
Sunday, November 27, 2016

The Screenplay for Tim Burton's / Joel Schumacher's.. "Batman: Dream of Eale..."...

Bruce Wayne: ..".. I think it's been a long time in a wedding of silly parsimony like a double-coin flip of .."

Alfred: ..".. Harvey Two-Face.. or finally.. just now.. Two-Face.."

Bruce Wayne: ..".. He rather likes the name.. it denotes treachery and Harvey Dent always worshipped in his legal coda he worshipped the Norse Goddess Frigga.. Odin's Wife.."

Alfred: ..".. what a sad feeling this is.."

Bruce Wayne: ..".. and the Norse God Odin had the power of metamorphisis.. and so does Batman.. Batman is a metamorphisizing God... and I am looking for the Horned God of mad witches in Gotham... written of by an author of the first name "Margaret"... I somehow .. sorry.. cannot remember the authoresses last name.. the woman who wrote the book about the history of witchcraft.. "The Horned God".."..

Alfred:.. ".. ahh.. Queen Margaret .. no.. I .. I can't think about Queen Margaret.. her murder of the young teenage boy Rutland was too horrific.. and it involved a soldier named Clifford who I believe was her henchman.."

Bruce Wayne: ..".. yes.. I feel like the Richard of Gloucester of Gotham.. steeped in the blood of pretty Rutland.. of Jason .. Jason.. Jason.. Rutland.."

Alfred: ..".. no one knows who killed Jason.. but we know it wasn't the Joker.. that was merely .. a comic book.. a comic book.. written by a writer who actually has talent but is considered one of the lesser lights of Batman writers.. with apologies to our friend Jim Starlin.."

Bruce Wayne: ..".. their were things about "Death in the Family" I liked.. I liked the characterization of Jason Todd very much.. I rather liked how Jim Starlin wrote Jason Todd... of course it was Max Allen Collins who revitalized Jason Todd into the post-crisis universe.. it was Max Allen Collins who decided that Jason Todd would be a juvenile delinquent before he met me.. Bruce Wayne.. and that he Jason Todd meets Bruce Wayne when Jason Todd is stealing the hubcaps off the Batmobile.."

Alfred: ..".. ahahahhah.. yes.. Max Allen Collins has a rather labyrinthine literary history..."

screenplay for "Batman: Dream of Eale" written by Scott Snyder the second...

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