
Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Daniel Day Lewis is The Joker in Scorcese's "The Batman"...

The Joker: ..".. methinks I see a crime and it is.. not me.. it's no one... the crime is no one.. ahhh.. it is no crime cyclops I see.. for I see with one eye darkly.. and it is a schizophrenic glance.. a judas tonic.."

Lady Styx in outer space...

Lady Styx: .. ".. I never wanted to be God.. I certainly never wanted to replace God.. It's Christ.. It's Christ I want to replace.. I want to be Lady Christ.. I want to be Lady Christ.. I want to be Lady Christ.. Jesus who?.."

The Joker in Gotham..

The Joker: ..".. Jesus Priest.. and no Christ Priest need apply.. I will always be a betrayer of Jesus.. for I don't think I quite trust him, not quite at all.. "

The Riddler: ..".. I sold Christ down the river long ago.."

The Joker: ..".. Ahh.. our law-abiding Napoleon of the Law.. Batman.. who owns half of Gotham real-estate doesn't like that.. "

The Riddler: ..".. you once have once been Sherlock Holmes, fess up, jokes.."

The Joker: ..".. heh.."

The Batman glides thru the air..

The Batman: ..".. I am in for the fight of my life.. James Paul Gordon if still Police Commissioner and I must follow him to the ends of the earth.."

The Joker is still  in his crime den with the Riddler

The Joker: ..".. So.. I here a woman .. the Madame with a little black book of Gotham.. a Countess who calls herself Countess Lady Styx is in town, which Jesu pardon... she says she wants to put a pox on doubters.. and.. Harley?.."

Harley: ..".. ahh... the Riddler said I should be in the movie.."

The Joker glares severely with real anger and rage at the Riddler..

The Joker: ..".. Well.. Iscariot.. you have played the game set and match.. but.. wait.. I'm supposed to figure something out now that you didn't.. aren't I, Riddler.."

The Riddler: .. '.. as you wish, shakes.."

script by Scott Snyder for Scorcese's "The Batman"...

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