
Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Loki in Age of Ultron... by Joss Whedon...

Loki: .."...I am going to talk to you about the species of human e. coli calle.. "the male troll".. the male troll works in Soviet Providence Gulag Mental Institutions.. the male troll may look human, may look like a human man but he is not a man or a human being... he is literally a troll who once lived under a bridge waiting to lure teenage boys in fairy tales and who now works in Soviet Providance Gulag Mental Institutions now that he has managed to adopt a human form.. he still sexually preys on teenage men.. for that is what male trolls do.. He is not a victim.. He is a troll.. in human form, but still a troll from fairy tales.. he merely has adopted a human guise and trappings.. he likes giving orders.. to young teenage men.. in Soviet Providance Gulags... he once lived under a bridge and lured teenage men into captivity.. "

emile candida: .. ".. you don't know.. what .. is the truth of my personal story.. unless I tell you.. i'm not real.. I mean.. sorr- that I'm.. that their is a hologram of me but it is literally a hologram.. see... it's not a hologram made of diamond... of solid diamond.. it's not a diamondback hologram.. it's like an old-fashioned hologram that if you touched it your hand would go thru it like going.. thru.. thru air.. and it was an exact double hologram of me.. and that hologram could speak thru.. sonar optics?.. and that hologram hurt people by the evil, Satanic things it said.. but I am flesh and blood.. and that was .. sorry.. the troll under the bridge in the Providance Soviet Gulag.. was.. wasn't a "he".. sorry sorry.. wasn't a he.. was actual .. a hologram that wasn't even made of light.. it was as if the hologram was made of air.. of dust particles of the air that reflect light.. and that's what the hologram of me in Soviet Providance Gulag was.. that's what a troll, a troll from fairy tale myths.. actually is.. that's.. sorry.. that's all it is.."...

Loki monologue written for Joss Whedon by Scott Snyder for "The Avengers: Age of Ultron"...

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