
Sunday, November 27, 2016

emma frost becomin a sensibility for her sense pure jane austen.. in a book I've sporadically .. no.. that was pride and prejudice.. a book which may have a title bespeaking the Black Queen of the Hellfire Club.. emma frost... just.. emma frost of the Hellfire Club... a true clube.. a true clubber-woman... lost my train of thought.. oh yes.. the Hellfire Club believes in evolution.. and it is through a theory of evolutoin that emma frost wishes to graduate to status of The White Queen.... of Chess and Hellfire.. Chess a true game of true Hellfire...

emma frost: .. " .. now.. boys and girls.. we al know . .the very first White Queen of the very first Hellfire Club.. back when it was called the Fabian Society.. she was no one other than Beatrice Webb, the very, very first White Queen.. a hope... I think so.. and she ... was around the beginning of the twentieth century.. and here I am such a young woman emma at the beginning of the Hellish twenty-first.. and we all know now why Harry's talkbacker's hate the word of First.. because it is in fact the First century of the milleneum and we all sure hate that.. "...

Sebastian Shaw: ..".. and I feel now my brother or ancestor of ancestors brother was George Bernard Shaw but I feel I may have written some of his plays.... and such a play may have been "Man and Superman".. and .. emma.. I actually based the truly heroic Don Juan Demarco of that play .. on you.. emma.. for Don Juan of "Man and Superman" proclaims himself the ultimate defiar of convention.. he detests everything that the so-called conventional people stand for.. and he calls them all liars.."

Emma frost: .."... oh Sebastian.. then I'm not sure Don Juan can be me.. for I am the White Queen of Black lies.. "..

Sebastian Shaw: ..".. ah.. but my Don Juan WOULD say that.. he would say that he .. well.. would CALL himself a liar to fight the liars of the world.."..

Emma Frost: .."... but I always feel a join the liars of the world.. and collaborate with them in true lies.. at least I stay away from false lies.."..

Black Queen: ..".. I .. I.. I may deal in false lies.. in the most black art of black irony I deal in... in a razor-sharp broadsword disembowelling irony I trade and deal in.. you've gone to my website... haven't you.. emma.."

Emma Frost: ..".. too dark for me, babe.."

Black Queen: ..".. ahh.. yes.. emma.. and what is it you do here exactly anyway.."

Emma Frost:  ..".. I avoid the internet for one thing and try to counsel others to do likewise.. or at least to avoid .. well.. I tell them to look for Louis Armand's finnegans wake essay on the virus and to look for Donald F. Theall.. and to look for essays on William Blake on the internet.. but I would never tell them to go to your website, Wendy.."

Sebastion Shaw: ..".. ahh.. yes... we all need some windy nous sometime.. Julian Jaynes wrote about the wendy nous..."

Black Queen: ..".. I.. I wish to read Jaynes someday.."

scene written for Scorcese's "The Uncanny X-men".. a quintessential Hellfire Club scene written by Scott Snyder

zoom medusa zu Harry Knowles.. a.. ain't it cool news.. org.. net.. com.. rom.. Montgomery... rom.. calm.. Montcalm... rom.. comm..

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