a glorification of youth-culture.. "

Scarlet Witch: - in another State in the  United States of America - :.... ".. mmmmm... youth-culture is goooooodddd... noooo.. ittt'ss.. nottttt..."...

Scott Summers (James Marsden) :..".... William Marston said that not even girls want to be girls when the female image lacks force and power..."

Scarlet Witch: .. ".. mmmmm.. butttt girrrrllsss arrrrre notttt goodddd... and foorrrccceee and poowwwerrrr arrrreee goooddd forrrrr girrrllssss ifff theirrrr superrrrrviillainnss.. yesss.. ohhhhhh...."

Scott Summers (James Marsden) :..".. youth ... perhaps power wants youth.. but that youth does  not want power.. youth wants to be shy, youth wants to be painfully so, painfully shy.. youth wants to hesitate at the world.. and Hamlet chose to hesitate and he chose AGAINST power in choosing hesitation instead and that was the choice Hamlet made and that is the choice that youth makes..."

Scarlet Witch: ..".. sniff.. Hamlet is the smartest man in medieval history.. and beyond medieval history too.."

Scott Summers (James Marsden) : ..".. and if youth-culture chooses hesitation and chooses in reality to withdraw from the world.. and youth-culture chooses to seek shades within it's own soul.. then youth-culture chooses something rather.. Jamesian..."...

Scarlet Witch: .."... and I am going to play the young girl at the centre of "Washington Square" by Henry James.. aaahhAAAHHHHHH..."

Quicksilver shows up beside his sister, Scarlet Witch..

Quicksilver (Ben Affleck) : ..".. I'm the young man who falls in love with the young girl in "Washington Square".. and I think something dreadful and medusa-like happened with Henry James's "Washington Square".... and I had to .. become.. that young man.. and their has always been somethin self-motivatedly bestial in the nature of myself Quicksilver and young son..."

Scarlet Witch: - crying and wailing large gulpfulls of tears - :.. ".. but I lob him.. but I lob him.."

Quicksilver (Ben Affleck) :...".. some things are.. unanswerable.. unanswerable.. but I'll play that young man in the future in a movie of "Washington Square".. and even if I'm not the next young man to play him my destiny is so black to play him.. that my destiny warps time and physical matter itself so I can play him.. someday.. someday.. and I am the son of Magneto.. and I am and have always been a darker shadow of the first.. a Raven-son I am.. a Raven son.."

Scarlet Witch (Kate Moss) : ..".. Lennnnorrrreeee...."

screenplay for Scorcese-directed, "The Uncanny X-Men", written by William Mackenzie aka Hanno Ridal Raudsepp...

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