
Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Orora and Jean Grey are out walking on the street city sidewalks..

Orora: ..".. the sun beckons down on Jerusalem.."

Jean Grey: ..".. Jerusalem is still a divided city and I hear the mayor of Jerusalem is a real maniac.. a real wing-nut zealot.."

Orora: ..".. don't believe everything you read.. look for the subtext of articles.. especially if you read them from that's the article you're referring to, aren't you, Jean.."

Jean Grey: ..".. yeah.. and - what?..".. a twelve year old boy crashes into Jean Grey and grabs her purse and runs with it..

Jean Grey: ..".. hey .... come back, you little creep.."

Orora: ..".. Jean..."

Jean Grey starts running after the twelve-year old purse-snatcher..

Jean Grey: .."... hey.. Orora.. you backin' me up?.."

Orora stands where she was, paralyzed with self-fear...

Jean Grey is still running after the twelve year old boy..

Jean Grey runs into the subway entrance-tunnel into the ground underneath the sidewalk after him..

Jean Grey: .."... hey, you fucking little punk.. don't you know you're leading me.. somewhere.. da.. ngg.. er.. ous.. "

Demogoblins:.. amoeba-fear runs the rivers of Gothic underworld Tartarus's.. Tartarus now claims you Jean Grey..

Phantasms:.. ".. read the newspapers Jean Grey.. they chronicle the text of your life for your life and your flesh and blood will be transmuted and alchemized into fresh newsprint and fresh newspaper.. beware Jean lest you transform into paper... into wafer-thin paper.. wafers can crack too..

Beelzebub: ..".. Jean.. Grey.. I'm glad I found you .. although I found you far too late.. be a tribal wild child no longer Jean.. you greed for gold Jean Grey.. for too much Gold you greed Jean Grey.. your greed will be your undoing Jean Grey.. I speak as a man a demogoblet man who was once the greediest miser Tyrant of Mesopotamia...

gentle spirit-phantoms: .. ". jean.. the cops who run the Satanic '80's Cults of the underground Subways are not here yet.. their coming .. not for many .. months?.. only months?.. you are .. you should be safe right now in the Subway transit system.. but it is not safe.. it is a hot zone with flesh-eating bacteria in the form of Cops Satanic Assaultive Cops here in the Underground Subway.. I beg you Jean Grey avoid this place if you can henceforth.. I beg and plead with you this Jean .. Jean Grey...

Jean Grey walks gently and unaffectedly up out of the subway tunnel entrance back up to the sidewalk .. as she walks up the stairs she sees Orora standing leaning looking scared against the metal wall-railing of the stairs..

Orora: ..- listlessly - ...".. stip a step.. stip a step.."

Jean Grey: ..".. Orora.. where were you.. why didn't you help me.."

Orora starts crying..

Orora: ..".. why do you talk so meanly always.. Jean Grey.."

Jean Grey: ..".. what?.. I don't get it.."

Orora: ..".. I feel .. chilled.. I feel something chilling clamming against my skin freezing it to the touch..

Jean Grey: ..".. Jean Grey .. something happened down here.. my telepathy started going into Act-up mode.."

Orora: ..".. Jean.. stop.. just stop.."

Jean Grey: ..".. I feel a chill in the air.."

Orora: ..".. don't talk.. those words are not yours Jean.."

Jean Grey: ..".. a dark clammy fear freezing against my face like an agony of a black harvest.."

Orora: ..".. Jean.. Jean.. Jean.. you're reading.. your.... you're reading my thoughts.. JEAN!!.. HOW... DARE... YOU!!!..."

Jean Grey: ..".. I'm not.."

Orora: ..".. I.. DO.. NOT.. LIKE.. SPIES.. INTO.. MY.. SOUL.. JEAN.. GR - .."..

And all Hell breaks loose..

zoom medusa zu Harry Knowles.. a.. ain't it cool news.. com..

Christopher Walken is Beelzebub..

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